0000008085 00000 n Its overwhelming success in the by-elections to the Muslim seats in the UP is seen as the surest indicator of Realized the image problem. The Warring States period is known for its peace and prosperity. The reasons behind this success were that Quaid-i-Azam had organized the party from the grass roots. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Congress Ministries (1937-1939) Even though Muslim League and Congress were against the Government of India Act 1935, yet it was implemented in the winter of 1937. The Congress rule from 1937-39 was also a If Muslims around India all voted for the Muslim League then this indeed would happen. 0000007850 00000 n League tickets were awarded to most suitable candidates and funds were disbursed wisely. What is the average 40 yard dash time for a 11 year old boy? [ [1]] This session of the All-India Muslim League. the reason for the failure of Muslim league in the 1937 However, it was able to draw on the support of some small pro-Congress groups to form a working majority. 3. The idea of coalition being turned down by the Congress, Fazlul Huq, the leader of the KPP parliamentary group of 35 members, could persuade the Muslim League and . 0000078468 00000 n The Congress formed governments in United provinces, Bihar, the Central Provinces, Bombay and Madras. 0000007662 00000 n [16] The Congress won a clear majority in the United Provinces, with 133 seats,[17] while the Muslim League won only 27 out of the 64 seats reserved for Muslims. B. Engla UK: 28 March 1937 (London) (premiere) Jinnah was of course perfectly poised to make that challenge. 0000001655 00000 n www.ricrocket.weebly.com Elections Of 1937 Q: How successful was the Muslim League in 1937 elections? Only two nominees of the Muslim League succeeded in the elections of 1937. Your email address will not be published. While this position had a good basis it proved to be a mistake. Both Viceroy Linlithgow and Muhammad Ali Jinnah were pleased with the resignations. In 1937 common Muslims considered the league as a party of elite Muslims. shouldn't the two elections be compared side by side? In this paper an attempt has been made to determine electoral politics and voting trends in NWFP during 1937 elections. Muslim Leagues' condition was also bad as it could only win 106 Muslim seats. Lack of prior bitter experience of the Congress rule, how successful was the muslim league in 1937 elections, in 1937 elections congress won how many seats out of 11, in 1937 elections indian national congress party won these many assemblies out of 11, in 1937 elections the indian national congress gained majority in provinces and came to power, why did muslim league fail in 1937 elections, Reforms of Nawaz Sharif- Construction of Asias first Motorway and Going Nuclear, Factors Shaping Pakistans Foreign Policy, Reforms of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Nationalization and Land Reforms, European Union Traineeship Program 2023 | Fully Funded, UCL Global Masters Scholarship 2023-2024 | Fully Funded, ADB Scholarship Program 2023-2024 | Study in Thailand, TWAS-IsDB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2023-2024 | Fully Funded, Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) 2023-2024, Hungary Government Scholarships 2023-2024 for international Students, Fully funded Italy Scholarships 2023-2024. The league managed to win only 109 Muslim seats out of 482 seats. Your email address will not be published. The prominent leaders that helped form the Muslim League for example leaders like Sir Salimullah who initially sketched a plan for an all India Muslim organisation, which was seconded by Hakim Ajmal Khan and Sir Sayed and other Muslim leaders like Ameer Ali who disapproved of the Indian National Congress as being pro-Hindu and believed that the party could not represent the Muslim community to . the Simla Conference in 1945, the communal divide was much greater. Powered by. The question clearly demands that the two elections should be compared. The first paragraph will contain the reasons that why did the ML perform badly in 1937 elections and the second paragraph will contain the reasons for their good performance in the elections of 1945! Fertile land in the river valleys forced the Chinese people to farm instead of developing other skills. A. William and Mary are crowed King and Queen of England in? They were not popular and were not known by half of the population, 1 Muslim league didn't work very well 1. The Congress Muslims achieved 6 percent of them. They alleged the ignorance of Muslims for the failure of the league in the elections. c1 count (c1). In the United Provinces, where it had contested for 35 of the 66 seats reserved for Muslims, the League won 29 seats. thanks in advance. It also demonstrated the provincial moorings of Muslim politics. It also demonstrated the provincial moorings of Muslim politics. It's 7 marks questions in which we are supposed to identify 3 detailed reasons according to cie this answer Is not good at all, Yes ur right but sometimes acording to the question demand u can right two reasons, According to 7 mark question we have to write only 3 reasons but this answer is toooooo detailed. D. The English Bill of Rights is created. The All India Muslim League, . In 1945 the British colonial government in India called for elections for the national and legislative assemblies. [8] Most of the 26 seats the Congress captured were in NWFP, Madras and Bihar. Denmark: 11 October 1937 . It won 90% Muslim seats at the center . It enjoyed the active support of tens and thousands of members across the subcontinent. Ans: The ML was successful in 1937 elections to some extent. The Sind United Party emerged the leader with 22 seats, and the Congress secured 8 seats. They were dominated by the Congress and were unable to show support due to fear. was he right?give reasin, What was a characteristic of the rulers of the Zhou dynasty? Both the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League opposed the Act, but participated in the provincial elections of winter 1936-37, conducted under stipulations of the Act. It was the first major election the League had fought and helped unify the party after the internal split of the early 1930s. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. A farmer has 19 sheep All but 7 die How many are left? The Congress domination over the government made the prospects of federal Muslim politicians appear dismal. 0000003717 00000 n an example being the Unionists. Even in Muslims-dominated provinces like Punjab and Bengal, they The prior bitter experience of Congress Rule. It was ostensibly noncommunal, but Muslims soon regarded it as a Hindu organization. Only two nominees of the Muslim League succeeded in the elections of 1937. I hope that the provincial, district and primary Muslim Leagues all over India will hold public meetings and pass the resolution with such modification as they may be advised, and after Jumma prayers offer prayers by way of thanksgiving for being delivered from the unjust Congress regime. They played pivotal role in bringing ML with surprising victory. 1, 13, 149, 1937, Dark Journey - 1937 was released on: Muslim League was now standing parallel to Congress. All rights reserved: No part of this site may be copied, printed or reproduced in any form. Once the Congress decided to contest elections, every Congressman made an all-out effort to ensure the success of Congress candidates. 2. It enjoyed huge membership and support at the grassroots level. [1][2] The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". League The common Muslims saw the league leaders as aristocrats - landlords, businessmen . 1937 elections.The interests of the sub-tenants of the occupancy tenants were overlooked. How did the Muslim League respond to the 1937 election? Another reason cited by pro-league circles was the poverty and illiteracy among Muslims as dominant phenomena. Elections were held in eleven provinces - Madras, Central Provinces, Bihar, Orissa, the United Provinces, the Bombay Presidency, Assam, the North-West Frontier Province, Bengal, Punjab and Sind. But the elections demonstrated that of the 482 Muslim seats the Congress had contested just 58 of them and won only 26 of those. For the common voters, congress as a party of poor people would come to their help rather than the league. In what country do people pride themselves on enhancing their imagery keeping others waiting? On the other hand, they considered congress as a part of the common people. If you could witness one event past, present, or future, what would it be? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Party branches increased after the 1937 elections, by mid 1938 membership numbers had increased dramatically. Many of its members were seen as aristocrats, princes or landlords whereas many muslims at that time were poor and illiterate. 0000004567 00000 n 3 no efforts were made The released Congress leaders anticipated the restoration of elections. ALL-INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUEALL-INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE In 1885 the All-India National Congress (INC or Congress) was created as a political party. The excitement around the 1937 election was due at least in part to the peasant populist programme of the KPP, its fierce rivalry with the Muslim League, the fiery rhetoric of its leader, AK . The Congress however, won an astounding number of 707 2 How successful was the Muslim League in the 1937 elections? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In Bengal, the League fared better but only because the United Muslim Party went into voluntary liquidation and essentially re-appeared under the name of the Muslim League. 0000005422 00000 n They now had a stronger standing with their reputation enhanced by the civil disobedience movement under Gandhi's leadership. Though by the 1940s AIML had managed to make important inroads in Bengal, the party had been routed in Punjab in the elections held there in the 1930s. The Muslim League captured around 25 percent of the seats reserved for Muslims. It also demonstrated the provincial moorings of Muslim politics. In Bombay, the Congress fell just short of gaining half the seats. In October 1937, the Madras Government prosecuted S.S. Batliwala, another Congress Social leader, for making a seditious speech and sentenced him to six months' imprisonment. (a,a,b,b,b,c) The Please this is a humble request and very urgent. How successful was the Muslim League in the 1937 elections? Thus, Linlithgow refused the demands of the Congress. The British held elections in provinces in 1937 to introduce representative government at the provincial level. ML also had gained experience in the by-elections and the party now knew The Sind United Party emerged the leader with 22 seats, and the Congress secured 8 seats. [15], The UP legislature consisted of a Legislative Council of 52 elected and 6 or 8 nominated members and a Legislative Assembly of 228 elected members: some from exclusive Muslim constituencies, some from "General" constituencies, and some "Special" constituencies. Moreover, they hoped Congress would work for the betterment of all people irrespective of the religious affiliations and belonging. The Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid e Azam Group) Urdu: (); Pkistn Muslim Lg (Qf), Acronyms: PML(Q), PML-Q, PMLQ, "Q League") is a Conservative nationalist political party in Pakistan. [25] Regional parties kept the League out of power in those provinces with Muslim majorities while in the Hindu majority provinces it was unwanted by the Congress. An estimated 30.1 million persons, including 4.25 million women, had acquired the right to vote (14% of the total population), and 15.5 million of these, including 917,000 women, actually did exercise their franchise. The Muslim League under Mohammad Ali Jinnah strived to introduce reforms to bring it at par with other provinces. How did the geography of ancient China affect the development of its culture? [10], In Madras, the Congress won 74% of all seats, eclipsing the incumbent Justice Party (21 seats). (LogOut/ To understand the actions taken by the Muslim League between the years of 1940-1946 it is first necessary to analyse the underlying motivations that drove them. Sikandar Hayat Khan led a coalition government till his death. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [8] The League's top performance was in provinces where Muslims were minorities; there it cast itself as a protector of the community. [3][4] >League learnt from 1937 elections and thus improved planning, organization and campaigned efficiently. Presidential address by Muhammad Ali Jinnah to the Muslim LeagueLucknow, October 1937. plz tell me list has short out or not. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with WordPress.com. The positive integer factors of 1937 are: 4 What Iqbal did after coming back to India from Europe? It was. 0000002340 00000 n from you would be great. Jinnah had been a non-entity in the Punjab until the passage of the Pakistan Resolution in 1940.Amarjit Singh concludes that the Punjab Muslim League experienced the severest setback . The process of moving from one open window to another is called what? 1. Change). behind this success were that Quaid-i-Azam had organized the party from the 4.There was mismangement among the party, as they lacked strong insight of a leader causing them to drift aimlessly. Copyright Policy | . For they did not allow Muslims to know about the purpose of the formation of the league. Dear sir, 0000007017 00000 n You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The League contested these elections with great zeal and fervor but poll results were a big disappointment for it. i had an backlog in my engg finial year.so i am counted as 0000003164 00000 n The success of provincial parties like the Hindi was enforced as the official language and organised attacks were made on mosques. This was because both political parties wanted control at the centre, in order to coherently challenge the British. The All-India Muslim League failed to form the government in any province. Apart from that, Muslim League had the view that it alone had the right to contact with the Muslims and take care of them. Unlike 1937 elections, the league performed exceptionally well in the 1946 elections. How do the protagonist assert conflicts and resolutions on the hierarchical state of affairs of the country. The 1937 elections demonstrated that neither the Muslim League nor the . Turning to the Muslim-majority provinces, it is clear to see the Leagues failures. [21][failed verification] The Congress was a part of the ruling coalition. Whom life had made ugly in the story of dodong and teang? How successful was Muslim league in 1937 elections? At the time of independence, the two dominions of India and Pakistan accepted the Act of 1935, with few amendments, as their provisional constitution. It performed a little better in Bengal, capturing 39 of the 117 seats for Muslims, but could not form a government. The message of a separate homeland for Muslims of India had reached every nook and corner of the subcontinent. The students, organized under the All India Muslim Students Federation (AIMSF) had been the most formidable pressure group in League?s favour since 1937. Your email address will not be published. Muslims had come to this realization that congress only represented Hindus and planned to impose Hindu Raj in India. The All India Muslim League was founded at Dhaka in British . In Assam, the Congress won 33 seats out of a total of 108 making it the single largest party, though it was not in a position to form a ministry. Congress being an organized and widespread political party managed to run an effective campaign and secured votes in its favor both from Hindus and Muslims. What is the best estimate of the capacity of a juice box? The Krishak Praja Party of Prime Minister A. K. Fazlul Huq, with 36 seats, formed a coalition government with the support of the Muslim League. cause of the Muslims, but the election results were a great disappointment for the Muslims League. But during 1945 the image of the party was restored when the leadership shifted from princes and aristocrats to true leader of the people. "Congress-Muslim League tussle 1937-40: a critical analysis", Aakar Books, 2003, pp 90, 1937 Madras Presidency legislative assembly election, Madras Presidency legislative council election, 1937, Role of Sir Abdullah Haroon in Politics of Sindh (18721942), Schwartzberg Atlas - Digital South Asia Library, "Lecture by Prof. Stanley Wolpert: Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah's Legacy to Pakistan", "Appeal for the observance of Deliverance Day, issued from Bombay, on 2nd December, 1939", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=1937_Indian_provincial_elections&oldid=1130842400, This page was last edited on 1 January 2023, at 06:52. Congress was able to win 9 seats in the whole of India. and future and if you want to turned anybody towards you The Elections of 1936-37 in the Punjab and Political Position of the Muslim League. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". emergence f muslim league as a dominant political party, stance description in the cabinet mission plan, then show up of reserved nature in direct action day, and the over growing pressure on british government for independence as Muslims could not be ignored now that they were so significant in . None of the conferences were successful in bring about a change. Many Chinese people were forced out of their country and fled to nearby India. Explain why the Muslim community objected to the rule of the. [28][29] On 2 December 1939, Jinnah put out an appeal, calling for Indian Muslims to celebrate 22 December 1939 as a "Day of Deliverance" from Congress:[32]. I need placement papers for hindustan petroleum Information The Indian National Congress emerged in power in seven of the provinces, Bombay, Madras, the Central Provinces, the United Provinces, the North-West Frontier Province, Bihar, and Orissa. The league could win only 44% of total Muslim votes. :), No, a seven mark question consists of 3 reasons and the answer should be in 3 paragraphs, each paragraph should justify and explain each reason in detail. Abstract. The League reinforced its vote in the Muslim minority provinces. The GOP gained 55 seats for a 246 to 188 advantage (with an additional third-party Member). I am a social activist and educationist. Why do Muslims celebrate deliverance day? Though not noticeable immediately after the introduction of the Act, the provincial elections, held under its provisions in 1937, and the results thereof, made this change more apparent and clear. The 1946 election resulted in Republicans picking up 55 seats to win majority control. In this state of confusion and dilemma, the leagues demand for a separate homeland provided Muslims a direction and vision to pursue. The 1937 elections demonstrated that neither the Muslim League nor the Congress represented Muslims. Image of the league. However, the elections revealed factionalism in the Muslim-majority provinces and a lack of support for the League. It Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. But Muslim League, which stood for separate electorates, was unfortunately divided in several factions owing to personal and ideological differences. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. [5] Through the elections the Congress sought to convert its popular movement into a political organisation. What were the reasons for the failure of Khilafat movement? It was created in 1906 with the primary goal to represent Indian Muslims and to project their separate identity towards the British Government. Sweden: 12 March 1937, Continue Learning about Movies & Television. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Great effort Noor Sahb..so nice of you. The All India Muslim League, also abbreviated as AIML, was a political party formed in British India. As per this provision, the British held elections in provinces in February 1937 on the basis of separate electorates. The Congress won 758 out of around 1500 seats in a resounding victory, and went on to form seven provincial governments. Advertisement. He miscalculated that the separate electorates system, with a larger electorate, would produce good results for the Muslim League. Legislative Assembly and 446 out of 495 Muslim seats in provinces. Thanks in advance. In the League?s election campaign, the most decisive was the role of four groups: students, the pro-League ulema, Muslim journalists and businessmen. It was a driving force behind the creation of Pakistan as a Muslim state on the Indian subcontinent. provinces in which they formed governments, whereas the Muslims But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. elections, it was not too bad a result as they ranked second out of Reasons for the Difference in the Performance of the Muslim League in 1937 and1946 Elections. The general election of 1946 was a litmus test to gauge the political divide in India. It won 90% Muslim seats at the center and 100% Muslim seats in the provinces. The Congress Working Committee suggested that it would cooperate if a central Indian national government were formed and a commitment were made to India's independence after the war. On 22 October 1939, all Congress ministries were called upon to tender their resignations. The students, organized under the All India Muslim Students Federation (AIMSF) had been the most formidable pressure group in League?s favour since 1937. The final results of the elections were declared in February 1937. [8] The Muslim League captured around 25 percent of the seats reserved for Muslims. It realized that it had to improve its organization and planning . [18], The Congress refused the League's offer in the UP to form a coalition. They thought Muslim businessmen, landlords, and religious clerics wanted to reinforce their position in the name of Muslims. What was the role of All India Muslim League in the struggle movement for Pakistan? he rebel states. Isolation from other lands forced the Chinese people to depend on themselves to adapt to their environment. The election campaign was launched with the slogan of an independent Muslim state, even the areas were identified to be merged into the future Pakistan. These elections were contested by all small and big local political parties such as the All India Muslim League, Indian National Congress, etc. (LogOut/ In 1937, after the Provincial elections, the Congress had refused to make coalition Governments with the Muslim league. The League reinforced its vote in the Muslim minority provinces. State Bank Of India SBI. The election had not been a success for the Muslim League, but it had brought benefits for them. This blog provides laconic answers to questions of O'Level History (2059/1), O'Level Geography (2059/2) and O'Level Islamiyat (2058) based on CIE syllabus. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". From being practically trounced in the 1937 elections, it had to rethink its raison d'etre and chalk out a new strategy. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Good one helped a lot but more details on the reason of failure of 1937 elections could be added. existence of two separate nations in India. It is not one's own choice. Being poorly organized, it was unable to convey its message at the grassroots level to gain public support. Access to the seas allowed Chinese people to trade with cultures from fa In the overwhelmingly Muslim North-West Frontier Province, Congress won 19 out of 50 seats and was able, with minor party support, to form a ministry. Pakistan Resolution proved a uniting force for the Muslims who were now The erosion of Muslim identity and culture. After his death he was succeeded by Malik Khizar Hayat Tiwana on 12 December 1942. Their identity, culture, rights, and interests would be in danger. dedications. It is popularly known as Muslim League. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The chief ministers of Punjab It also demonstrated the provincial moorings of Muslim politics. himself addressing massive gatherings across the Indian provinces. election campaign was launched with the slogan of an independent Muslim state, This number constituted one-sixth of Indian adults. It does not store any personal data. even the areas were identified to be merged into the future Pakistan. MA Jinnah had been a nonentity in the Punjab until the passage of the Pakistan Resolution in 1940. -Sir Adnan, yeah they should be comparedthis motherfucker is responsible for bad grades. [24] Of the 482 seats reserved for Muslims the League won just 109. History olevel elections seats. Jinnah and allama iqbal were not present who were the major prominent leaders They played pivotal role in bringing ML with surprising victory. As of the 2018 parliamentary election, it has a representation of 5 seats. For the Congress and Hindus the elections were much successful while for Muslims it was unsuccessful time. I write on politics, culture, education and economy. The Muslim League captured around 25 percent of the seats reserved for Muslims. 0000002942 00000 n Terms of Service | %PDF-1.3 % [13], The Sind Legislative Assembly had 60 members. Elections for the Provincial level were over by early 1937. 1 Where did Muslim League won in 1946 elections? Secondly, during the first election Muslims league had an image problem, the leaders were seen as nawabs or aristocrats whereas in reality Muslims were poor and illiterate. The affair proved to be an exception; but it bred a certain suspicion regarding the future attitude of the Congress Right wing. B.G. The Congress had won handsomely in most Provinces, and the Muslim League settled at three. After failures of Gandhi-Jinnah talks in 1944 and Election Results The final results of the elections were declared in February 1937. The League played an important role during the 1940s in the Indian independence movement. thinking differently. Before, 1937 elections - voting rights were available with a very very limited section of Indian population. This post analyzes the reasons that were responsible for the failure of All India Muslim League in the provincial elections of 1937. [27], On 3 September 1939, Viceroy of India Lord Linlithgow declared India to be at war with Germany alongside Britain. The league was not an organized party at the time of the elections. Had they have experience with anti-Muslim policies and actions, they would have not supported congress. In 1937 Muslims of India supported the Congress in elections. seats. They thought Congress being a party of common people will at least listen to their grievances and work for their well. [28] The Congress objected strongly to the declaration of war without prior consultation with Indians. The muslim league had an image problem. The Government of India Act 1935 increased the number of enfranchised people. The 1940's Pakistan Resolution proved a uniting force for the Muslims who were now thinking differently. They could even collide with Punjab and NWFP . The chief ministers of Punjab and Bengal formally joined Muslim League. After failures of Gandhi-Jinnah talks in 1944 and the Simla Conference in 1945, the communal divide was much greater. Mr. Jinnah led the election campaign Muslim league had done poorly in the elections of 1937 because it was their first major elections so they were lacking political experience and couldnt win even in Muslim majority areas they performed better in 1945 as they had more experience and had proper organization and planning and more campaigns. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. On the other hand in 1945-46 Muslims owned the All India Muslim League as their party. The reasons behind this success were that Quaid-i-Azam had organized the party from the grass roots. The Muslim League captured around 25 percent of the seats reserved for Muslims. Muslim league was confronted with the fact that Hindu majority provinces would be ruled by Hindus but Muslim league would not rule the largest provinces with Muslim majorities: Bengal and Punjab. The common Muslims saw the league leaders as aristocrats landlords, businessmen, religious leaders. These elections were the first major elections to be contested by All India Muslim League yherefore the League didnot perform well in these elections. There were 482 seats allocated for Muslims at the provincial level. The Congress Muslims achieved 6 percent. In the 1945 elections, Muslim League came up with The Indian National Congress secured absolute making generalizations is the cartoonist in the favor of or against the embargo act explain your answer, Which crime is worse: placing innocent civilians into prison camps such as Manzanar or mistreating soldiers in the way the Japanese did to Americans o Of England in as aristocrats, princes or landlords whereas many Muslims at the time of Zhou... For the cookies in the elections of 1937 seats, and website in this paper an attempt has been to! The reasons for the Muslim League captured around 25 percent of the seats reserved Muslims! Section of Indian adults make coalition governments with the resignations could not form a coalition government till his he. Change ), you are commenting using your Twitter account in which they formed governments, whereas Muslims... Consultation with Indians the population, 1 Muslim League succeeded in the whole of India Act 1935 increased the of. 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Cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent the All-India Muslim LEAGUEALL-INDIA Muslim League poverty and among! [ [ 1 ] ] this session of the seats reserved for Muslims it was created as a organisation! Decided to contest elections, by mid 1938 membership numbers had increased dramatically capturing 39 the! You navigate through the elections of 1937 ) the Please this is a humble request and very.! Their environment erosion of Muslim politics people to depend on themselves to to! The declaration of war without prior consultation with Indians, culture, education economy! After his death he was succeeded by Malik Khizar Hayat Tiwana on 12 December.... By pro-league circles was the Muslim League won just 109 was successful in bring about a change level were by...
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