SheI need to get home and fix dinner for my family! Email and text follow-ups/reporting among the three of us (were without a secretary currently) have gone back and forth through the week and were now preparing for this weeks agenda. The following priesthood and auxiliary leaders attend the council in two capacities: (1)as ward council members who help the bishop find solutions to the needs and concerns of the ward and (2)as representatives of their organizations. This is nice encouragement for those holding 3 hour meetings (you should be ashamed), but in reality there is no meeting that needs to go longer than 60 minutes. Establish a climate conducive to openness, where every person and group is important and every opinion is valuable. Individuals have different viewpoints and backgrounds, so each can add a helpful perspective to understanding members needs. Our Ward Council meetings have historically lasted 90 minutes. You will find that not much is impacted by fewermeetings. Unfortunately, I cannot agree with most of what you have said. This may come across as ablunt message, but meetings are either well done or toxic and its important that leaders get them right. Have a night when the stake presidency and the high council bring their wives and listen to 60 minutes of missionary reports while eating ice cream. I want to use Ward Council as the model in this post, but this information can be applied to most meetings within the church. Everyone is uplifted, it would be unifying, and then go home after 60 minutes. The three things I cant stand most about meetings are: Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. People commit certain amount of time and it should be respected by everyone. Friday, January 13, 2023 Thought for the Day 1/13/2023 Friday Tale - A Miracle Morning But one of our jobs as Presidents is to train our counselors to become better leaders! Show prices. Looks like I need to write a part 2 focused on preparing for revelatory experiences. I finally went to the stake president and told him Id covenanted to support my husband in his righteous endeavors, but that I didnt consider anything that kept him out past 10pm to be a righteous endeavor. Do you disagree? See more ideas about spiritual thoughts, church quotes, lds quotes. Eveything in between builds up to it and makes you appreciate it so much more, "Can anyone doubt that [The Book of Mormon] was meant for us, and that in it we can find great power, great comfort and great protection?" People need to have input to High Council meetings. One of your comments above says if theres a bunch of missionaries reporting, lets have that in a separate meeting and have ice cream! But I think well all be better off going by the spirit instead. I highly recommend the book Death by Meeting. The up-front cost in time and effort is outweighed by the long-term benefit of well-trained leaders who are on board and all-in. Assuming every participant is prepared (which is rare), assuming every participant is on time (which is rarer), assuming every participant is fully trained and well-experienced in his or her calling (which is even rarer and certainly wont last more than a week or two), yes, meetings can be efficient. We were removing a large oak tree from the roof of the Seminary Institute Director. Now we are clueless. Judgement. God is nothing if not a heuristic teacher, and nothing invites the Spirit like causing members to think and consider and wonder. I think if we treat the adults like adults, instead of children, you would be surprised how much can actually be accomplished in a meeting even with people using their phones. Unfortunately the next Bishops Council was the same. And, personally I would rather NOT know the family problems unless it relates directly to my calling and my responsibility to serve. No disagreement about that ideally all would receive revelation in ward council and that a bishop should confirm revelation, but Im still unsettled. The branch council finds that the members challenges can often be solved at the local level. This meeting can last a couple of hours. If someone on the council has reason to not come to the meeting or, quite frankly, doesnt want to be in the meeting, then they should have the right to not be there. Our church Members and Leaders come from all different walks of life and life experiences. How would you like to spend council time? When I'm in my car running errands, going on trips - I love to sing along to country music. Her perspective will be beneficial when the ward council is considering an issue that affects the children of the ward. I dont think these authoritiesare trying to torture anyone with more meetings. Kohai, Id love to have you do a review of the book and guest post on Leading Saints. Delegate and Follow Up! Some of the ideas are new to me and some I have been trying to bring into meetings for years without much success. However, they are adults and responsible for their own actions. I agree that all too often, people sit in a meeting without activly thinking on what they or their organization could do to help or to solve a problem. Required fields are marked *. For the sake of brevity, and manners, I wont go into detail. Saturday, March 20, 2010 This Isn't Good Bye Well I get set apart tomorrow to be a Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day. We can also choose to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. What a shock when we had an extremely productive 40(!) Plan as much as you can for the entire year instead of just month by month. See Elder M.Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Counseling with Our Councils (1997), 106, 109, 112. Who Is Involved in the Ward or Branch Council? I get it. LDS Church Materials Can Be Purchased and Accessed . The next day at sacrament meeting, the ward member said that he was glad the bishop had his watch as well so he knew he had ended his work on time to honor the Sabbath day. Heavenly father doent stop in the middle of our life cause the timer went off or say sorry cant help i already spent my 60 minites. LOVE. Ive experienced powerful, spiritual meetings that lasted well beyond the 61 minute mark. By the way, I also generally play prelude music from my iPad. Our PEC, welfare, and ward council meetings tend to run exactly the same, essentially a round robin of auxiliary reports. If we continue to honor the meetings of the past, then well never change meetings of the future. I like the 7 rules, though I may not share all of them. Can you imagine going in to interview with your bishop and watching him set an egg timer? I really do not like church meetings especially high council meetings because they are so poorly run. I agree with a lot that you said but feel bad that you classify my opinion in a negative light. They focus on individuals and families first, then how programs can help. This gave the children courage to move forward. I don't know why I've been so blessed but this experience has been a major part of my adult life. They can also learn how to become better speakers, better leaders, and better people persons! Sure. Now having said that, there are things we can do that can make our meetings more effective and efficient, some of which were mentioned, but they are hardly unbreakable. Jessica, agreed. Plus it gave me a break from having to attend so many meeting! We didnt have the luxury of sitting together so we had to prepare, prepare, prepare and my counselors had to take up much of the work. Thanks for your reply. How you run a meeting has a dramatic influence on how you are loved as a leader. Another great resource on this concept is Elder Ballards book Counseling with our Councils.. And also to seek the Spirit for love, understanding, guidance, patience, and direction! So parents and leaders stood in a line and created a path to the temple. I love everything our stake president does, which are pretty much what you have mentioned here. I thought of the Lord's divine guidance as they acted in faith. On the night of May 22, 2011, amid the sound of blaring sirens, a massive tornado touched down in the heart of Joplin, Missouri, USA, destroying homes and lives. It all seems a tad presumptuous that you should state unbreakable rules for church meetings. If admin gets done before the meeting, cancel the meeting. Among other callings, Mike served as a full-time missionary (Japan Tokyo South), early morning seminary teacher, elders quorum president, ward mission leader, and in multiple bishoprics despite his large, young family. Aug 29, 2021 - Explore Melinda Manley's board "Ward Council Spiritual Thought", followed by 331 people on Pinterest. He also provides relevant statistical information from Church record-keeping software., The executive secretary prepares agendas for ward council meetings. You can run ANY meeting in the world in an hour, if you know what youre doing. Can you help me reconcile Jensens statement with what your saying? 2012, 3033. It is a lifelong mission of mine to bring others closer to Him. The in the higher echelons often do not deceminate information because they think ever he knows when actually only they and those close to them know. is thinking.I could be out with my presidency visiting families. I received a message from Elder Ward, one of the missionaries in my Ward yesterday morning asking me to checkout Twitter. For a moment, the picture pulled her attention away from the meeting, and she focused briefly on the day the ward Primary had gone to Palmyra to enjoy the sacred feeling of the temple grounds. Again, I have enjoyed reading all the posts above, and I sure have learned from all of you. My goal was to get a conversation started about this important subject and it appears it worked. Meetings in the Churchits a love/hate thing. The bishop always presided but shifted conducting duties to his counselors, who led all discussion and training. That is not true everywhere..yet. After reading the following scriptures, please share your thoughts on the discussion board regarding the questions below. Leaders need to give autonomy to those they lead. We used to have the prayer meetings before our meetings as a teacher and although they written 5 minutes long, still it was enough time for announcements and a prayer. Seriously, if you havent figured out how to turn a meeting into a revelatory experience, just cancel it. One thing we wrestle with is it takes 60 minutes to get to the meeting, and 60 minutes to drive home from the meeting (literally). Preparation still requires time, focus and the spirit. We would then have time for the important items on the agenda. Here is a quick review of the book from the BYU Studies web site: The high priests group leader and the elders quorum president are responsible for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the men over whom they preside. He is thinkingman, we just keep going around in circles on this topic EVERY week! Years ago, I had a boss who couldnt process any problem without a room full of people. So lets agree that you wont hold another meeting unless you have sufficiently outlined it as a revelatory experience. Im a firm believer in keeping meetings under an hour. If you cant see how the meeting can stay under an hour, just cancel it because you arent ready to hold a meeting. I do agree the vast majority of our meetings can be done in less than an hour. I think there is some drastic attitude adjustment needed, but since weve worked so hard to have everything come from the top, itll need to come from there before it changes. Spiritual Crocodiles; FAITH. To say a meeting is never worth 61 minutes is putting artificial constraints on the spirit and leaders that are not appropriate. The tech I use helps me be a better leader, and not using it during meetings would make me much less efficient. Handbook 2 (4.6) advisesward council should be 60-90 minutes in duration. If a meeting lacked the Spirit, we all knew it, and it helped the one conducting learn where he could improve where applicable. Thats why were at church. This is a sample of what it looks like with fake names. Its a waste of peoples time to review a list of announcements, activity details, dates, etc. I think your points can help us swing the pendulum back to more honest calling magnification. I agree, but I challenge you to try it. Weve been talking about a revelatory experience with the members of the ward council. I would just comment that the First Presidency does remote interviews when people are being rebaptized or having blessings restored. In our case, too many items were being discussed that did not apply to the entire council or were seeking input where an email or text would have done the trick. What a novel idea! Councils are led by the voice of the Spirit through each member of the body not by the bishop exerting his will. This same idea could also be used in the various church organizations. The Primary president represents the children of the ward ages 18 months through 11 years. These are some valuable suggestions for how to help a meeting run more efficiently and help prevent some of the activities that can really bog down our council meetings. I agree whole heartedly with what you state here: The mind can only take in what the seat can endure. I believe it 100%. If these are indeed rules not to be brokenwhy dont we see them spelled out as such in the handbook? 4 min. When I'm in my car running errands, going on trips - I love to sing along to country music. management principles in the corp world for many years. Like Elder Bednar said there are Administrators and Ministers in the church. Rifling through papers is inefficient and time consuming. I definitely believe that a general timing rule should exist. This is not a step to take if a member simply expresses a dissenting idea! Use a timer! I am not sure if I am reading your comment in the right tone but it sounds like my article offended you. Without tech I would not be able to look at my calendar, look up what calling someone has, etc. Thought Id follow up on my previous comment. He created an environment where council members felt like peers and that their voices were not only important, but imperative to the revelatory process. It all seems a tad presumptuous that you should be able to state unbreakable rules about church meetings. As they do, they will harness the extraordinary power of these councils to help the Lord bless His children and accomplish His work. Its an inspired pattern that the bishop, by virtue of the keys, has to direct. In 1989, Elder Boyd K. Packer warned young men and young women to avoid participating in dark spiritual practices, no matter the circumstances: "A warning: there is a dark side to spiritual things. Spiritual Thoughts Spiritual Thoughts Thoughts during the work week to keep our minds on a positive train of thought, spiritually speaking, and thinking of God more than of ourselves. We can choose to be miserable and unhappy or change our attitude and praise and uplift and encourage. I have and it might be more isolated to my experience in working with ward and stake leadership. Seems to me the article reflects the authers personal standards and that they want them to be church standards. The councils focus is on helping people, not administering programs.. The Young Men president seeks to strengthen the wards young men ages 12 through 18. Many members need help finding work. If you need ideas to a problem, an activity, or whom to call to a position, ask people to prepare this in advance and bring the ideas to the meeting. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. I think that goes without saying. All of my bishopric meeting was run through Google Docs. We spent a lot of time on tablets / laptops reviewing spreadsheets and docs we created. We also relied on the Spirit to know what to do. Elder Bruce R. McConkie's Last Talk. No Round-Robin: Just because you are sitting in a circle doesnt mean you need to talk in a circle. Without putting the lessons plans in this boxjust a couple of ideas. We have over half of our ward that is less active! If you need more time, go talk to the Executive Secretary and schedule another interview. It seems there is too much left undone in too many callings these days. I appreciate your comment AND your passion. On the other hand, the Spirit should be allowed to break that rule. So meetings are few, but precious. We expect and sometimes we even demand! And remind people before the meeting what their assignments were. I wish you actually provided suggestions instead of full on criticisms. Our meeting came, we opened with a prayer and scripture study and proceeded to discuss a number of individuals, but more importantly, action plans for those individuals, for the coming week. It will also remind the group members to complete assignments previously made. He Counseled with His Bishopric Council If he wanted an amazing and engaged ward council, hed learn how to do it first at the bishopric council level. And on the bright side I do believe there will be better members, better leaders, and better meetings in the next life! Leader. I wrote the post with the assumption that everyone runs their meetings according to the spirit. Thank you so much for this great post. A lot of time is spent oversharing information, relaying things that can be a quick text, and chatting. They have vowed NEVER to do that to their families: The result? As an example, If the Spirit requires to meet longer than an hour on an issue so be it. We have working sessions while planning cultural arts events that require a lot of creativity, sharing of peoples experience, planning, and task assignment that can easily run to 2 hours, but result in an enthused group ready to pitch in and execute. I note several spelling errors Please forgive them. Instead people are asked to participate and then given the right to exersize their Agency to agree or decline. RE: HC If you have more than six missionaries reporting their missions in the same week (ten minutes per missionary), it is probably time to split your stake. You may also wish to review this article where the purposes of councils are addressed. Unfortunately, the training that many people acquire in the business world or other settings threatens to turn councils into merely a target for delegating tasks as directed by the lone leader in charge. 11.4 miles from Blasturm. A committee to help the organization presidency with things such as home teaching, visiting teaching, preparing socials, welcoming people to church, helping people move into or out of the ward, etc. Everyone is in the room and you can get quick feedback. The children refused because they were afraid that there might be more wasps. Councils are increasingly being emphasized by Church leaders in their teaching and training. Have you ever tried to reorganize visiting teaching? Your time is up! So much of the information shared is not needful for many in the room to even know! Offer nativity/creche exhibit (s) for viewing. We can offer positive suggestions and ideas. Second, focus on people, not programs. Pursue the integration of new members, activation of the less active, concerns of the youth, the economic plight of individual members, and the needs of single mothers and widows.. I emailed my counselors early in the week with business items that needed to be addressed and taken care of outside of our meeting (gathering HT reports, callings that had already been discussed but were to be extended, who was teaching when, other assignements etc), referenced Elder Bednar and revelatory experiences and asked them to prepare accordingly for the agenda items I included. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Wikipedia Life is too short to be miserable and unhappy in the church and in life! Having these as goals is important, but if Bishop just isnt a good meeting leader, Ill cut him some slack, maybe try to help him out, and focus on what he does bring to the table. We were having fun and working hard. If your tech distracts you, then get rid of it. Especially if there isnt an agenda. I have ventured to using the red handbook almost as a weapon to invite them to change and try something new to see how it would work but I have had ward leaders tell me how they dont care about the red handbook. I think it was this thread that put me into the zone seriously. We need to build up each other, encourage, uplift, motivate, set the example, and help out where ever we can. Difficult issue. Some leaders are great at running meetings and others really need to work on keeping meetings to an hour or less. And time limits for each one! But dont confuse efficiency for revelation. They make me so frustrated when theyre run poorly! ~ President Ezra Taft Benson. I think Leading Saints & my stake president attended the same leadership school. Removing his voice as the main (dominant) voice of the meeting had the additional effect of people listening more to one another and to the Spirit. Honesty is the very essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If not you will hear in the halls of the Church buildings. Been there, done that, experienced that! Many leaders are uneducated in these new ways and new technology. Offer a Handel's Messiah event to the public. AGENDA. Nobody enjoys them and they need to stop. It seems this post has hit a nerve with a lot of people. I have attended meetings that were too long at 20 min and at 2hrs plus that were not too long. Elder Bednar was teaching the principle of being spiritually prepared to participate in councilswhat we do beforehand that will invite the spirit into our council meetings. Don't subscribe If I had the wish of my heart, I would remove from the vocabulary of the Latter-day Saints the word meeting. (See Handbook 2: Administering the Church, 4.1; 4.2. I wish they would publish your blog and meeting insights in the Ensign Magazine and Church News! We valued both diversity and unity, but releasing a member should never be done in a spirit of spite or punishment. True leaders will continue to work with that member, but when it is clear that unity cannot be achieved so that the council might act as a single revelatory body, the bishop would be wise to weigh the needs of the ward and consider replacing that individual. A week before I was called as a stake RS president, I attended a stake/ward leadership training meeting where stake presidents closing remarks were based solely on delegation and among other wonderful words of encouragement and counsel, related the story of Moses & his father-in-law, Jethro (Exodus 18) Being made aware of that principle has certainly helped me to cope and to enjoy serving in whatever capacity I have been called to serve. I emailed my counselors this morning and among other things from this post, told them our EQ Pres meetings would not last any longer than 45 minutes from now on. I agree. One time when we had some serious family issues going on, my husband had to miss the morning meetings on Sunday. Fighting against tradition and helping members open their minds may have been the most difficult step. This was done to help speed our process, help us remember who was in what position, what positions were open, etc. With a yearly plan/schedule established and a yearly budget a bishopric would have all of the monthly Sacrament meeting themes established, all of the music planned out. My Three White Dresses. They had caught the vision! Weekly Announcements {Aug 1-7} Ward - August 1st - Fast Sunday 12:00PM Sacrament Meeting {Program Here} 1:00PM Sunday School August 2th-8th - Come Follow Me for. That will be the greatest contribution to having a revelatory experience. Thanks for your comment. She does all she can to help the women increase their faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and help those in need. Normally this is done at a persons home and they have refreshments available. And yet we are all Children of our Father in Heaven! In his book Counseling with Our Councils, Elder M.Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles gives the following three suggestions: First, focus on fundamentals. Follow the guidelines in Handbook 2: Administering the Church, chapter 4, which can be found online in the Serving in the Church section of Challenges can often be solved at the local level the discussion board regarding the questions below to him thread put! Thinkingman, we just keep going around in circles on this topic every week to High council meetings historically! Is nothing if not you will hear in the room and you run. Rules not to be part of the keys, has to direct well done or toxic and its important leaders. Contribution to having a revelatory experience goal was to get a conversation started about this subject! 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