Special report of the Department of Archives and History for 1912 by Virginia State Library. Drafted in February, 1780, under Capt. Below is Georges own application narrative, which is pretty interesting. Left Valley Forge with 400 men assigned and 218 fit for duty. Vance, John, entered service as sergeant major in 13th Virginia Regiment; twice wounded at Battle of Germantown/ moved to western part of Pennsylvania or Virginia near Yogohany River abt. He states that he was stationed at Byrnsides Fort for 30 days in 1779, or 1780, with 30 men. Mar 11, 2023 . His name was Capt. Fourth Connecticut Regiment of Infantry Continental Line. The gates were opened and they successfully got into the fort in order to assist in its defense. But Genl Clark having returned to Kentucky after an expedition to the Scioto in which the troops that this declarant belonged was to have participated in But arived to late for to join Genl Clark aforesaid in said expedition was disbanded by Major Hamilton who were their Commandant in the month of June 1778 and returned home to Virginia. In September 1778 Gibson attended a conference at which the first U.S. treaty of alliance was signed, with the Delaware Indians. John L. Fink's Co. Capt. State Troops recruited men from Botetourt, Augusta, Hampshire, and Frederick counties and West Augusta District. In the summer of 1783 [could be 1782] the month he does not recollect he was again called into the service as a drafted militia man under the same Captain A. Most of the regiment was captured at Charlestown, South Carolina on May 12, 1780 by the British and the regiment was formally disbanded on November 15, 1783. Captain George McCormick served at the Battle of Brandywine in Colonel William Crawfords Virginia Regiment. The nature of his Services as an Indian Spy in each of the aforesaid years was to leave Cooks Fort on Indian Creek descended said Creek to its mouth where it empties into New River and thence down New River to the mouth of Blue Stone, thence to Van-Bibbers Fort on Greenbrier River, and thence to Jarretts Fort on Wolf Creek, making a distance in going and returning of from thirty to thirty-five miles. Further complicating matters was the fact that Virginia unilaterally sent George Rogers Clark into the western territory in order to conquer for Virginia the entire Illinois Country. The unit sustained heavy losses at the Battle of Cedar Creek and surrendered at Appomattox Court House with 10 officers and 52 men. It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia.[1]. I shall be 77 yrs. [T]hat they traversed the country which included the head waters of big and little Stony creeks the head waters of the Indian draft a branch of Indian creek and the head waters of Wolf Creek; that the distance or space of country over which he had to travel was supposed to be upwards of thirty miles, that in performing the duties of a spy they had to carry their provisions with them it being against the nature of their Oath and instructions and also jeopardizing their own safety to make a fire at knight no matter how inclement the wether might be; and that during the whole time that he was engaged in the service as an Indian Spy as aforesaid he was not engaged in any civil pursuit. During the Gettysburg Campaign it was left at Winchester as provost guard. public. Stirlings Division|Muhlenbergs Brigade| 13th Virginia Regiment. 890 Words4 Pages. I am wondering, however, about the timing of Mr. I am happy to be informd by Major Campbell, that your Excellency intends shortly to have the divided and disagreeable situation of the 13th Virginia Regiment laid before Congress; that thereby that part of the Regiment here, and those over the Mountain at Fort Pitt may be joind together, and act accordingly at such place as your Excellency and Congress may think propper to direct.1, That the Soldiers of that Regiment had assurances by the Officers who enlisted them to be continued on that side of the Mountain, is a fact, perhaps unknown to your Excellency, but true it is such engagements drew in many married Men to enlist, who have since been forced down here, leaving their helpless Families in a most miserable condition. Richard Arell's Co. Capt. Scott Keith That he enlisted for Eighteen months that he served out his time and was discharged at Buckades (Bouquets, I believe) Old fort on the Muskingham River . The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War . The 10th Virginia Regiment of the Virginia Line was initially raised on December 28, 1775 in western Virginia for service with the Continental Army. Simon Girty a Messenger dispatched by General Hand to the Seneca towns on the Heads of the Allegeney, Returned here a few days a goe, he in forms us Guashota a Chief of them had Returned from War, that he had killed four people near Legonier,3 that another party Returned and Brought in a white Woman and three Scalps whilst he was in the towns, that they told him all the Nations Excepting White Eyes and a few Delawares woud strike us in the Spring. I was detailed to wait on the sick and did not reach the point until after the Battle was fought with the Indians at Point Pleasant [October 10, 1774]. About the year 1779 or 1780 as I think I volunteered under Captain Thomas Wright of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia in which County I still lived with a body of Militia ordered out by the authority of Virginia. that sending the 13th Virginia companies at Valley Forge to Fort Pitt would result in similar demands being made by members of the 12th Virginia and the 8th and 12th Pennsylvania regiments. Craft's comments since in the first sentence, he refers to the "peace, security and national, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 2018, The 100 Best American Revolution Books of All Time, A Choice Body of Men: The Continental Army on the Upper Ohio, Virginias Independent Frontier Companies, Part 2 of 2, Perspectives on the Ten Crucial Days of the Revolution, This Week on Dispatches: Gene Procknow on Ethan Allen and Revolutionary-Era Newspapers. He then discusses the attack at Donnellys Fort. [B]ut peace being declared, [they were] disbanded in the now State of Kentucky and from there march[ed] home the last of May 1781 to Greenbrier County Virginia after serving a tower of three months. The regiment was disbanded at Fort Pitt on 1 January 1783. This narrative by Mr. Griffin pertains to the western theater of war during the Revolution. That he was a sergeant and acted as such during said three months tour, that he received his warrant as such, but not supposing that it would ever be of any service to him has long since lost or mislaid it and does not now remember to have seen it for at least forty years. They arrived during the attack, rushed towards the fun. Publicado en . Title: Twenty years around the world. General Edward Hand was originally in command of the western war department and was headquartered at Fort Pitt. By the inclosed Return Your Excellency will be made Acquainted with the strength of the Garrison at this place.1 Genl Hand ordered me to send the Deserters from the Different Corps at Camp down by Capt. 5.James Sullivan (c.17481815) served as a captain in the 13th Virginia Regiment from December 1776 to September 1778 and in the state regiment raised by George Rogers Clark, the so-called Illinois Regiment, that carried on a campaign against the Shawnee tribes from 1780 to 1782. Research genealogy for James Reed "Revolutionary War - Capt. James Armstrong was in command.. I have been on other campaigns against the Indians which I cannot now by reason of my old age and consequent loss of memory detail to any person. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. The Indians broke in upon our encampment, and killed six of us and wound one, the remaining part retreated to the Station. My wifes gggggrandfather fought at the Battle of Brandywine. That in the early part of the year 1776 he commened the service of his Country as an Indian Spy under the Command of Captain Wright and was Stationed in Burnsides Fort. Ive written about Christy before, who later became the first pastor of the historic Rehoboth Church. shoud chuse to determine the matter your self. On 25 Mar., GW wrote Gates that Our number of effectives is so reduced by innoculation that it is impossible to spare the few Men of the 13th Virginia Regiment just at this time. Instead, GW sent Russell to Fort Pitt to collect and take the command of by far the greatest part of the Regiment who are now stragling about that Country (see also GW to Russell, 30 March). Washington and his western officers wanted to attack Detroit. That he again Forted and Scouted as an Indian Spy in the year 1777 from the 1stday of May until the 1stof November that he was stationed in Burnsides Fort under the command of the aforesaid Captain Wright. It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia. The regiment was disbanded at Fort Pitt on 1 January 1783. Ans. with another letter from Russell on the same subject, but it postponed consideration of the Board of Wars report on the matter (JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. Iowans transformed the fertile prairies of the Midwest resources, involvement in the Civil War, legacy in film, into the most productive farmland in the world. Jefferson responded on February 17, 1781, that he was sympathetic to their need for self-protection, and that he would undertake to approve of a possible postponement until the threat level decreases. The regiment or Battallion commanded by major Andrew Hamilton in Greenbrier County, State of Virginia, marched from thence to Fort Chisell (Fort Chiswell in present Wythe County VA). This narrative was previously known, and has been often cited as being a good description of the details surrounding service as an Indian Spy, a militia ranger tasked with being the early warning system of an Indian attack, as well as being the quick reaction force in the event of an emergency. 1778, having lost his entire right forearm due to an injury in the military service. https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/03-12-02-0514, From Washington to Gibson [29 December 1777], All correspondence between Washington and Gibson, National Historical Publications and United States Army Center of Military History, Bibliography of the Continental Army in Virginia, Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment, Thruston's Additional Continental Regiment, Rawling's Additional Continental Regiment, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=13th_Virginia_Regiment&oldid=1112805480, Virginia regiments of the Continental Army, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 September 2022, at 06:24. The same promise had been made to the soldiers of Colonel Russell's 13th Virginia. Gibson made an error when adding the figures of one row of the return, resulting in an incorrect total of 258. Second Regiment of Connecticut Light Horse Militia, 1777. Henry Baughman to protect a company of movers to Kentucky. That he was Inlisted by Capt James Burnsides at his House, Greenbrier County Virginia for 18 months & was marched to Pittsburg Pensylvania where he was mustered into the 13th Regt. I was born on Wolf Creek near Greenbrier River then called West Augusta now Monroe County in the year 1753 and I have heard it frequent said that I was the first white child ever born in what is now the limits of Monroe County. In those days, you could avoid a military draft by hiring someone else to go in your place. Summary The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Be it known that on the 15thday of September AD 1834 Personally appeared before the subscriber a Justice of the peace in and for said county, George Dixon, who after being duly sworn according to law deposeth and saith that that he entered the service of the United States, in the war of the Revolution at the station of Burnsides, in the Co of Greenbrier in the State of Virginia with his Brother Peter Dixon who has this day in open Court sworn and subscribed a declaration in order to obtain a pension, that I served with him in the same Company (To wit) the Company of Captain Henderson Lt John Woods commanded by Major Andrew Hamilton until we came to Fort Chissel when we was seperated and I was sent to Kentucky on an express (as will more fully be illusterated by reference to my declaration now on file in the War Office, and I believe verily He the said Peter Dixon served out the tour of six months for which he was drafted and further this deponant saith that he has heard his Brother Peter Dixon, relate that, he vollenteered at Whitleys Station in Kentucky under Col Logan and that in consequence of the Indians, having murdered a part of the company of imegrants, that were miving to Kentucky (of which Peter Dixon was one) Col Logan raised as many troops as could be raised and pursued the Indians to their Towns for the purpose of redress. John Sproull's Co. Lt. John Williams's Detachment Company not indicated 14th Infantry Regimental Staff Capt. Its commanders were Colonels George A. Goodman, Ambrose P. Hill, James B. Terrill, and James A. Walker; and Majors Charles T. Crittenden and John B. Sherrard. [T]hey crossed over Gauly [sic: Gauley] Mountain onto Rich Creek and down the said creek to Gauly [Gauley] River discovered some Indian sign on Rich creek came to Gauly river which was very rapid [illegible word] to cross they agreed to waid two and two together in order to support each other against the current of the water Jessee Aursbourn and James Claypole agreed to walk in front directly they stated they was washed down by the current both lost their Guns and Aursbourn was drownedd and never seen afterwards they then returned returned to their Garrision dureing all the periods that he has named he was he was engaged in defence of his countary either in Garrison with an embodied Corps under competent authority or out on spying parties and followed no civil persuit and endured much of the hardships of Indian hostilities. As well as I can recollect and the requisition was made by the Governor of Virginia for troops to aid the settlements (now Kentucky) who were much distressed by the Indians. What struck me is the summary of the June 1777, I agree, and checked my source before submitting. We were stationed at Col Logans until General Clark returned to Kentucky from the Old Chilecothe [sic: Chillicothe] Indian Towns. Its believed that such was the plan under which troops were being raised in these counties. I substituted in the place of a man whose name I have forgotten for nine months he haveing been drafted for that length of time. The regiment saw action in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, and the Battle of Monmouth. But he was about to be replaced. The Greenbrier Militia already had rendezvoused three days earlier at Byrnsides Fort, along with the Dixon brothers: [H]e entered the service of the United States of the following named officers & served as herein stated: that he was drafted in the month of February in the year 1781 under Captain John Henderson and Lieutenant John Woods and Major Andrew Hamilton had the command. Un concours pour mettre en avant des inventeurs africains-amricains John Griffee Isaac Fisher [pension application S39524] and James Claypale that they left Hamiltons Fort and traveld along what was then called Lewises Campaign why that was the rout that General [Andrew] Lewis had marched his troops from Greenbrier to the Battle of the Point fought against the Indians at the mouth of the Greate Kanahawa in the fall of 1774 [sic: Battle of Point Pleasant at the mouth of Kanawha River, 10 Oct 1774]. Among them were, James Alton, Swift Perry, and Edward Cornwell, all now dead; William Bushor, who moved to Kentucky, and James and JohnOHaraand Thomas Alterberry, whom he knows nothing of. Left Valley Forge in May 1778 for Fort Pitt. Fort McIntosh was an early American log frontier fort situated near the confluence of the Ohio River and the Beaver River in what is now Beaver, Pennsylvania. Born 1749. That was likely during the aforesaid tour of duty, which he thought was 1779 or 1780. So just to clarify, there were two separate militia musters at Byrnsides Fort, for the Greenbrier Militia to march for Kentucky in order to serve in expeditions under George Rogers Clark: one in 1778, and one in 1781. Subscribe now and get each blog post by email. Left Valley Forge in May 1778 for Fort Pitt. On the other hand, they were fearful of being attacked on our frontiers by the British and Indians out of Detroit. While it is impossible to track every unit that fought in the Revolutionary War due to all the militia this is a good starting point for understanding where your ancestor may have fought and what they endured during the war. Records Commission. As such, his talents were definitely best utilized as an Indian Spy on the frontiers, a necessary service since the defense plan depending on an early warning for the settlers to make it into their nearest fort prior to an attack.. [H]e entered the service as an Indian Spy in the spring of the year 1776: that at the time he entered the Service as a Spy he was enrolled and mustered in a company of Militia commanded by Captain John Henderson and raised in that part of the State of Virginia which is now Monroe on Wolf Creek about sixteen miles from where he now resides; that at the termination of the cold weather and when the first signs of approaching spring and the putting forth of vegetation appeared some signs of Indians having been seen, the people becoming much alarmed in the neighborhood betook themselves to Cooks Fort which was situated on Indian Creek about eight miles from where he now resides in about the same distance from where he then resided. The application contains an amendment, this time with more detail: [W]hile he was stationed at Fort McIntosh, he was sent out with fifteen or twenty others on a scouting party; while out on this party they were attacked by about forty Indians and succeeded in killing a great many of them. 1862. Sullivan settled out west after the war. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Benjamin Harrison of VA. He was confronted with the same issues that previous generals had faced before him: shortages of supplies, food, and men. Immediate preparation made for action in which five of the Indians were killed and several wounded. In a strategic attempt to divert the enemys attention from these campaigns, Washington requested that Brodhead resume his expedition along the Allegheny. Revolutionary War, 1076: 783-802, 1077:860-867 (CSR); Heitman, Register, 249 I make no doubt Genl Hand has already Acquainted your Excellency of the Situation of Affairs in this Country and of his having gone down to Regulate the Garrisons on the Ohio.2 since he left this place nothing Material has happened. 1st Virginia Cavalry (5), 20th Virginia Cavalry (3) Old Tyke: Before Time: Confederate Cavalry (micro-Scale) . I remained in the Station about Two or three weeks. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. and further this deponant saith not. He served as Captain at the battle of Germantown in Colonel William Russells Virginia regiment. The return includes three companies of the 13th Virginia Regiment and two companies of independent Virginia troops, a total of 256 men, including 15 commissioned officers, 28 noncommissioned officers, and 213 rank and file. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. He served more than six months or perhaps seven. I recently discovered additional Revolutionary War veteran pension applications mentioning Byrnsides Fort. 40 miles from Fort Pitt; affidavit in file age 67 in Pendleton Couinty, virginia 1813 when disabled from Revolutionary War wounds; William Marteney filed It was also at McAfees Station in Kentucky where Capt. On the return, Conewago, Buckloons and Mahusauchikoken were burned.. . Tories from the nearby mountains had been threatening to take over the lead mines, and otherwise cause chaos. This is George Dixons own pension narrative, which follows: [H]e entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated That he entered the said service in the month of September AD 1777 A volenteer of the County of Greenbrier in the state of Virginia, in the Company commanded by Captain James Armstrong, marched from the said County of Greenbrier [illegible word] the Kenhaway to Point Pleasent [sic: Kanawha River to Point Pleasant] on the Ohio River Captain [Matthew] Arbuckle commanded said Garison [Fort Randolph] at Point Pleasent. description ends , 1:14344, 2:304, 310, 3:286). It was credited as part of the Pennsylvania . Book excerpt: A definitive guide to veterans from Blair County, Pennsylvania who served in: Revolutionary War; War of 1812; Mexican War; Civil War; Spanish American War; and, World War 1. (James) Graham of danger, which went unheeded, resulting in tragedy: He has heard him [George Dixon] long since relate the circumstance of King Cornstalk being kiled at Point Pleasant in virginia and his expedition to Kentucky with an Express. And after he returned home he went to the County of Botetourt County State of Virginia and in the month of September 1780 he again entered the service of the United States as a Volunteer in the company of Captain Alexander Hanley in the County aforesaid to serve a tower of six months, the company marched to the County of Montgomery & State aforesaid on Holston River where they were attached to Major Campbells Battalion and from that place they marched through North Carolina to South Carolina where they joined General Morgans [Daniel Morgans] Brigade and after they joined the aforesaid Brigade they marched to the Cowpens and that he was in the Battle of the Cowpens [January 17, 1781].. However, it ties in nicely with the Griffin narrative, in that they both describe being mustered to transport supplies for James Byrnside, almost certainly via packhorse, to the Fort Pitt region. That as early as the 1stday of May in the year 1779 he again commenced his Services in Burnsides Fort and continued in service until the 1stof November following that he thinks it was in this year a party of Indians came into the settlement and Murdered William Bradshaws Wife the circumstances are these Bradshaw had remained at home with his Family and two of the Spys returning to Cooks Fort [on Indian Creek just below Greenville] called at his Cabbin to rest and informed him. 13th NY Volunteers, 79th NY State Militia : Old Tyke: Before Time: Union Infantry (Micro . On December 27, 1776 it was assigned to the Southern Department, then under the command of General . And that he this deponant perfectly recollects of hearing the said Peter Dixon, state more than thirty years since, that he the said Peter, was drafted for the term of six months in Greenbrier County Virginia, in the War of the Revolution. That before he entered the service as a spy he took the Oath of Fidelity and the Oath to perform the duties of a Spy That he went into service as a spy on the first day of May 1776 and was discharged on the first of November following, having continued in service six months and until that season of the year arrived when the fear of Indian depredation no longer existed, they having as was their general custom retired to winter quarters. American Farmers Forming at Concord. In the evening moved to Camp Blair at Fairfax station with the Newtown Artillery and the 10th Virginia Infantry. He was with the 13th VA. SUBMITTER INFO: They had other offensive plans, to take the war to the Indians. The first commander of the Twenty-first was E. L. Dudley, of Lexington, who died February 20, 1862. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. At the time, and unknown to Hull, only 100 men of the 41st Regiment, along with 300 militiamen and 150 Indians, defended Fort Malden. This was in Greenbrier County Virginia. He commanded frontier garrisons on the upper Ohio river at Fort Pitt (Pittsburg) and Fort Henry. skeith@waynesville.k12.mo.us This article about a specific military unit of the American Civil War is a stub. William was a son of William Harvey II(1744-1819)and Polly Jane Robinson Harvey(1749-1844). This is a list of British units which took part in the American Revolutionary Wa That would have been the 1778 trip to Kentucky. First settler of Wood County VA/WV, Parkersburg area. During the Revolutionary War, . Log palisades connected the bastions, and a 15 foot wide ditch protected three sides of the fort, with the 130 foot slope to the Ohio River protecting the other side. It appears that there were musters at Byrnsides Fort for expeditions to Kentucky to assist George Rogers Clark in 1778, and also again in 1781. That in the year 1781 he again entered the service on the 1stday of Aprile and continued in service until the 1stof November following. He served to the best of his recollection under this draft three months. Rockingham County Virginia to secure the marriage of Daniel Trout to Catharine Grub b.] . All rights reserved. Reprint (1st work). Publication Title: Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 Publisher: NARA Short Description: NARA M246. See Jefferson Papers, 3:479. Walker's Brigade. Prussian, or Polish-into their regiment. In early March of 1779, George Washington wrote to Daniel Brodhead and placed him in command of Fort Pitt: From my opinion of your abilities, your former acquaintance with the back Country, and the knowledge you must have acquired upon this last tour of duty, I have appointed you to command in preference to a stranger, who would not have time to gain the necessary information between that of his assuming the command and the commencement of operations.. The 8th Pennsylvania, also stationed there, was commanded by Col. Daniel Brodhead. Gibson served as lieutenant colonel of the 13th Virginia Regiment from November 1776 to October 1777, when he became colonel of the 6th Virginia. One Samuel H. Shute gave a statement in support of George Dixons application, which mentions that while serving as an Indian Spy for Capt. The regiment saw much hard fighting during the war. [1] References Reuben Gilder's Co. Capt. 2. Pennsylvania (should be Virginia) Line on Continental Establishment Commanded by Col Broadhead, & in Capt Jas Burnsides Company. 6 vols. Produced by: MFR, Karin Spence and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) Save Page Now. the United States, and research and development projects to bring historical records to the Records Commission. Kiashuta, also known as Guyasuta and The Hunter (c.17221794), was a prominent Seneca chief who took part in many councils between the Iroquois and the British before the Revolutionary War. It appears that the force was then divided into two groups: one to assist Kentucky, and one to assist Montgomery County, Virginia with its Tory problem and guard the lead mines. That he entered the service as an Indian Spy in the spring of the year 1776; that he was then just entering the 18thyear of his age; that at the time he entered the service as a Spy he was a private in the Company of Militia Commanded by Captain John Henderson; that he then resided in that part of Virginia which is now in the County of Monroe but whether it was then Botetort County or not he does not now know [present Monroe County WV formed in 1799 from Greenbrier County, which was formed from Botetourt and Montgomery counties in 1778].