they show that the world is run by power and that you need to be powerful in order to survive. when it comes to past life, these people were most likely artists or athletes. you just want to head pat them. in their past life, they were most likely psychics so its no surprise that these individuals naturally know about spirituality and have strong intuition. they could like to wear necklaces that say quite problematic things, or necklaces with charms of something nerdy like charms related to science or technology (brain, aliens, planets, flasks, etc). well, If people know little about you, they cant know your weaknesses and cant hurt you. this is commonly seen in boss-employee couples or in writer-composer couples. they just want to freely express themselves (which they didnt get to do in their past life). pretty much anything that stands out and shows their individuality. I have aries ascendant, I am pretty fast at running and I have fast reaction speed and reflexes. Which persona charts (or any other Astro placements) highlights a persons strengths, weaknesses, personal development, and path to self improvement?? PISCES socks, bikinis, wet hair, heels, anklets, sandals, cosplay? their throats could also get dry easily. I did research on this and observed many married couples charts including celebrities and people I know personally. when it comes to past life, these people may have been writers or public speakers so these people could be naturally good at writing and speaking because of that. If they were famous in their past life, they might have learnt that fame isnt necessarily good so they may be scared of fame in this lifetime (fame is karma and these individuals keep being reborn as famous people until they pay for their karmic debts). (well its more of a theory but its cool methinks). they encourage people to look deeper into things. they werent accepted by their family and society, they were labelled as weird. this is an interesting placement as 4th house deals with our roots and memories, Id say Mnemosyne is the most comfortable in this sign/house. GEMINI MARS/MERCURY or GEMINI in 2ND/3RD/5TH HOUSE actually have many hobbies, they are very talented. thats that combination for ya (ofc it depends on the rest of the chart). please do not reword, copy, repost without asking. these people should also pay attention to their thoughts, their words and their writing. :p. sagittarius mars especially with scorpio or aries placements are very attractive. she was a powerful and beautiful goddess that Zeus had to have her. A new book by American data scientist Alexander Boxer, who has a doctorate in physics, aims to shift that view. In their past life, they could have been immigrants or were just very different from the people of where they lived. 6TH HOUSE RULER IN 4TH/5TH/11TH HOUSE may want to rescue animals or have rescued animals at one point. my descendant persona charts moon is in leo and all my bestfriend are leo moons. My app: "Astrologyzone Horoscopes by Susan Mil"in Apple App Store +Google Play. Please take this with a grain of salt, not everything will resonate with you entirely. Astronomy vs Astrology: What's The Difference? People who have Uranus square Chiron in their birth charts often feel very isolated in the world. I've noticed they tend to grab onto other people when excited, love to give high fives, and will hold hands with their friends. What's your zodiac sign? (It may not be what you think it is) I apologise if some of these observations have already been said, I do not keep track. whatever the situation. also, my intuition shows up as ideas. they could have similar appearance or name as they had in their past life, too. AQUARIUS OR LIBRA MARS can bruise very easily. I have this placement myself and I hate shouting, if the person I want to talk to is across the room Id rather walk up to them and talk instead of shouting. Astrology observations | Lipstick Alley They also believed that events on Earth corresponded to changes in celestial bodies such as stars or planets, including the sun and moon. The movement of the planets in the sky is thought to influence us on Earth, influencing our daily decisions and life journeys. most people with this placement are remembered for their s*x appeal, wealth and maybe even deaths. MARS-ASC look so attractive when they sweat especially after playing sports, exercising or any physical activity is that weird? wherever it is in your chart, it shows what you want to dominate. the meeting will feel very ordinary. I have it in pisces 10th house, our reputation and career will get us together. For those interested in learning more about this powerful tool for self-discovery and growth, Astrology Observations: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars for a Better Understanding of Yourself and the World offers readers a comprehensive overview of how astrology can be used as an aid to gaining greater clarity on many of lifes issues. Astrology observations <3 #yoursign #fyp #ily #zodiacsigns #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #astrologyobservations. MNEMOSYNE IN VIRGO / 6TH HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their hardwork, helpfulness, analytical, modest and organised selves. Saturn in the 2nd of a solar return chart might indicate a financial loss. Astrological signs: Characteristics and meanings, Planetary Influences: Their Effects on Us. in tarot, Uranus is related to The Tower and Ive always said that my intuition is like lightning because it comes fast. Information on Evolutionary Astrology and also Steven Forrest Astrology. also, GEMINI VENUS really like planes and birds. they dont let people in. moon in groom/briede/juno persona chart can tell you about, venus in virgo or 6th house in groom/briede/persona chart or even natal chart can mean that your. WILD (1941) shows where you are freed from / where youre most free and where you have to do things yourself with no instructions. these people should pay attention to their hobbies and talents that theyre naturally good at as this can give them hints about their past life. they might have experienced a lot of deaths in their past life (other peoples deaths or even their own), these people could be afraid of death because of that. By studying astrological signs, symbols, planets, and constellations, we can make meaningful connections that shed light on our future. It takes a village to raise a child. theyre living oxymorons. This includes exploring key aspects such as communication styles, trust levels, and compatibility indicators. basically, scorpio shows your weakness and where you fear of being the most vulnerable which is why you want to have full control of that area of your life. hills Astrology Observations for example, if theyre naturally talented at drawing, they may have been an artist in their past life. its also interesting that a lot of gemini moons and SCORPIO MOONS get along very well (Scorpio is associated with Hades, the god of the underworld). TAURUS/LIBRA RISINGS I know are obsessed with power or want to be seen as more powerful/intimidating than they really are. Through astrological observations, we can get to know ourselves better and understand how planetary influences shape our behavior. The next installment of my Moon Signs Observations series! Astrology observations? : r/astrology - Astrology Observations: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars for a Better tell me what you think! MNEMOSYNE IN AQUARIUS / 11TH HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their intellectual, humanitarian, revolutionary, fair, rebellious and independent self. Ancient cultures developed complex belief systems that relied heavily on an astrological perspective to interpret natural phenomena. : aquarius or uranus in 2nd house these people like to wear something thats original so they may like to wear their own handmade or customised necklaces. How to seek a prediction: Interpret the positions of the moon and planets, relative to constellations made of stars (Sample) Equipment: anything from naked eye observation to specialized software Personnel: Astrologer Astrology, which derives from the Greek word astrologia (), is the study of heavenly bodies in an attempt to explain and understand the mysterious and complex . another interpretation is that these people may actually know who they were in their past life, like their appearance, personality, name, identity. AQUARIUS DOMINANT these people are confusing. It also sextiles her saturn. since Pisces is the last sign of the wheel and symbolises endings, these people will most likely repay their karmic debts this lifetime. you may also seem to attract people with those placements into your life! It can also tell you what youre like at home. I apologise if some of these observations have already been said, I do not keep track. they most likely were judged for wearing shorter dresses, showing more skin than others, being more sensitive than others in their past life which made them more conservative in this life and afraid of making mistakes and disappointing others. : southnode in 5th house / mnemosyne in 5th house they most likely have artistic talents that they have taken with them from their past life or they were exposed to art and music in their early years. If these people didnt have the chance of being a mother in their past life, then they came into this lifetime with the purpose of being a mother or a parent. because of that, these individuals are very cautious of letting people get close to them and are very secretive as a way of protecting themselves, they find it hard to trust people. ex: in libra 9th house = you may meet them in foreign lands or in college/a place of learning, you will find them attractive. If you ever think about tidying a fixed doms room as a love language without being asked to or whatever, dont. it gives the same effect as sagittarius mars. they are remembered for their wealth, their s*x or s*x appeal or even death. Required fields are marked *. Mnemosyne in a chart (depending on the aspects) can also give you the ability to foresee the future like seeing visions. MNEMOSYNE IN CAPRICORN / 10TH HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their ambitions, achievements, career and social status. baby_renaxo. they also get babied by their peers. for example, if they have weak hands they may have fought a lot in their past life or they worked in labour. this doesnt have to be s*xual at all. didnt quite get that? It is hard to hold eye contact with a FIXED DOMINANT especially if youre also not a fixed dominant.