At first she was very attentive and understanding, and I made what i thought was a real effort at bonding with her son. Thank u for the article it helps me understand its not me. I have been searching the web for months trying to understand and cope with the confusing crazy-making irrational behaviors of our 32 year old daughter. This time around, I slighted her is some way and didnt even know I did it at the time. Theres no such thing. Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder by Shari Y Manning, Marsha M Linehan available in Trade Paperback on, also read synopsis and reviews. The more I loved her, the further away she went. She also became increasingly volatile towards me as well. We get along great and she seems to be everything I want in a partner. MENTAL ILLNESS IS STILL ILLNESS, YOU JUST CANT SEE IT, so stop the ignorance and start paying attention. Herthought process begins to spiral and she ends up stalking this person. I could write all kinds of things. He feels that I dont respect him. My HPD wife insist on divorcing. good luck to anyone who is giving it a go , hopefully your situation is better than what mine was . That is challenging. This allows you to actively seek it out. The effects of BPD are most severe in intimate relationships. You covered many points that really hit home with my current situation. Its the only media I feel [has] depicted my fear of abandonment and dependence on one individual.. This is so sad. I understand your perspective of male behavior, but I disagree that all men are as you describe. This can help her in later years to cope with fallout from the very sad situation she is in right now. Have you ever been left by someone with BPD traits? By drawing him in close and simultaneously attacking him in an attempt to disable him from hurting her, she is able to meet both of these opposing needs. The real hook for me was high physical / sexual compatibility and in conjunction with not wanting to be out there the trap began, The aspect that perturbed me for a while, is when you give them that out and they justdontwant to take it! I dont know how to fully explain myself. Looking back now this is one of the signs of BPD. Is it possible to be friends with her or women like her? You certainly get to choose how to live your life, and if you are not hurting anyone, then no one has a right to make any judgments on those choices. It ends in a way that leaves borderliners believing they truly are cons, and that no one will ever keep a relationship. Then came a third 5 days silent treatment where i laughed via text over the silliness of her behaviour. To answer your question, its not that these women are blinded by their emotions when they move out of the idealization phase. Check out this article for confirmation of this assertion: In this episode, I interview Vasu, creator of the podcast artwork, and fellow recovering warrior. There is a period of emotional sobriety or coming down from the addictive nature these relationships that most men need to go through. I am working on my codependent traits or Nice guy traits but have reached my limit. I pleaded. You will find that they will twist all arguments into being your fault and sometimes to the point of asking yourself am I really that stupid when it comes to women? But you will soon realize that if you address some of your flaws that are flaws but they are really overreacting to, they will jump on something else. Its just a crap game all around, these days even good matches arent lasting. It is like she forgets she agreed this is not a wise move, but then it always comes back. In his article for Psychology Today called, Borderline Personality Disorder in the Movies, David M. Allen M.D., wrote that Evies background is a spot-on representation of the dysfunctional childhood experiences many with BPD live through. It is very helpful for others who have been through this to realize that they are far from alone in this experience. However it is quite easy to regulate another persons emotions. From the beginning things felt a little bit off, she said things like her life would have been perfect if only she had met me years before, non-boundaries, turning up at my work unannounced etc. They often dont realize that controlling negative impulses is how the average person puts their morals into practice, so they may mistakenly believe that they are bad people. It was great because it helped me understand my confusion as WHAT THE HELL was happening and my self doubt wondering if I was really an ass and didnt realize it or if there was something more going on. Wake up!! Another important aspect is the fact that women with traits of BPD feel extreme humiliation due to rejection, exponentially more than the average person. She is a self described loaner who up until about a year ago didnt really have friends (she has one now). Her thoughts are so unusual I feel I have more understanding than most therapists on the disorder. Part of the recovery process from a breakup with a women who has traits of BPD is to recognize that these assets are valuable and should not be offered to those who are not equipped to give them back in return. Her fear of betrayal may be overwhelming, but it is no match for her obsessive desire for romantic love. Traits of BPD: Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have a Conscience? Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. When he decided it was time to go, it was all over. Partly, I am terrified of losing redidential custody, even though she has told my daughter she doesnt love her or want her. Either the nice-guy type will finally have a momentary lapse of selfishness, which she will experience as a major betrayal, or she will become so overwhelmed by her suspicious nature that that she will convince herself that he has betrayed her. We often argued about things like once i bought wrong shopping and she would shout and scream at me for really irrational things when I came home 30min later then planed for a diner whilst coming home from work etc. Probably. Your column helped me so much. These are tough times for a nice guy to be in romantic relationship. Funny that because I barely did anything wrong. I really could not see how things were going to get better but I do still miss her. Do you know what that is like?? Before that, I just hada few traits of it. I agreed to get back together in hopes she changed. 25 years later l filed for divorce due to her abuse and refusal to get help for her BPD. I am in a relationship for 6 years now, its been really hard work, but I believe people can make it work. His emotions constantly push him toward rash decisions based on virtually zero logic. We have always done our best to support and parent her wholeheartedly with love. Stuff better lerft for journaling or therapy. In other words the push-pull (*) pattern is already visible. Jasmine: Wake up!! The harder I tried the further away she went. Ive been so scared for weeks now. Mighty community member Kellyann N. shared that mental health professionals have explained BPD using Anakin Skywalker (a.k.a. Also smoke canabis but its a secret and I eventually found out of which she just denies even though I had proof and yet she still denies. Contact us today at 1-844-9-THRIVE. Women are more discerning when choosing a partner, likely because an unreliable partner would have adverse outcomes for her and her child. This personality type truly enjoys giving and often find they need nothing more in return than a feeling of being appreciated. Consider the following exchange between Brett and Jasmine as they lay in bed. At any rate this is 100 percent doomed to fail in all cases. Casting the nice guy against the terrible Tyrant with bpd is not helpful to the woman so Im assuming this piece was written for men in abusive relationships? These individuals struggle with the inability to resist urges, particularly emotionally-driven urges. e.g. She was diagnosed with something I even saw the report, however, she didnt let me see the condition she was diagnosed for. Silver Linings Playbook follows Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper), a man withbipolar disorderwho was recently hospitalized andTiffany Maxwell (Jennifer Lawrence), awoman whomany believe exhibits symptoms of BPD though she is not given a specific diagnosis in the movie. There are, of course, benefits to that, but if you zoom out and look at the bigger picture of the way that mental illness is represented through books and movies, there is a problem. This can give you a firsthand understanding of what causes these behaviors. This method shows you easy techniques that let you reverse the negative behaviors of high conflict personalities. We have sound healthy relationships with the oldest and youngest child however our middle child has completely turned on us . Note To Readers: Id like to take a moment to thank all of you who have taken the time to post in my comments section. This triad of traits locks them very tightly into their negative behavior patterns. These fearful feelings are intensified by the emotional dysregulation often associated with the disorder. Thanks for bringing this up, and I hope that helps to clarify it. Funny thing is I would say Im this nice guy and I suffered with mental health before , anxiety etc and I know the battles people go through but the biggest leap is accepting there is a problem!! This workbook will give your spouse step by step instructions on how to lower your emotions and reestablish trust during these episodes. I hope women with bpd are not reading this!! The following post contains spoilers for the movies mentioned. So why? ah so long as he remains a compliant nice guy and gives without receiving other than sexual gratification the relationship will last in any case he is far more compatible than I due to lifestyle and $$$$ and perhaps thats why I was abused she wanted out but didnt have courage so abused me thinking I would breakup first and the cheating was simply to secure a new partner as she can not be alone I doubt it mattered who he was so long as he was available and compliant.I understand now thats not what I want from a partner if it were just sex it be easier and cheaper to use a prostitute..Im still that same nice guy but I set boundaries the only reason I persisted is cause Im a fixer type and honestly believed her abuse was due to the childs hatred for me thinking that if we could just stay together long enough for kid to mature she would revert back to who she was in the beginning..also its fear Im 50 and the dating pool is messy at this age a lot of damaged souls especially women..most dont want Rs and are happy single which is sad mom recently asked a friend of ours if she knew any single women she said she knew tons but none want or need a man due to past damage..myself Ive been damaged twice and still hold out hope there is a stable mature woman for me.. 16 months on and my depression is lifting,Im back in the gym and looking pretty dam good physically for an old bugger but I do still ruminate as to wether my nice guy personality triggered her abuse or perhaps I just wasnt what she wanted all along..Ive been reading you blogs and articles and I hope next time I can spot a cluster b and run This post will describe the typical effects that BPD symptoms have on female sexuality. Why are we together? Rather, these instances that seem like manipulations are desperate attempts to get what they need to feel good, to escape psychological pain. An onslaught of disrespectful raging,verbal abuse and fabricated accusations about our insensitivity to her needs left us speechless . Everything was over text too. Its a lot to handle. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness. Went from hero to zero in a flash. Why not keep it on a freinds with benefits basis so no one gets hurt or feels conned? Personally I dont think its possible to have a ltr with a bpd unless the non will just accept a life of pain and grief and just be the doormat , Id rather be single than have a life of regrets , thats just my story and I dont know any other bpds personally so cant comment We have been addressing natural selfishness in relationships, but now lets take a look at another form of built-in egocentric behavior. As the months went on I believed it was more than that but she would never seek help. She has an overriding fear of relationship betrayal. This is not a concept . What your girlfriend may have seen in you and reflected back to would be your real qualities. I couldnt leave because of my fear of being alone. A learned person learns how to respect themselves and set important boundaries and this helps both partners to grow. We are mindset coaches and want to offer this content for the betterment of the BPD community. | I feel betrayed if the person who wrote this was a woman herself because this article makes it out to seem like the bpd woman is a hopeless terrible partner and person! That would have severely triggered her sense fear of abandonment / fears I was going to hurt her. Laura didnt know why she felt this way, but ever since she was a little girl she hated being alone. Yes, we feel, and we feel deeply. I am currently in recovery of bpd, and I have to say that what you said in your article is not always the case. Thank you for your article. Current therapist just say depressed, of course she cannot be telling everything. Arguably the most prominent BPD symptom evident in both girls is emotional dysregulation and the use of substances and self-harm to try to regulate these painful emotional experiences. We had great sex and i was very attracted to her. Contact us today at 1-844-9-THRIVE. If you want to try out some of the basic techniques of this method for free to see if this method is right for your situation, you can learn them from an intro guide flip-book here or a PDF version of the intro guide here. So sometimes they adore various people and sometimes they despise them. Remember to spread the word that BPD/CPTSD/EUPD are all disorders that hurt, though that we can recover from with tenacity, patient endurance, and hard work! But whether or not Clem was written with this specifc diagnosis in mind, many with BPD relate to her. We are just people who have a hard time regulating our emotions, which makes it very hard to control our behaviors. Things are crazy on circular basis from October to January every year a living hell of moods, arguments. If you have BPD, if you are trying to help or understand someone with bpd I highly recommend giving these episodes a listen. When I felt she was devaluing me, I started to question her. But he had been developing a bit of a rebellious streak, no more so than I think many boys at his age go through. We dated for 3 years then she left me right out of the blue and cut me off. What happens when someone does that and is left without any sense of appreciation from the other person after trying so hard? You may also benefit from forums where there are individuals who have been through exactly what you have been through, with stories so similar that make you feel like they are talking about your girlfriend instead of their own. So why do they bother? Though it accurately portrayedthe reality ofliving with BPD, the movie has often beencriticized forits too good to be true ending. Especially when I would occasionally defend his recent behaviours (which were no more egregious than forgetting to do the dishes, or coming home later than his curfew). If you are struggling with borderline personality disorder and are in need of information and support, please call the National Alliance on Mental Illness at 1-800-950-6264. Minor betrayals are by no means deal-breakers, but they can definitely ruffle our feathers and hurt our feelings. Men protect women and are more susceptible to falling into the BPD trap. Your going to grow to be a fat old man Fast forward 2.5 years. When we would go out for dinner ect she would try to force me to drink and get upset if I didnt. If they are far enough out on the spectrum of BPD to warrant a diagnosis, they may find themselves isolated, but it is not because they are loners. (READ MORE). And its absolutely unfair to make them feel pain as a result of my internal crap. In order to understand why so many nice-guy types stay in abusive relationships with women with traits of BPD we must first understand a second universal human frailty. Some people dispute the diagnosis, but up to . I am a nice guy up to a point, then afterwards it will start to vent out of me, and all of the past mental abuse will be right there with it and you will never forget it, you can try but you cant, at that point its easier to leave. Best of luck! You just summed up my 19 year marriage ending in divorce with my abusive BPD ex wife who cheated multiple times on me. I get the feeling that he is also at a loss with her because he isnt gaining any ground, he tells me that in her eyes, I am the problem, and the only problem. Their focus and commitment to their relationship keeps them on the straight and narrow. After years of marriage, five years ago my wife started quickly to show intense BPD characteristics. How difficult it is to get a MALE doctor to listen to you instead of prescribing antidepressants? The more I read, the closer I feel to moving past this. She was a very nice person. The problem for you to find a lasting relationship is similar to the problem I have finding one, Im OCD, Im very protective over my possessions as they seem to be the only lasting thing besides my immediate family, I usually dont trust other women, and Im pretty care free, I dont take small things and turn them into big things. You have done a very good job in identifying this disorder at such a young age so you can get the help you need to heal from it. A lot of people think the way Bella acts is unrealistically dramatic, but I always thought Kristen Stewart captured quiet BPD, Mighty BPD community member Jimmy Humphries wrote. Maybe not the best idea but the chemistry was undeniable. Again things were good for a while but she would blame everything on me. BPD is one of two personality disorders (the other is dependent) that fully appreciates and understands the need for others to be in their life. I take a bath, drink green tea and listen to my favorite music. Obviously this wasnt my fault, just an innocent accident, but in order to avoid shame and embarrassment, she had to deflect blame onto me. P.S. Contact us today at 1-844-9-THRIVE. I feel with all my heart I owed her these years to try. The participants viewed a facial photograph of each target individual, along with a brief biography. Both nice-guy types and women with traits of BPD tend to believe that the other possesses the same natural skills and deficits. I been with her for 16 months and same accusations, lieing , no empathy , no compassion for others and only nice when is on the take ,slowly losing friends and family due to issues . Im a classic nice guy and shes an extreme BPD (she received the diagnosis years ago and has pretty much every symptom except cutting). Is this sort of thing common in these types of women where they suffer from these types of disorders and isolation as well? I had stumbled across the Hot Crazy Matrix (HCM) YouTube video and was struck by its popularity and media coverage it had attracted. Her father cheated on her mother and her mother would share way too much information about it with her kids (she actually drove her kids around looking for her father while he was cheating and telling the kids what was going on). So because these women with traits of BPD have these feelings of worthlessness and being unloveable, would they often think there is something wrong with their partner or that he is using them because he chooses to stay in spite of this behavior? The counseling is not an option, I will still be reading here. What she lacks is moral maturity. I am a decent human being but wont be a doormat to walk on , no I wasnt always perfect but I was pretty close to be being a good partner I lived with a woman I think had aspects of BPD for 8 years of a nearly 10-year relationship. He is perplexed by defense mechanisms that most people know how to watch out for. Sit up and look at you all night? This lack of social discernment coupled with the oversharing of intimate details can be typical struggles for folks with untreated BPD. So they know you want to stick around but dont if that makes any sense. But the version Im referring to was my first Waif. She would leave her coat at home because it was warm and then would say why did you tell me to leave it. For this reason it can be very healing to read the stories of other men who have broken up with women who have these traits. Would go back. I found this website to be just excellent! Well, her version of that is to feel she cant handle life and she hates you! It falls short though in the ending where it gave an impression they were cured by love. The core of the problem is that their skill attainment has been stunted such that they do not know how to get what they want in a manner that preserves and enhances the relationship. I work full time. So she got it in her mind that I never would because I didnt do so within her timeline. Jump start your recovery today!--- Support this podcast:, Borderline Personality Disorder is no longer considered a chronic illness. This article is the most illuminated one Ive found that addresses the dynamic of these relationships and the role I played: The Nice Guy. Telling someone she knows that you think she has a mental condition could lead to a smear campaign, so it might be safest to let her old boyfriend research her problem on his own. It is very difficult for women anywhere on the spectrum of BPD to recognize the difference between being supportive of ones spouses long-term goals and dreams and supporting any impulse or momentary urge they may have. From a mindset of BPD is my identity to this is a disorder I live with, but does not define me. On the other hand, you feature dialogue techniques that help to assuage the out-of-control emotions and thoughts that plague such relationships and that help to develop a sense of trust and security in the BPD partner. She would rather struggle than have any help from me too. Im sorry this happened to you. Because of her lack of effort to make contact with them they have now decided to remove him from the home permanently. Though Susanna actually has a diagnosis of BPD, some believe the diagnosis doesnt fit, and instead identify more with Lisa. Thank you. Is it possible that someone with these traits meant things like going slow but just cant help herself and fall in love in just months? Saturday Night Livestar Pete Davidson has helped to spread awareness, since he's. mixture of the female characters in Silver Linings Playbook and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind., Wreck-It Ralph displays a number of classic borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms, though there is no mention of mental illness in the movie. Surprisingly, relationship skills are linked to a persons ability to follow the rules. There really isnt anything you can do to help her. Although it is very unfortunate that women no longer seem to appreciate nice-guy qualities, the inability to override the instinctual urge to degrade those who dont conform has proven to be more damaging than the female instinct to value narcissistic types over nice guys. From Borderline to Beautiful: Hope & Help for BPD with Rose Skeeters, MA, LPC, PN2. Brett: What do want me to do? If anyone reads this comment please understand every person is different and affected by bpd differently. And she will have no qualms about throwing you under the bus. Silver Linings Playbook is my favorite movie of all time and its very relatable. I didnt give up on my ex and I never would have but what you dont seem to understand is that with most of these women that doesnt matter. A weaker partner will just give in to help calm things and or get past the scene without solving the problem. Wreck-It Ralph displays a number of classic borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms, though there is no mention of mental illness in the movie.