Charlotte tells Henry (and Ray) that shes glad theyre alive. As soon as Charlotte comes inside she asks where Henry is and when Jasper tells her, she says she's going to go check on him. Henry and Charlotte come downstairs at the same time, dressed in new clothes that they seemto have just put on. Charlotte said that Henry didn't look good when he got here. Henry grabs Charlotte and lightly pushes her out of the room. If you ship Jaele or Chenry you may continue reading. Charlotte encouraged Henry to get the Phone Shark by calling him Kid Danger. When the retaineris stuckin Charlotte's mouth, Henry tries to help her to get it out. This is a Jaele fanfic. When Charlotte tells Henry that the Language, Information, and Mathematics Program do call themselves L.I.M.P, they hug again. Charlotte came into Henry's house and immediately asked where Henry was. Henry and Charlotte cheer on for Jasper when he commits Swellview's dumb laws. Henry thought Charlotte was tired when she got hit with the dart. Rewrite of the beginning of season 2. They both looked at each other in a skeptical way when Jasper said he wasn't going to stop think about them kissing. Charlotte follows Henry and Jasper outside. Henry and Charlotte bicker briefly about Charlotte being right about Henry getting some type of side effect from theDensitizer. This is a Chenry fanfic. I thought I heard a slight growl come from behind me. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous His friends, Jasper and Charlotte, stay with Ray. Charlotte swats Henrys hand away from Piper before they removed her phone. Henry sits beside Charlotte on the desk and puts his hand on her chair. When Charlotte starts to leave, Henry asks her where shes going. Charlotte found out that Henry killed her pet fish, Nemo, in, Henry is strong enough to pull Charlotte over a counter, as shown in. He quickly closes his mouth and looks down at Charlotte troubled by her reaction. After Henry exhales fire when laughing from a joke on the radio, the first person he chooses to contact is Charlotte. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She is initially opposed to doing so but gives in when he insists. All of this, also went without mentioning the first and most important thing that attached Henry to the city. "Look at meI said look at me!I won't After Charlotte leaves, Ray says, Were gonna help her and Henry scoffs and responds, Yeah, were gonna help her!, Charlotte pushes Henry (and Ray) to the other side of the hallway so that they can talk, When Charlotte asks why Ray and Henry came to the school as Captain Man and Kid Danger, Henry responds, To help you!. It is discovered that they both hate dill pickles. Henry and Charlotte start bickering again when they get off the elevator; Ray appears amused by them. Henry askes why Charlotte has to say no all the time. Henry and Charlotte are decorating the Christmas tree. Henry can't handle not being Charlotte's first choice. Charlotte and Henry agree that JAM classes help a lot of kids. When Henry grabbed the gift, Charlotte stepped out of his way. Charlotte and Henry fist bump when they find out that they still have a chance to win the massage chair. He told Ray to move when he was talking to Charlotte. ", he looked back at Charlotte. Henry was tried to backtrack and to defend Charlotte by saying she wasnt in love with Jasper. Even though Henry rarely gets hurt, Charlotte often worries about him and is always warning him to be careful. When Charlotte tells Henry she got in for the second time, he says he is proud of her and hugs her. Short stories taking place before and after Ruby Danger. In the end, Henry and Charlotte are sitting next to each other while eating pumpkin guts. Henry Hart (Henry Danger) Charlotte Page Jasper Dunlop Piper Hart Kris Hart Jake Hart (Henry Danger) Ray Manchester Bianca (Henry Danger) Superheroes Sidekicks Secret Identity Jealousy High School Fluff and Angst Fluff Fluff and Crack Fame Best Friends Friends to Lovers Jealous Harry Hart Moving In Together Roommates Hijinks & Shenanigans Crushes Charlotte finally realises that she likes Henry. Charlotte and Henry hide in the elevator together to avoid Ray. Charlotte was super excited telling Henry she was applying to L.I.M.P. Kid Danger/Henry kept coming up to Charlotte to ask for advice on his problems. They grew up together, the '3 Musketeers' their parents call them. Charlotte says that someone should get Ray and Henry says that hes on it. When Oliver threw the avocado, Henry pushed Charlotte back so she wouldn't get hurt. Does Ray want to be a father? Only one has ever loved him "Don't let him get me, I don't want to go back!" At the end of the episode, Henry and Charlotte are acting like Rays parents because Henry is about to stop Ray from hurting himself and Charlotte tells Henry to just let Ray get hurt so that hell learn. When Henry calls her to come with him again, she refuses to the second time. Charlotte pulled Henry aside and asked what an Opposite Universe is. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous - Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: abandoned mansion with everything inside Beitrags-Kommentare: michelle snow foundation michelle snow foundation henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous; jonathan lemire wife photos; Thng Su 10, 2022 . It's A Bet', a henry danger fanfic | FanFiction Henry was cheering her name and clapping for her the whole time. Charlotte wishes him good luck as he leaves. Henry quickly changes the subject when Charlotte starts talking about the first guy she kissed, possibly because he didn't want to know and was/isjealous. I don't own Henry Danger and it's characters When Ray said he wants them to eat pumpkin guts, Charlotte. They both stared at Jasper when he said they should wear swimsuits. Background is mine. Charlotte zaps someone whos trying to attack Henry. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous. Henry pulls the chair Charlotte is sitting on to the Room of Storage. When Charlotte glares at him, he giggles, "Tee-hee" at her. While Henry, Ray, and Charlotte are arguing with each other, it seems that Henry and Charlotte are on the same side of the argument. Charlotte tells Henry that he's jealous of Jasper. Henry got annoyed when Charlotte did not agree with him playing at the Dodge-A-Leen tournament and indirectly called her a 'fun-squasher'. Henry (and Ray) help Charlotte up after she falls,Henry puts his hand on her back. Charlotte and Henry both came into the Man Cave when they heard the news. Charlotte and Henry walked up to Jasper together. Neither of them believed that Jasper had a girlfriend. Henry puts his hand on Charlottes back as the run to the elevator the second time. When she throws the Walkie-talkie back to Henry, he constantly tells her that he does not want it back. Charlotte was grinning at Henry and Jasper when they were trying to explain why they were laughing. Charlotte convinced Henry that Bianca cheated on him. When he sees Charlotte stuck, Henry runs to the Auto snacked and tries to pull her out. When Charlotte was sarcastic to Henry, he said that he would not let Charlotte lick his ice cream cone, implying that they shared the same ice cream cone. Charlotte and Henry both walk away when Ms. Shapen asks for help removing a dart from her shoulder. Henry and Charlotte both surprised Ray with a weekend of fum. Henry wants Charlotte to shoot himself transforming into Kid Danger, but she was afraid the video would get out. Charlotte and Henry sit unnecessarily close together on the couch during the sack throwing contest. When Henry and Ray were thinking about what Charlotte said, only Henry actually listened to her and told the Man Fans that he does not get involved in snack politics. Charlotte was truly his partner in every way. Charlotte looks surprised when Bianca doesn't want to kiss Kid Danger. The first letter isn't even capitalised! Henry admits to Charlotte that he did in fact start the helicopter. They have an affectionate friendship and can be seen hugging in numerous episodes. Henry helps to protect his town of Swellview "How could you keep this from me all this years"he shouted. Henry falls on/near Charlotte when the Cave blows up for the second time. Chenry is the friendship/romantic pairing between Henry Hart and Charlotte Page. When Henry's mom starts to ask Henry about his underwear, Charlotte teases him by saying she wants to hear the question. This is a Chenry fanfic. Henry grabs Charlotte and stops her from attacking Jasper then he helps her to calm down and asks what she was thinking. Henry (and Ray) made Dr. Minyak and Nurse Cohort hit themselves in the head with a frying pan 95 times, for revenge to what they did to Charlotte. Charlotte covers for Henry when Ms. Shapen asks where he is, saying that he is home sick. However, no one gets worried. Charlotte takes the coffee away from Henry, telling him he cant drink so much coffee at his age. Charlotte follows Jasper and Henry into the closet. Henry seemed concerned when Charlotte came to the ManCave, mind-warped. When Gwen shows up and Henry goes to talk to Ray, Charlotte slightly pushes Henry to go talk to Ray. Charlotte is afraid that Henry will turn out to be some mutant-freak and refuses to go with him, which shows that she cares about him. Charlotte grabs Henrys wrist when his watch beeps. Charlotte begins teasing Henry about a girl named Amy in science class. Henry doesn't find it funny that Charlotte ends up wearing Jasper's retainer due to theplan that he had suggested. Because of their position, Jasper thinks that they're. WARNING: read at your own risk!! Charlotte tricks Henry (and Jasper) into thinking something cool is behind the massage chair in order to get her chance to sit in it. Charlotte got annoyed and took Henry's ice cream. Henry tells Charlotte to do the whatsup thing and smiles when shedoes it. When Charlotte spits on Rays burger so that she can have it, Henry laughs. Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper all become superheros in Dystopia. When Charlotte asks for a sip of Henry's drink, he smiles at her and says no. Charlotte didn't want to hurt him, even if it wasnt the real Henry. Henry and Ray robbed the Swellview Bank so they could frame Bysh and get Charlotte out of fighting her. Henry and Charlotte are taking calls together at the beginning of the episode. Henry taps her phone for her even though hes already tapping two. Charlotte accepts this reasoning, showing they know each other well and that they both know Henry wouldnt say anything rude about her appearance. Charlotte agreed with Henry's idea of telling Jasper that he's Kid Danger. Henry teaches Charlotte how to fold napkins, Even though she thinks its dumb, Charlotte helps Henry (and Jasper) fold napkins for the needy and gets annoyed when Ray knocks them down, Henry calls Charlotte, stressed over the wall having been destroyed and she explains what their plan to fix things is, Henry says hell see Charlotte soon but she lets him know she might be awhile because shes painting the mural, Henry stays on the phone with Charlotte while Piper runs over and talks to him. Henry leans really close to Charlotte and has his arm on the back of her chair, Henry asks Charlotte what shes reading and she gives him a sassy answer, Henry leans his hand on Charlottes shoulder, Charlotte compliments Henrys rhyme and he thanks her. Henry smiles and laughs when Charlotte agrees that shes smarter than Schwoz. When everyone begins to fight in the non-crime fighters room, Henry and Charlotte fight with each other and appear to be ignoring the others. Charlotte said she wants to be on Henry's team and they both fist-bumped. When Charlotte hugged him, she said, "That's my baby, that's nice.". Henry and Jasper overhear Charlotte admit she dreamt about kissing a coworker. Charlotte and Henry came to school together. Henry gets annoyed again when Charlotte screams and again Charlotte tells Henry to blame Jasper, not her.