In 1856 the companys first steamer, the Borussia, was put into service, though the struggle for supremacy between sailing and steam vessels was by no means decided. Constitution 7 April Chilo 20 August Arab 8 September Diana 24 November Neptune 14 July Bark Laura 22 April Bremen 12 August Brig Reform 29 November, 1851 B. Bohlen 11 June In 1910, emigration had about regained its normal status. Josephine 8 November Intelligenz Blatt #8, pp. Sarah Ann 6 October Then, in 1874, the authorities (the "Nachweisungsbureau"), citing a lack of space, destroyed all Bremen passenger records except for those of the current year and the two previous years. She arrived in New York on July 4, at 7 o'clock in the morning. Philadelphia 4 January 1845 SS Elbe 9 July are not known to have survived for sailing ships from Germany. The SS Bremen was built by F. Schichau of Danzig for the Norddeutscher-Lloyd line. Olbers 13 June Bark Stella 15 October, 1869 Alfred 30 October Luntine 23 June Olbers 12 December Europa 23 June Bark Edmund 3 November Charlemagne 15 July Caroline 23 July Howard 22 October SS Nurnberg 12 March Rainbow 26 August Millions of people left Germany in several waves of migration. An agreement of July 1999 between the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Society for Genealogical Investigation, DIE MAUS ("The Mouse"), provides the basis for digitizing the passenger lists by members of DIE MAUS (i.e. Pioneer 2 September Moreover, Hamburg was learning from Bremen how to and attract emigrants. The ship logo, which is still used in part, was designed and contributed by Pat Walker and Sheila Tate. Eutaw 15 September ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914 FamilySearch RecordsImagesFamily TreeGenealogiesCatalogBooksWiki Cite This Collection "Deutschland, Bremen, Namenskartei aus den Bremer Schiffslisten 1904-1914." Database. Autoleon 3 September Alfred 30 October Reform 4 September Rajah 28 October There are approximately 125,000 names in all four volumes combined. Bark Adonis 1 June Johann Friedrich 19 June Bark E. Beaulien 6 January General Veazie 5 November B. Bohlen 11 June Minerva 18 September The rates offered by the competing companies had drawn freight away from the sailers, and the Hapag did not let it return. With the exception of 2,953 passenger lists for the year 1920-1939 all other lists were lost in World War II. SS New York 15 March N W Stevens 23 October Elise 8 September Meta 4 January Henry 15 October 1843 Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven / German Emigration Center Bremerhaven, Europe's largest and most modern theme museum on the topic of emigration and winner of the prestigious award, FamilySearch - Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914 Anna 10 November Ship Monmouth 23 December, 1854 A directory of ship passenger lists & records on the Internet to help find your immigrant ancestors. Henry 15 October Clarissa Perkins 11 July Charlotte 1 June Howard 1 May Trenton 16 December If you are using emigration/immigration records to find the name of your ancestors' town in Germany, see Germany Finding Town of Origin for additional research strategies. Garonne 21 August Plato 30 October From now on the Hapag had a clear field. Trenton 16 December Germany now exports largely to the United States, but her exports are primarily manufactured articles of high specific value and small bulk. Marianne 16 October Elise 8 September What motive may influence the Hapag in a move of this sort is indicated by the rise and fall of the line from New York to the Levant (through to Constantinople and Odessa), maintained by the Hapag and the German Levant Line in common, 1901-04. Sophie 19 August SS Donau 29 April, 1879 The records also name the ship and the date of departure. Friedrich Jacob 16 June Albert 17 February Passports became important in Germany during the 19th century as a control measure. Bark Adonis 22 May Marianne 20 September Albert 19 August Kepler 17 December [4] Report of the Commissioner of Immigration in the 1907 Report of the Department of Commerce and Labor. 1834 Bodo Heyne: Passengers of the FERDINAND and the WALLACE. When the allies occupied Germany at the end of WWII, the Institute was closed and later re-opened as the Institut fr Austlandsbeziehungen. Knickerbocker 9 September Brig Weser 29 December, 1846 Apollo 7 July This card file was created by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut from Bremen passenger ship lists sometime between WWI and WWII. Europa 8 November Clarissa Perkins 11 July Lucilla 3rd Quarter Ernst and Gustav 4 November Copernicus 23 June Clementine 22 June Favorite 12 November Louise 10 October Sophie 16 June Pay special attention to how the name should have been pronounced and try variations on the pronunciation. As many as one-fifth of the passengers did not survive the crossing to America. The Hapag began business with three copper-bottomed sailing ships of together 1,600 register tons, and with a capital of 460,000 marks. Citing Deutscher Ausland-Institut. 1907/1908 and 1913/1914. Louise 13 October Stephanie 26 July Stern 9 July She is being built over into a pleasure cruiser, the Victoria Luise. GGA Image ID # 14141cec29. Latrobe 2 August Diana 24 November Emma 7 October Edward 28 July SS Main (1927) was a 7,624-ton passenger/cargo ship completed in January 1927 by Bremer Vulkan in Bremen-Vegesack, Germany, for Norddeutscher Lloyd. Isabella 5 July Elizabeth Hall of Dighton 1 September Alfred 30 October Current database may be searched at the museum in Bremerhaven or by mail for a fee. Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Philadelphia 12 July Knickerbocker 9 September Washington 29 September The "Ordinance Concerning the Emigration Traveling on Domestic or Foreign Ships" of 1832 in Bremen was the first state law to protect emigrants. The considerable traffic from New York to the Levant, transshipped at Hamburg, was threatened by the prospect in 1901 that a direct Russian or Italian line would be established. Bremen 4 December The Hapag was founded in 1847 to prevent a further concentration in Bremen of the American mail service, as well as imports from America of cotton and tobacco and exports thither of German emigrants. Barque Eberhard 8 November The fact that emigrants can be counted on as return freight has had a great influence on the inducements that the German companies could offer in freight rates from the United States to the continent. Everhard 30 December Bark Geestemunde 9 June Apollo 7 July SS Ohio 4 March Bachus 12 September Paoli 9 August On 22 August 1939, she began her last voyage to New York. Citizens were required to tell the police or the Einwohnermeldeamt [resident registration office] when they moved. . This was the first transatlantic sailing of a Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer. Copernicus 18 December Created & Maintained by the ISTGImmigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC The New Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild logo was designed by Patty MacFarlane. From the Historisches Museum Bremerhaven. Olbers 4 January Bremen 21 November Marianne 20 July Eutaw 15 September Favorite 12 November However, about 3000 lists survived for the period from 1920-1939. Heretofore all trade between the United States and the west coast has been carried by way of Hamburg and Liverpool. Bark Union 6 October General Veazie 8 November General Veazie 8 November Elise 19 July It is a common form of agreement in Germany and one by which the all-powerful Hapag has come to have a share in nearly every other profitable steamship company in Hamburg. SS Bremen 25 June Emma 12 March Luise 22 May Antilope 13 August Caspar 22 September Garonne 21 August 1849/1850 Karl W. Klber: Bremen and Hamburg emigration lists. Ship Ernestine 4 June Gustav 23 October Ferdinand 15 August As passenger traffic increased, Dutch, Belgian, French, and Danish ports were used. At first it ran through the Suez Canal and down the east coast as far as Delagoa Bay. Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Diana 5 August Isabella 5 July Garonne 21 August Mercur 24 August Clarissa Perkins 11 July Favorite 12 November Eliza Thornton 30 October Apollo 7 July U.S. and German Passenger Lists and Indexes. Semiramis 18 August Louise 17 May This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Howard 6 September SS Donau 31 March Bremen, Germany 1832 Ship Palemburg 19 August 1833 Brig Neptune 14 October Brig Ulysses 14 October Ship Virginia 7 November Brig Luna 14 November 1834 Brig Burgermeister Smidt 26 May Galliot Themis 24 July Brig Ivanhoe 31 July 1836 Ship Elise 19 May Ship Phoenix 19 May Bark Theodor Korner 9 June Brig Ulysses 19 September This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 13:55. Clementine 11 February For additional information about image restrictions see Restrictions for Viewing Images in FamilySearch Historical Record Collections. Bark Amaranth 20 November Edwina 30 June SS Berlin 11 April, 1882 Figures of the Landing Agent of the United States Immigration Service, published in New York papers, January 11, 1911.). Foreign trade grew -- Hamburgs hinterland demanded increased grain, meat and other foodstuffs, fertilizers and fodder and the raw materials of industry; it exported more and more potash, sugar and manufactured goods as Germany became established in the markets of the world. Philadelphia 12 September Diana 21 November Olbers 8 December Camera 13 December Margaretha 1 September Inez 2 December The new Edward Carr line and the old Hamburg shipowner, Robert Sloman, who had instituted as early as 1849 an emigrant sailing line to New York, united to form the Union Steamship Company, which fought the Hapags line to New York. Humphrey 25 July Reform 4 September SS Baltimore 18 July Isabella 28 August Ship Helene 21 August Ship Julius & Eduard Passenger List - Bremen to Baltimore 1834 . Leo 31 August For more information, see Germany Probate Records. Howard 6 September Westphalia 17 February Stern 25 June 1843 Herschel 15 August Yet the cloud had a silver lining. Bark Gauss 5 December Isabella 28 August There was a Meldepflicht (obligation to register) in force since 1833 (mainly for non-Hamburgers), but it was not mandatory until 1892. Emigration via Hamburg dropped to 78,808 in 1908; in Bremen it dropped to 74,626. This card file was created by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut from Bremen passenger ship lists sometime between WWI and WWII. 1840 Condor 9 August Emma 7 October The records of departures from these ports are called passenger lists. From the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild and Die Maus Genealogical Society of Bremen Germany. Study how to use this resource by clicking here: Hamburg Passenger Lists. Bark Creole 30 September In 1987 and 1990 those lists were given back to the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. Steamer Ohio 31 July To receive the privilege of becoming a citizen (usually not full-status) in Hamburg required consent through the city council. Louise 21 May Ship Johannes 3 November Timoleon 22 November SS Salier 8 July Bark Eliza Thornton 30 October Europa 8 November Overseas Passenger Fares and Emigration from Germany 395 . Amelia 4 August Antilope 13 August Brig Luna 14 November, 1834 In order to do this, the companys capital was increased from sixteen and one half to twenty-two and one half million marks; it had to be scaled down to fifteen million in 1877. General Washington 24 November. Condor 9 August Any description of the development or present status of Hamburg lines must center in the Hamburg-American Line. By 1867 the last of the sailers was sold. Charlotte 30 June Especially was this true for the years 1865- 66-67. Latrobe 2 August In Germany, Bremen had a good reputation as a port of departure because its laws forced shipowners to provide a basic minimum of space and food. This page has been viewed 37,687 times (3,809 via redirect). 1832 Brig Forest 13 February. Eliza Thornton 30 October [6] In 1866 Adolph Wagner wrote an article on Ocean Transportation in Rentschs Handwrterbuch der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Diamant 17 October In the early 1830s, Bremen was doing well in its trade with America, while Hamburg trade was mostly with the West Indies and Latin America. SS Neckar 21 January Meta 4 January A project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv. The improved conditions of the ships also improved the port's reputation. SS Leipzig 30 August Rajah 28 October We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Isobella 27 April Not only is it the largest steamship company in any country, but it comprises half the ocean shipping of Hamburg, affords a far larger proportion of her connections with oversea and is actively interested in all the other larger lines excepting the German Australian Steamship Company. Clean and hygienic accommodations were built in 1900, called Auswandererhallen, to house the increasing emigrants. Brarens 18 January Louise 21 May The Lloyd and the Hamburg- Bremen Africa Line had formed a similar partnership. America 12 July Diana 24 November Updates: 13 Janl 2021: Added 287,140 relative contact names. SS Hermann 5 October, 1883 The average number of steerage passengers brought us by the two German companies in the years 1860-1900 was as follows:[2], Average Steerage Passengers from Hamburg Compared to Bremen During Selected Years 1861-1900. Diana 11 November Mauran 11 November Bark Eduard 13 August Bremen 14 September Ship Olbers 3 June 1874 - lists 1832-1872 burned Most emigrants left Germany during the following periods: The earliest German emigrants went down the Rhine River and left Europe from Rotterdam in the Netherlands. In 1895 the German emigration dropped to 82,000 and has never since reached 50,000. This attracted even more emigrants to the port of Hamburg. In 1575 a great number of people from the Netherlands immigrated to Hamburg and brought much prosperity to the city. Manage Settings Louise 10 October Paoli 20 December To improve Hamburg's reputation as an emigration port, the Senate passed laws to protect emigrants and guaranteed sufficient food, space, and medical care on the journey. General Veazie 8 November Brig Bremen 18 July Copernicus 18 December Friedrich Jacob 14 June During the 19th century mass immigration to the west was occurring. Louise 21 May Friedrich Jacob 16 June Emigrant letters could be examined but any sample of fares that could be obtained would be small and of unclear accuracy. Schutzverwandtschaft (17th century-1811,1837-1864), U.S. and German Passenger Lists and Indexes, "Emigration from the Port of Hamburg, Germany. ISTG Vol 19 - Bremen Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild Bremen List of Passengers arrived from Foreign Ports, In the Port of Galveston, during the Second Quarter (10 May), 1871 (John Hellmers, Master) The extent of original materials at the GG Archives can be very beneficial when researching your family's migration from Europe. Herschel 15 August See Germany Newspapers for more information. Profit and loss are distributed according to the tonnage of steamers which each company supplies. See the list of sources at the bottom of the page. Mercur 24 August 1834 Brig Champion 28 July. Sophronia 13 September Johannes 7 June Republic 13 June Olbers 12 December Louise 10 October Post 23 June from 1920-1939. Ship Isabella 4 October, 1838 Timoleon 22 November In the meantime other lines had not been idle. Isabella 28 August Assuming an average fare of $86.00 per steerage passenger, the income of either company for the year from this service alone was five and one fourth million dollars. Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine and used as a supply ship during the German invasion of Norway. Apollo 7 July Vesper 13 September Louisa 25 September Brarens 18 January Margaretha 1 September Isabella 28 August Rajah 28 October For the actual lists see: Washington 29 September 1845 Gustav 23 October Pioneer 21 September Friedrich Jacob 16 June to retrieve any portion of the site. History of Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen with a discussion of how the two major steamship companies competed with one another for the immigrant trade. For more details, see several Wikipedia articles: Records that document emigration from Germany include passenger lists, passports, permissions to emigrate, German and French emigration indexes, published emigration lists, police registration records, and other departure documents, as well as sources in the emigrant's new countries. 1874-1907 - lists destroyed every 2 years Luntine 23 June A P Sharp 12 November Ship Adler 25 June Dethard 2 January to retrieve any portion of the site. Olbers 13 June 1845 Contact Us. Delivered to ship breakers for scrapping in April 1961. When in 1910 the Hapag and Woermann decided to establish a direct connection between New York and West Africa, they announced the following program:[7] The steamship Carl Woermann will begin in December a new and direct service between this port and the west coast of Africa, under the joint auspices of the Hamburg- American and Woermann lines. For example, from 1841-1846, 115,000 emigrants left Europe via Bremen; however, only 11,000 emigrants departed via Hamburg. Brig Bremen 18 July Agnes 29 December Johann Friedrich 19 June Bremen became part of the North German Confederation in 1867 and became an autonomous component state of the new-founded German Empire in 1871. All Rights Reserved. Constitution 7 April Kepler 17 December Johann Georg 5 June For help reading these records see: The following information may be found in these records: It is helpful to know at least one of the following: Compare each result from your search with what you know to determine if there is a match. Emigration and immigration sources list the names of people leaving (emigrating) or arriving (immigrating) in Germany. Sarah Ann 6 October Devonshire 18 November Howard 22 October Whenever possible FamilySearch makes images and indexes available for all users. Diana 11 November Hamburg became a port of emigration because of its competition with Bremen as a seaport for trade. In the ports controlled by the Hanse city of Bremen, ship . Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Ann 1 September Such documents were restricted to time and space. Isabella 5 July Astracan 23 December I Found the Person I Was Looking For, What Now? Stephani 30 December Meta 4 January Since then the Hapag has been the prime mover in many of the combinations that go to make up the complicated system of agreements, pools, defensive and offensive alliances, and fusions that prevail in ocean shipping today. Friederich Jacob 9 December General Washington 24 November, 1841 . For a comprehensive understanding of emigration and immigration records, study the article Germany Emigration and Immigration. Southern and western Germans tended to emigrate through the ports of Bremen or Le Havre. You should also look for leads to other records about your ancestors, Switch to a different record collection. Maria Francisca 10 December Starting in 1895, emigrants were segregated based on wealth. Globe 17 September Friedrich Jacob 16 June The following articles will help you research your family in Germany. Ship O. Thyen 23 June, 1855 Semiramis 18 August Brig Margaret 31 March Luise 3 June Apollo 13 August Description [ edit] The ship was 357 feet 0 inches (108.81 m) long, with a beam of 41 feet 0 inches (12.50 m) and a depth of 26 feet 0 inches (7.92 m). Constitution 23 June Neptune 4 August Bremen started her South America cruise on 11 February 1939, and was the first ship of this size to traverse the Panama Canal. Sophie 12 October Diana 5 August Bremen 14 September 1845 It is primarily a freight line; passengers and mails for Australia go with the subsidized mail liners of the Lloyd. Hamburg became the most important emigration port in Germany by 1900. Goethe 25 July Goethe 25 July Brig Joh Dethard 15 December Bark Jupiter 7 September Its subsidy amounts to 1,350,000 marks per year and a considerable part of its service is performed by the Hapag. Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Louise 21 May Garonne 21 August Elizabeth Hall of Dighton 1 September Philadelphia 22 August Rainbow 26 August Pauline 9 October Goethe 7 July Emma 7 October Pioneer 21 September Rajah 28 October Stephani 3 June Ship Elise 19 May Brig President 26 August Diana 24 November Transcribed Ships Manifests Departing from Germany Ports of departure include: Altona, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven, Geestemunde, Hamburg, Stettin, Swinemunde (currently Swinoujscie, Poland), German Unspecified Ports Search by Year of Departure [1700s] [1800s] [1810s] [1820s] [1830s] [1840s] [1850s] [1860s] [1870s] [1880s] [1890s] [1900 - 1950s] Marianne 20 July Hunter in New York 1710-1714, Emigrants from West-German Fuerstenberg Territories (Baden and the Palatinate) to America and Central Europe, List of Pfalz Immigrants to America, 1724-1749, Ships carrying Palatines from Germany to Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, Pennsylvania German Pioneers Passenger Lists, Palatine German Immigrant Ships to Philadelphia 1727-1808, The Book of Names, Especially Relating to The Early Palatines and the First Settlers in the Mohawk Valley, Coleo da Sociedade Histo-lgica Cruzeiro do Sul, Auswanderung nach Brasilien und Venezuela, 1890-1901, Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach Argentinien, 1870-1945, From the steppes to the prairies: the story of the Germans settling in Russia on the Volga and Ukraine, also the Germans settling in the Banat, and the Bohemians in Crimea: their resettlement in the Americas, North and South America and in Canada, Namenskartei von Siedlern in Russland und Rcksiedler nach Deutschland, 1750-1943, Bestandskartei der Rulanddeutschen, 1750-1943, Kartei der Auswanderer aus Elsa und Baden nach Ruland, 1807-1810, Auswandererkartei der Rulanddeutschen nach Brasilien, 1870-1940, Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach Kanada, 1870-1940, United States, Obituaries, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1899-2012, Helpful websites for 19th Century German Emigration.