Lastly, you could even try meditating and tuning into your third eye chakra to see whether or not it can sense your energy signatures that way (this works best with people who already have markings on their physical body as well.). Lyran Starseeds. Compared to the other races that mostly value the collective and unity, Lyran Starseeds privilege individual needs above societys needs. Star races who reside in the 12th dimension are naturally endowed with a harmonious balance of feminine and masculine energy. You enjoy learning about most areas of interest to humans, even though lyran starseeds typically have an intense focus on their own personal interests. But it is possible to find a life partner that fits with their particular needs. A clairvoyance told me I was a starseed I laughed but Ive read over and over each starseed and their traits. The Lyran energy is very powerful and warm. By working on the foundations supplied by Lavendar and her Pleiadian starseed markings and cross referencing with native American astrology, I was able to identify what I believe are starseed markings for Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Orion, Vega, Lyra, Hydra, Centaurus and Cygnus. You are fascinated by politics, but you feel like no one in government truly cares about each individual person. They will go to any lengths to see this wrong righted, even if it means personal sacrifice on their part. Lyran starseeds have an intense desire for truth that manifests through their willingness to embrace change, even if it means leaving behind a familiar comfort zone in order to seek out new experiences. If none of those methods work then Im afraid there are no other ways for you to figure out where your markings are hidden without having someone else read them for you! They tend to be inquisitive thinkers and will seek out solutions through intellectual pursuits rather than relying on intuition or inner guidance. I have a serious mission and a purpose here, holy crap Beyond burning sage and kicking the bad guys out once a while, beyond sharing love and kindness. Labrum (Crater), Alkaid (Ursa Major) 27. If they want something, they'll go after it. As a Lyran starseed, you have a deep self-assurance which means you have no interest in boosting your self image or making yourself popular among others. The degrees of 0-10 in any sign can indicate the Starseeds Orion or Mintakan. Hindus consider these markings as sacred because it symbolizes a direct connection between the soul and its spiritual journey. The Lyran Starseed Transmission: Clearing Ancestral Star Patterns/Preparing for the 5D Shift. Starseed vs Moonchild: Exploring the Differences, Unlocking the Meaning of Your Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide to Dream Interpretation, Uncovering the Soul Contracts of a Twin Flame Relationship, Using Numerology to Strengthen Romantic Relationships. You question authority and think for yourself. Lyrans are intuitive thinkers and can come up with answers to problems that may seem impossible for others to solve. You enjoy being in nature or in a beautiful environment surrounded by things that inspire you. But do not mistake them for reckless, as Lyrans are known for analysing their surroundings before acting. Lyran starseeds tend to have a high forehead and eyebrows that are well-defined. Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Virgo are the Starseeds Lyran and Andromedan. This could also be known as burnout and it is caused by energy attachments that are draining your core essence. They work very hard, but they are always looking for ways to do things more efficiently. Thats why many old souls made their way from the depths of the universe to Earth in order to guide mankind through this transitional period. The description of a lyran starseed is me down to a T but Im still not sure? These characteristics are most apparent during and after awakening, but even before then, these signs can show up. They have an intuitive ability to recognize when something is off-balance and feel strong callings to shift and re-align energies for the highest good. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. Although, they seem very strong from the outside, but theres a deep sea of emotions inside. Lyran starseeds enjoy careers where they can make decisions on their own without asking permission from others, such as fashion design, culinary arts and teaching. Dont worry we will never share your information or SPAM you. Before awakening, many Lyrans disregard this side of life. Lyrans have mastered survival in the physical because they are very grounded. They like to avoid unnecessary conflict and generally have a live-and-let-live attitude so people can take advantage of them. They are intelligent people who know lots of stuff. The brightest star in this constellation is Vega, which is also one of the brightest stars visible from our planet. This coupled with their easy adaptability makes them natural explorers of the world around them. . Settling down is out of the question for most. One of the characteristics of Lyran starseeds is that they're confident and never run from a challenge, so it's probably not a surprise that they don't falter when it comes to pursuing their desires. Starseed markings only show where the persons soul group or past incarnations were, and we have free will in this world to be good or bad. They identify injustices and fight for worthy causes they believe in. When you're born into Lyran Starseed lineage, you may have unique gifts that set you apart from other people on earth, including: An unusual ability to remember past lives. What Types of Starseed Markings Are There? In this piece, I explain the meaning of Lyran starseed; Lyran ancestry; Lyran appearance; Lyran traits and characteristics associated with Lyran starseeds so you can learn more about them and join the dots to find out if youre one. The Starseed Markings are also known as star freckles, birthmarks or Hindu marks and they are considered to be a particular kind of spiritual brand that is chosen at conception for each embryo. However, sometimes they just stand out as a bit exceptional or as loners. This could mean one of two things: youre either lacking energy signatures (due to being unable to locate them), or else you have so many energetic attachments already that they overpower your sense of self-identity and leave little room for anything else. Example 1 : this type has one or more glyphs that resembles an alien alphabet such as Hebrew, Sanskrit, Latin etc. Unsurprisingly, they have the unquenchable curiosity of a cat, thus being lovers of travel and . Its easy to be enchanted by their ethereal beauty and mesmerizing presence something youd likely find only among the stars. Lyran starseeds tend to be highly sensitive people who feel everything, both the positive and negative. People know that lyrans will not be judgmental and tell them exactly how it is. This symbol is said to be used by all extraterrestrial races in our galaxy as a way of communicating with each other. You are drawn to the stars and the most beautiful scenery you can find. Lyran beings often see other people's potential. The Lyrans contributed a lot of knowledge to Atlantis and Lemuria regarding the use of physical energy. Their intelligence is truly endless and they're always searching for new ways to expand their knowledge. Lyrans are natural leaders, so they often take to careers that put them in charge of others. The brightest star in this constellation is Vega. They show a certain fearlessness about living, like theyve done it a million times which they have, of course! You believe in human potential and the innate goodness of people. Public Speaking. Each one of those fragments becomes an individual soul and takes possession of its own body known as an avatar or vessel body. It depends entirely on your unique soul blueprint which is a result of your current (and previous) lifetimes and experiences here on Earth. This symbol represents the Lyrans side that likes to indulge and enjoy the good things in life. ALSO READ: The Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13th. Their creativity is one of their defining traitsand also a characteristic that many other starseeds share with them. However, they can just as well turn their hands to model making and sculpture, as well as painting and drawing. Lyrans are excellent at operating in the physical dimensions. This is happening because either a spirit wants you to know that theyre around you OR else theres an imprinted energy nearby which has connected with yours to try and drag you into the astral realm unwillingly. Many dont marry and spend their lives going from fling to fling, never really finding what they are looking for. I am. As they have plenty of experience incarnating onto different planets, when they arrive at a 3D world, they enjoy experiencing it to the fullest and they are very independent in their nature. This means that as an Andromedan Starseed, you're less likely to swing into an extreme in the feminine-masculine pendulum. There are not many Lyran starseeds incarnated here on Earth currently, as its said most have decided to leave due to the Reptilian starseeds. The Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13th, What are Avian starseed traits, and what do they mean, Lemurian Starseed: traits & characteristics, Spiritual meaning of dreams about being cheated on. With cosmically powerful origins, the Lyran starseed mission is an incredible journey of knowledge and growth. Pursue Their Dreams Aggressively. Arcturian starseeds' souls originally come from the star system Arcturus, located in the Bootes constellation. My Russian AND Latvian Grandmother told many stories, but they were always broken and in pieces; they left myself and the few others she shared these memories with, in question! Sirians are very intelligent and often times gifted. Some have tattoos, birthmarks or even scars that are not normal which means they stand out from the rest of society. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Once again focus on these spots intently until you get a tingling sensation or warming feeling. This means what ever happened previously during a certain lifetime has repeated itself again but only now it is happening again in this current lifetime. The lyran starseed phenomenon is a subject that has progressed fairly recently, yet gained enough attention to be recognized in the news and even mentioned on national television. They tend to be highly skilled with their hands and often make expert tradespeople. Lyran starseeds are intensely loyal and may feel like they have a mission in life. This feeling is especially strong if youve tried several different careers already without success. A common Lyran starseed trait is their natural interest in metaphysics, nanotechnology, space travel, sciences and the paranormal. 13) You're sensitive to technology. Lyrans are introverted beings who prefer spending time alone or with people who share their interests and beliefs. You dont like authority figures and will question whatever people in positions of power tell you to do. Most Lyrans have also incarnated as Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians. Most people only have one type of marking, but I know someone who had two separate ones which meant she was more than likely a special soul indeed; most people dont even know what happens when youre born with two sets of markings so Im not surprised that she never got any answers from anybody. Lyran starseeds feel too deeply to risk being hurt by others opinions , so lyrans often bottle up their true feelings until they explode into sarcasm, anger and even physical violence. They have an innate understanding of the law of cause and effect and strive for balance in all areas of their lives. The key is to see the truth that independence and interdependence are not mutually exclusive in a relationship. This means that even if you dont have any markings anywhere on your body then still your aura may look like an array of colours, shapes and symbols; some people have them while others are completely void of them. *You just cant find a normal job that you like doing; it feels pointless to work at something you hate and it seems impossible for you to break into your dream career. This is not true at all. . It is believed that true Lyran starseeds carry within them an ancient cosmic understanding that connects them with their higher purpose among the stars. Lyran starseeds are the type of people that do things that would make the rest of us panic at least a little. Lyra is a small star constellation viewable in the Summer months in the Northern Hemisphere. Lyrans have plenty of experience incarnating into other worlds and it shows in the way they live their lives. Lyran starseeds are all about their mission here on Earth. There is something captivating about those who seem to have come from beyond this place and time; an almost intangible magnetism that draws the eye. They have a good heart, and they are highly trustworthy as a friend. 5. If you feel like you might be a Lyran Starseed, keep an open mind! Lyran starseeds are highly intelligent and are known for using people to help them pursue their own interests. If you dont however then theres no reason to worry as theres another method that should work with just about anyone! Misconceptions and Facts: Lies and Truth About the Business of Modeling, they experience the physical world to the fullest have a love for good food, drink and music, they dont mind hard physical labour but once they get started, they dont like to stop until the job is done, they enjoy people watching and analysing social interactions, they are intelligent and tend to know a lot about a wide range of topics, they have a live and let live attitude so long as youre doing no harm, Lyran starseeds may have a freedom fighter type mentality as many are quick to identify injustices and willing to fight for causes they believe in, they are natural leaders because they are very experiencedand comfortable living the 3rd dimension, they may have many lovers because they enjoy the physical experiences of love but have a hard time staying put, their fierce independence may be painful for those close to them, especially parents. Beyond mind blown how everything has fallen in to place. It might be challenging to find someone who shares their values, but eventually, they will find someone compatible. Similarly, they also embrace their innate gifts and use them to stay connected with their souls purpose while on Earth. Lyrans can easily step up into positions of leadership as they are assertive, and. Have you ever felt like you just dont quite fully belong with everyone else here on Earth? They love activities such as rock climbing or jumping out of planes and sometimes they can simply go for something without thinking through. Starseed Markings for additional Star Systems. 1. Either way, this is usually only experienced as a mild feeling and isnt always easy to notice compared to other symptoms. Lyras powerful energy allows them to become great leaders. However, they all have a different meaning for each person. This can make Lyrans seem like they have a strong sense of justice, but what you may not realize is that part of this comes from their humanitarian values. Lyran starseeds also typically display profound empathy toward others. You may struggle with financial difficulties, as lyrans have a hard time managing money and tend to be drawn more to life experiences than material goods. They dont like to read a book because they know soon they could see the story in the movie. Their world was destroyed, which they may have a subconscious awareness of in the form of feeling that they cannot go home. The lyran starseed is known for a fascination with the ancient world, an interest in magic and sorcery, and a desire to make contact with ascended masters or angelic beings. *You feel like you just dont fit into society very well; people around you seem strange and distant (even if you are close to them) and you feel like youre on the outskirts of everything. *You feel the need to explore your spirituality more but also find yourself constantly struggling with doubt, fear or uncertainty whenever you try to do something like this; meditation often leads to these feelings which is why it can be so difficult for starseeds (especially ones with weak markings.). 12. If there are lessons to be . If you have a starseed marking somewhere on your CHEST then it is likely to represent who you were during a past life. Even though there are many people who do have one (or more) starseed marking(s) that doesnt mean everyone else will too! 0 or 1 could be Polarian or Procyon origin. Typically, Lyrans will have either Feline or Avian markings. I need to trust. This could mean one of two things: either you have weak energy signatures but strong energetic attachments, or else it means that theres something off about your own energy signature (which is how most starseeds generally end up feeling to begin with.). You somehow know that lyrans are different from other people and often wonder why you stand out from the crowd. The first appearance of these markings usually happens at birth or shortly after but they can appear later in life for people that are not spiritually aware. Lyran starseeds come from Lyra, a small constellation bordered by Vulpeculato the South, Herculesto the East, Dracoto the North, and Cygnusto the West.