(1) CMS Long-term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 Users Manual, (Version 1.14, October 2016). (4) Outdoor air intakes shall be located: (a) As far as practical but not less than 25 feet from: (i) Exhaust outlets of ventilating systems; (v) Areas that may collect vehicular exhaust and other noxious fumes; and. They should not be read to imply that any other reporting is prohibited. [(d)](e)WarmAny temperature between[30C and 40C (86 and 104F)]86F and 104F or 30C and 40C. (1) Adequate equipment for preparation, serving, and distribution of food shall be provided, (2) A dumbwaiter, elevator, or ramp shall be provided in a, (3) Equipment to protect food from dust or contamination and to maintain food at proper temperature shall be provided, (2) The storeroom shall be cool and well-ventilated. A nursing home shall develop written policies consistent with Regulation .11 of this chapter pertaining to: [(3)](2)[Patients]Residentsrights[. (1) A nursing homeshallhavesufficient lighting at night inthe followingareas: (c) Designated toiletsof the nursing home for the safety of theresidentwhogetsup during the night. Nursing service personnel shall help the resident perform daily routine dental hygiene. The Office of Health Care Quality surveyed multiple facilities and determined that 25 percent of nursing homes employed or contracted with a licensed social worker. If the[facilitys]nursing homesmedical director does not have special training and experience in diagnosing, treating, and assessing respiratory problems, the[facility]nursing homeshall[hire]employ or contract witha[physician]Board-certified pulmonologistwho has the special knowledge and experience to provide: D. Staffing. When a resident has signs and symptoms of tuberculosis, a physician shall[within 48 hours]be notified to: (a) Evaluate the resident forpossibletuberculosis in a communicable form; (c) Coordinate management of the resident and the residents contacts with thelocalhealth officer. Restrictions on Admission and Retention of[Patients]Residents. (3) The use of an approved wireless call system shall eliminate the need to install call light indicators outside the residents bedrooms, bathrooms, bathing areas, and therapy areas. Thus 172 times $11,000 equals an annual cost increase of $1,892,000 to the regulated industry. (c) The janitors closet shall be connected to mechanically operated exhaust ventilation. (3) If the pharmacy fails to comply with the policies, a representative of the nursing home shall discuss the situation with the pharmacy and the resident, and if the pharmacy subsequently refuses to follow the policies, the resident shall select another pharmacy that agrees to comply. resources. (2)A substantial evening meal is an offering of three or more menu items at one time, one of which includes a high quality protein such as meat, fish, eggs, or cheese. The facility shall make information available to all employees concerning other conditions in which pneumococcal vaccine may be of benefit for certain other underlying medical conditions. Issue/renew license to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses meeting established requirements. [A.] This table refers to the pressure relationships and ventilation of certain areas of a nursing home other than chronic disease hospitals. (c) The name of the authorized prescriber who prescribed the medication. (c) Thefollowing floor areas may not be included in the calculation of floor space: (iii) The floor area occupied by wardrobes, bureaus, or lockers, when permanently installed as part of walls or ceilings and as a permanent component of a bedroom; (iv)HVAC equipment, including any steam, water, or electrical supply or return linesthatmay run parallel to the floor or interrupt the floor surface; (v) Supportcolumns, pipe chases, or otherstructures, whether free-standing or as an integral part of a wall; and. nursing assistant. (c) After being fully informed of the health risks associated with not receiving a vaccine, the resident refuses the immunization. media; projects; press; contact; slider. (f) The system provided in laundries may not allow the spread of airborne contaminants to other parts of the nursing home that are occupied by residents, staff not working in the laundry, and the general public. Filing a Complaint against a Medication Technician (MT), Certified NOTE 2: COMAR 10.06.01 further requires the following: (1) Health Care Providers. (1) A nursing home shall develop policies and procedures to ensure that a resident or, if the resident lacks the capacity, the residents family or other individual accompanying the resident is informed, both orally and in writing, on how the resident shall safely and correctly take the residents medications during a short-term leave of absence of 24 hours or less. In cases where the facility has an individual providing medically related physical, social, and behavioral health needs of the residents that is not licensed but was providing the services both before and at the time of the adoption of this proposal, they are exempt from this requirement. The University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law is one of seven professional and graduate schools at The University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB).For more help crafting your Fordham supplemental essays, create your free account or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272 How to Write the Fordham University Essay . [New Construction. [(a)]Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium[Tuberculosis]tuberculosisin Health-Care[Facilities; and]Settings. (1) A new nursing home shall be constructed, equipped, and maintained to protect the health and safety ofresidents,personnel, and the public. (1) A nursing home shall possess a functioning automated external defibrillator (AED). This program shall consist of: (a) An explanation of organizational structure, policies, and procedures; (b) Discussion of the philosophy of care; (c) Description of the resident population; and. A medical committee, or any other entity within a hospital that makes such decisions, is considered part of the hospital. (c) Maintenanceof an[optional]optimallevel of psychosocial functioning. The quality assurance plan shall include: (3) A policy statement that[includes a provision that reporting]ensures thatincidents can be[done]reportedwithout fear of reprisal; (4) A description of how internal investigations of accidents and injuries will be handled including: (b) Interview of the resident, staff, and[witness]anywitnesses; (5) A description of the process for notifyingafamily or guardian about the incident; (6) A description of a process for the ongoing evaluation ofpatterns and trends inaccidents and injuries[to determine patterns and trends]; and. There shall be sufficient equipment to meet the needs of the. (1) Shall be provided on each side of all corridors in resident areas; and. (3) Qualifications of social worker. The frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers set out here address mandatory reporting by certain entities of occurrences regarding health care providers. (d) "Board" means the State Board of Nursing. Space near the utility sink shall be provided for the storage of brooms, mops, and cleaning materials.]. Licensed, (1) The licensee, if not acting as an administrator, shall appoint as administrator a responsible person who is. [(f)](g)[Sufficient]A nursing care unit shall have sufficientspace and equipment for medical records[which enables]so thatpersonnel[to]canfunction[in an effective manner]effectivelyand[to]maintaineasily accessiblerecords on all[patientsso they are easily accessible]residents. (4) The pharmacy shall have access to a copy of the written pharmaceutical care policies. (2) The charge nurse or nurses shall have the ability to recognize significant changes in the condition of residents and to take necessary action. (3) In facilities with 25 beds or fewer, responsibility may be assigned to the full-time cook. (1)There shall be sufficient equipment to meet the needs of the[typepatients]residentsadmitted. The[facility]nursing homeshall give appropriate health care information to such volunteers to provide maximum protection to residents. [(3)](c)All electrical equipment shall be[periodically]testedperiodicallyfor proper grounding, current leakage, and calibration where appropriate. [F.]J. (7)The kitchen space requirement[in F(6) of this regulation]as described inthisregulationdoes not apply to occasional special functions such as picnics or dinners for residents, volunteers, families,or community groups[provided]as long asthe[facility]nursing homecertifies to the Department that[the provision of]providingmeals for[the particular]aspecial function will not adversely affect or detract from the timely provision of meals to thenursing homesresidents[of the facility]. (3) Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities. mbon.complaintsinvestigations@maryland.gov. (1) The nursing home shall providean administrative area[shall be provided which]thatis suitable for conducting business or discussing[in privacy problems]problems privatelywith the[patients sponsor]residents representative. (14) Dentist means an individual licensed to practice dentistry in this State. These requirements are no longer in effect. (f) Residents beds may not belocated near radiators, registers, or sources of draft. (6) The bottoms of ventilation openings may not be not less than 3 inches above the floor of any room. (2) The composition of the committee shall include at least: (c) The consultant dietitian-nutritionist; (3) The committee shall meet at least quarterly to establish policies and procedures. If a question or section does not apply to this complaint, (3) Equipment to protect food from dust or contamination and to maintain food at proper temperature shall be provided[for transportation of]totransportfood to the[patients]residents. Comprehensive care facilities and extended care facilities shall develop written policies, consistent with these regulations, to govern the nursing care and related medical or other services they provide covering the following: (1) Admission, transfer, and discharge policies including categories of patients accepted and not accepted by the facility, or those who are required to transfer to another level of care. (1) Nursing homes shall provide at least the following supervisory personnel: (2) The director of nursings time is included in A(1) of this regulation. a genuine interest in the well-being and welfare of, (1) The administrator shall employ sufficient and satisfactory personnel as specified in this chapter to, The Department shall approve the increase in beds within 72 hours following receipt of the. Goal[outcome]outcomesshall be measurable in time or degree, or both. (c) Document the content of the continuing in-service education program and include the names and titles of participants. In short, any member of the research team who is a licensed health care provider will be covered by the obligation to report child abuse or neglect, while any non-provider member is also obligated to report suspected abuse or neglect of a child. Ch. (2) Private sewage disposal systems shall comply with COMAR 26.04.02. (a)If the sale, transfer, assignment, or lease of a[facility]nursing homecauses a change in the person or persons who control or operate the[facility]nursing home, the[facility]nursing homeshall be considered a new[facility]nursing home and the licensee shall conform to all regulations applicable at the time of transfer of operations. Thenursing home shall notify theattending physician[shall be notified]promptly of the findings. Any person who has knowledge of conduct by a licensed nurse that may violate a nursing law or rule or related state or federal law may report the alleged violation to the board of nursing where the . Nurses who have an advanced degree from a U.S. college or university, are. accessible and convenient, and 201 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-2399, 10.07.02 [Comprehensive Care Facilities and Extended Care Facilities], The Secretary of Health proposes to repeal the Preface and Regulations, (13) Require that the facility shall assign at least one infection preventionist staffed at a ratio of1.0 Full Time Equivalents. (31) Licensed certified social workerclinical (LCSW-C) means an individual authorized to practice clinical social work under Health Occupations Article, Title 19, Annotated Code of Maryland. (2) FurnishingsNew Construction. Comments may be sent to Jake Whitaker, Acting Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to mdh.regs@maryland.gov, or fax to 410-767-6483. (a) The nursing home shall provide a common area or areas of refuge in an emergency situation if all resident rooms, day rooms, and toilet rooms are not tied into the emergency generator to provide heat and cooling. 4. If the[facility does not provide its own facilities but does provide]nursing home onlyprovidestransfusion services[alone], it shall meet at least the requirements[in Regulation.09FH]establishedunder COMAR 10.10.02. (a) Identify an emergency and disaster planning liaison for the nursing home; and. (ii) Passed the national accreditation examination for accredited record technicians. (10) The committee shall oversee the accuracy and adequacy of pharmaceutical services to the nursing home. The pharmacy shall agree in writing to maintain at the pharmacy a resident profile record system for each resident in the nursing home for whom prescriptions are dispensed. (b) Standardize communication about resident problems and conditions: (iii) Between these facilities and outside agencies. [It shall be the responsibility of the]. (3)The[facility]nursing homeshall be kept free of unnecessary accumulations of personal possessions, boxes, trunks, suitcases, papers, unused furniture, bed clothing, linens, bric-a-brac, and similar items. C. Staffing. (6) Immunization of Health-Care Personnel: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), (MMWR2011; 60 No. If the hospital made a "change" for a reason listed in the regulations, and if none of the exceptions apply, the change must be reported to the Board within ten days. The identity of the specified victim or victims, Injuries Apparently Caused by Auto Accidents ,Lethal Weapons, Gunshots, Burns, or Moving Vessels, Health Gen 20-702 (moving vessel injuries), In Allegany, Anne Arundel, Charles, Kent, Montgomery, Prince Georges , Somerset, Talbot, and Wicomico Counties, a physician, pharmacist, dentist or nurse who treats an individual for an injury that shows evidence of having been caused by an auto accident or lethal weapon shall notify the county sheriff, police, or state police as soon as practicable., Syphilis: Failure to comply with medical observation; contact reporting; positive serological test for mother or infant. The facilitys infection control program shall include monitoring of the health status of all residents to determine if the residents are free from tuberculosis in a communicable form.]. B. [The written social history]Within 7 days after admission, thesocial workershall[be initiated within 7 days after admission. (2) A nurse and a second staff member who is a nurse or an administrator may destroy controlled dangerous substances in Schedules IIVon the premises of the nursing home. You will be notified when the Board makes a (25) Grant means the award of money to an individual or an organization to: (a) Study an aspect for the geriatric population; or. Licensed[comprehensive care facilities and extended care facilities]nursing homesand any premises[proposed]that an applicant for a license proposes to[be operated by an applicant for a license]operate shall be open at all times to inspection by the Secretary and by any agency designated by the Secretary. [(b) Guideline for Infection Control in Health Care Personnel.]. The Maryland General Assemblys Office (3) To the degree possible, accompanying physicians when visitingresidents. (8) The audible signal shall be loud enough to be heard at the nurses station. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate Please enable scripts and reload this page. The[facility]nursing homeshall complete all assessments in accordance with the provisions of 42 CFR[]483.20[and 413.343],as amended. (4)In new facilities,the director of nursing and supervisors of[the various services,]dietaryservices, housekeeping, rehabilitationservices, and social services[,]shall be responsible for orienting the new[supportive]supportpersonnel to the[facilitys]nursing homepolicies and procedures and to the physical plant. We're available on the following channels. C. When the attending physician and medical director agree that a particular[facility-developed]nursing home developedprotocol is required to ensure that quality medical care is delivered to the[facilitys]nursing homesresidents, that protocol shall be implemented unless the[facility]nursing homedocuments in the[facilitys patient]nursing homes residentcare committee minutes the reason or reasons why the protocol should not be implemented. J. (b) Demonstration of proper feeding skills performed on a resident, (4) Submit the quality assurance plan to the Departments Office of Health Care Quality at the time of, (3) Procedures to take action when there is a change in the residents condition, (b) Changing the residents plan of care as necessary, (1) A description of a complaint process that effectively addresses resident, (a) The designated person or persons and their phone numbers to receive complaints, (c) The time frames for investigating complaints, (b) Interview of the resident, staff, and, (5) A description of the process for notifying, (6) A description of a process for the ongoing evaluation of, (1) Names of the staff members on duty and the room numbers of the residents, A. For questions or . As of July 1, 2021, OHCQ oversees 19,032 providers in 45 industries . Before or at admission, a contract shall be executed by the administrator and[patient]resident,guardian, or responsible agency which is consistent with the requirements of Health-General Article, 19-344, Annotated Code of Maryland, Rights of Individuals. (13) Supervision of certified medicine aides to ensure that the aides act within the limitations and restrictions placed on them. certain fraudulent activities and protect input into the contents of the orientation program; the number of hours of orientation required for the various levels of. The administrator shall employ sufficient and satisfactory licensed nursing service personneland support personnel to: (2) Provide appropriate bedside care; and. State Operations Manual for Provider Certification, Appendix RResident Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities, Transmittal No. (ii) The nursing home shall make its residents personal furnishing policies available for review by residents and the residents representative. If the physician so orders, patients who have a tendency to wander may be confined to their rooms by screen doors or folding gates. (2) The nursing home shall obtain written consent to administer the immunization from: (3) A resident is not required to receive the influenza and pneumococcal immunization if it is: (b) Against the residents religious beliefs; or. 410.764.4777 | Toll Free 800.492.6836 (1) A system of water supply, plumbing, sewerage, electrical power, garbage or refuse disposal may not be installed or extended untilthe architect or professional engineer of record submits stamped and sealed final construction drawings for Department record and provisional approval in accordance with A of this regulation.