In many cases, the native is able to gain control and use the traits of a debilitated planet in a beneficial way with the help of a strong guide planet or dispositor planet. The combination of Mercury in their sign gives their mentality an almost mystical quality, although naturally the Pisces influence means they can also be particularly dreamy and impractical. Fallen planets are nothing but indicators of our weaknesses or immaturities where we should put more of our attention on to overcome them. One of the negative traits of the Pisces Mercury is that this placement might be manipulative. This is a temporary influence that creates brain fog, abstract thinking and illusions. Pisces is Latin for fish. Faith is part of this. . His reading for me was profound and answered many questions I had about trends. In addition, she is a creative visionary whose imagination knows no bounds. He also helped me realize how my passions and interests appear in my chart, and gave me advice on how to anticipate incorporating passion/purpose and find a career. The Mercury in Pisces placement refers to a womans empathy, artistic skill, caring, and support for others as being her strongest attributes. She loves children and animals, but she also loves nature and other human beings. They are very sensitive to the arguments and criticism of others and tend to carry grudges inside them for a prolonged time if they feel hurt. Natives with Mercury in Virgo or strong analytical skills are able to offer great support for Pisces Mercury natives and when they create a partnership together they could make up a highly efficient team of inventors. I highly recommend Patrick. Think in terms of information that flows to you. Mercury is planet of communication while Pisces is sign of imagination. Because of your sensitivity, you take on the energy of other people easily, what might overwhelm you. Mercury is in Pisces, the womb of creation, making some magical, life-changing aspects! This planet rules thinking, learning, reading, writing, all means of communication, the media. That is because Jupiter is a very spiritual and religious planet that appreciates the traits arising from this combination. I gained so much insight into some of my recent struggles and what may be causing them from an astrological perspective. He gives you a great perspective on your life and how it unravels by pinpointing period in your past that will echo through today (and tomorrow!). I understand your concern. In Pisces, these processes must operate under the non-linear energy of Pisces, which can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. While many Pisces Mercury people are artistic, this gift can also manifest in mathematical talent, for example (especially for abstract concepts). The 10th house in Vedic astrology signifies high achievements and status in life. These celebrities show us the power of Mercury in Pisces and how it can lead to a life of creativity, empathy, and positive change. Great analysis on Mercury for Pisces ascendant , Lo I feel like it was written for me, was able to relate this. He is the type of person who will always be one step ahead of those around him. On the positive light, it leaves more room for their creative and imaginative part of the brain to expand. However, with the debilitation of Mercury, there is a great lack of quickness and precision. When they are involved in debates, they often tend to jump into conclusions rather than trying to find and explain the reason or logic for their statements. Mercury in Pisces men are also famous for their intuition and psychic abilities. That is, they express themselves in a very unique way which is sometimes hard to understand for the average people. As a lover, shes looking for more than sex, but a deep connection with her partner, which she can achieve by exposing herself on a mental level. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Thank you for the comment. If you have Mercury in Pisces, its essential to understand how this placement affects your thoughts, communication, and decision-making. The characteristics you included describes a person with this combination of improved Pisces Mercury well. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); By my purchase I acknowledge and agree the following terms and conditions: 1) I do not hold Patrick Watson to be legally liable for any circumstances or consequences arising from my independent decision to undertake any action based on the timing recommendations provided by this electional service. Mercury in Pisces is an introspective and imaginative individual who has the capacity to absorb a vast amount of knowledge effortlessly. Looking to the level of problems, situation was quite discouraging but challenging. Mercury in Pisces is in a mutable water sign and takes on the qualities of its ruler Jupiter, expansive, visionary and boundless. Their beliefs are very important to them and they strive to encourage others, serving as some of the most encouraging and accepting advocates in any given field. This causes a lot of communication issues of various kinds. Thank you for this very rich and insightful article. I definitely look forward to further consultations as I dig deeper into my astrological studies. Sensitive, refined, and artistic, Mercury in Pisces is idealistic and empathic. This makes them incredibly creative and unique, but they can be indecisive too! It can be hard to connect with others. However, this doesnt mean that a person with this placement would be less capable. Mercury Retrograde in Pisces can bring additional challenges, as Pisces is a water sign associated with emotions, intuition, and spirituality. Fergie Duhamel) was born 27th March 1975 and is the female vocalist for the hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. She can pick up on others emotions and thoughts easily, making her an excellent listener and advisor. The Mercury in Pisces person can accused of lying simply because they aren't clear. The imagination of the people who have Mercury in Pisces is very vivid since the feelings are heightened due to the influence of Neptune on them. However, a dignified Jupiter greatly improves this situation. This is a transit that feels very dreamy, and it is a good time to reorient and do some damage control with your motivation and resources. This is especially true if you were born with Gemini, Virgo or Pisces rising. Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces and the significator of righteousness makes Pisces Mercury natives very noble and kind. For entertainment purposes only This can be really paralysing in your everyday life. This zodiac sign is receptive, dreamy, intuitive, creative, artistic, sensitive, gentle. Mercury is the fastest planet in our solar system, appearing to zip backward between the Earth and the Sun three times each year. The Fourth House in astrology reflects the compassionate and unconditionally loving nature of Cancer and Moon. My consultation went really well. I am taurus ascendant with mercury in 11th house in pisces and jupiter in 3rd house ( cancer sign ).. Its just a very objective analysis that evaluates the context of my subjective experiences. Both being in 12th house. This Mercury sign indicates a need for time alone. 100% of his answers to the question Horary are compatible with my life. Mercury Retrograde is a phenomenon that occurs when the planet appears to be moving backward from our perspective on Earth. Caring for others combined with an artistic flair is quintessentially Mercury in Pisces. This is the first article Ive read about the cancelation of the debilitation and the role of jupiter here. Mercury in Pisces people often struggle with communication. They make great spiritual leaders or teachers because of their ability to enlighten and guide others with their religious or spiritual way of expression. I was referred to Patrick for a reading, because I was specifically interested in a fusion of chart-reading and. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. When they get caught, they are inclined to escape from their quilt by convincing others with their mental skills that they were not aware of the fact that their wrongdoings cause harm to somebody. In Astrology, the planet Mercury symbolizes communication, sanity, knowledge, and risk management skills. He helped me understand some of the conflicts I have been facing with family and career, and even some of the challenges my children have been facing during recent transits. They are also capable of reaching great heights with their creative abilities. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. . The "open gate" of the full moon is always a powerful monthly cycle - this full moon celebrating the solar festival of Pisces. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Keep an open dialogue with loved ones to ensure it will ward off discord and disappointment. However, there are also benefits to Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. Mercury governs the rational mind in astrology. I was amazed with what he told me it was as if he knew me intimately. He corresponds to Hermes in Greek mythology, the child of Zeus and Gaia. Please comment & share the article with your friends using social media buttons below. Actually no debilitation is fully bad and carries its own purpose in life. Imagining yourself as other people is natural for you, and this ability makes you an excellent interviewer or conversationalist. The fact that Mercury is retrograde in Pisces makes the effect many times stronger. These people tend to be 'right-brain' types whose thinking is governed more by their instincts and gut feelings than by purely logical reasoning processes. However, this little information disruption was cited as a principal cause of the disaster because it could have been prevented if the message was forwarded. Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo, and exiles in Aquarius and Libra. This also means that the deeper outcomes of this combination are reliant on the dignity and condition of Jupiter, which is the guiding planet of Mercury in this sign. Wonderful insight! But they might do it well if they choose to do so.). Therefore, when the energies of this combination are directed effectively, it can support these natives in their undertakings that are related to creativity and imagination. Black Irish Descent. I highly recommend him to anyone considering a reading, I set up a consultation with Patrick hoping to understand parts of my life better but I left with vastly more. It is rare in life to meet someone with a keen intellect, sensitive interpersonal communication, a wellspring of. Mercury is the planet of reason and logic. This was an interesting, insightful reading with one of todays leading practitioners of ancient Hellenistic Astrology. Its a time for introspection, where we can slow down and reflect on our thoughts and feelings. Share it with others who enjoy learning astrology! Hence, this disposition of Mercury from its home supports them in succeeding in the world of spirituality and other similar imaginative creations. This astrological placement indicates that she often feels a need to express herself creatively, and her sensitivity to the feelings of others can make her especially intuitive toward the ones she loves. Overall, I couldn't have been more satisfied than this. Pisces belongs to a different realm, just like music. Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, is the sign of dreams, emotions, and spirituality in its astrological home in Pisces. You are the most compatible with people who have Mercury in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces). Thanks for writing on this topic. Pisces is a sign where Mercury traditionally struggles to be its rational, logical and detail-oriented self. This person will have a constant wanderlust and desire to be on the move. Pisces can blur reality, sometimes a bit of caution is welcome when dealing with it. This indicates some challenges in its functioning. They are soft spoken, sensitive and compassionate. Infact, my closest person with whom I work very well has Mercury in Pisces and our partnership is just perfect. By polarity, it is negative or passive. You are caring and compassionate, but also have special powers of insight, intuition, and prediction. And Pisces is a dual water sign with Jupiter as its lord. In fact, those with Mercury in this sign are said to have a natural instinct for research and psychology. It is in accidental dignity in the third house and in the sixth house. Ive only recently found out about zodiacal releasing, a practice that comes from traditional astrology, which assists the native in understanding her past life chapters as well as the upcoming one(s). It is associated with completion and unity. Usually, Mercury is a fast and swift planet designed to transfer information with extreme precision and speed. Theyre often interested in spirituality, mysticism, religion, music and animals. Mercury in Pisces produces an unusually vivid imagination and a highly intuitive mindset. Martin, great article for me. This is a very creative placement. Mercury is the planet of communication, thought, and wisdom. Stars are part of creation and must never be worshipped according to The Last Word of God, and older authentic religious revelations. If youre studying astrology, youll get a reading and a lesson for the price of one. Mercury in Pisces is in a mutable water sign and takes on the qualities of its ruler Jupiter, expansive, visionary and boundless. This is a very good description of people with mercury in Pisces. Reese Witherspoon, Pedro Pascal, and Justin Timberlake are just a few of the Mercury in Pisces celebrities. One of the main weaknesses of this Mercury sign is that it might lack the sense for practical things. Mercury in Pisces is a beautiful and complex placement, full of contradictions and surprises. There is good luck through large institutions and spiritual development. When this happens, they start to improvise by harnessing mental tricks in an attempt to succeed in activities related to calculation, statistics, trading, traveling, logistics, etc. This article has explored the many facets of Mercury in Pisces and how it affects us all. They are often really slow to respond (if their natal Mercury in Pisces is retrograde, this becomes even worse). Words will flow more freely, and you have the potential to truly connect with others. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. While they personally already know the meaning of their statements, they find it hard to explain it. They also prefer to have psychic spirituality in their lives. Your unique blend of logic and intuition will lead you to new heights and discoveries. Herein the 7th signifies entrepreneurship, marketplaces, partnerships, marriage, while the 10th signifies social rank, honor, status, and high achievements. I was wondering with that prediction. Whether this is through tarot readings, astrology readings, or consulting a life coach, they need to feel connection with some higher entity that gives them guidance and direction when its needed most. Not only was the consultation both fun and interesting but Patricks feedback for the questions I asked him was invaluable. HE PROVIDES FAMILY FRIENDLY MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT for various venues; Anniversary's,. Moreover, as Mercury the planet of communication is weakened, their way of interaction is somewhat suppressed. highly recommend him. It means that the intelligent, witty, communicative, talented, strategic, analytical planet of merchants Mercury combines with cold, emotionless, serious, ambitious, persistent, hard-working, introverted, focused, patient, cardinal earth sign Capricorn. . When it comes to this combination of Mercury, the general effect is that they communicate in a very different way. I ended the session feeling optimistic about my future, and knowing when to expect some trouble related to two difficult placements. Another significant weakness of this Mercury sign is indecisiveness. These individuals are sympathetic to the human condition. Very accurate description of my past and my future goals, fascinating discussion overall. This placement infuses our minds with a blend of logical thinking and intuitive understanding. Navigating Mercury Retrograde in Pisces can be like riding the ocean waves. With that being said, they support religious or spiritual principles when expressing themselves which often gives them great respect. Also he's as funny as his blogs! Also what if the Mercury is in Revati Nakshtra ? Mercury in Pisces also attracts those with a deep sense of compassion and empathy. The effect of astrology writers like you is priceless. March signifies massive celestial turning points, as we enter a new astrological year, and the outer planets push us into a . 3316. Soon after the Sun moves into Aries, the Moon joins in, so on March 21st, 2023, we have a New Moon at 0 Aries. Oftentimes, a natural benefic debilitated planet does not give a tendency to cause harm to someone. Mercury is debilitated in Pisces because failing to apply its logical thinking in the environment where artistic and creative imagination is preferred instead of analytical down-to-earth thinking patterns. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. and motifs in my life. It provided him with a highly imaginative and intuitive mind, but one who didnt like to prove their way of deriving the results of their inventions. I. E. lets spend 15min talking about what the 8th house represents versus what this means for me. I can relate to many things mentioned including a deep inclination towards spirituality. . In addition to that, you could harness the power of your heightened imagination by becoming active in activities where these traits are of greatest benefit. Mercury is actually the planet that signifies a network of nerves. Father grandfather grandmother and multiple other Springer line born in March. You can see why they clash with each otherthis is not the ideal environment for Mercurian energy to operate in. Mercury, in the sign of Pisces, allows us to take a more theoretical methodology regarding communication and reasoning. This is a great time for self-examination and introspection. 3)Prices are provided in USD. Its analytical and logical capabilities cannot be expressed naturally in this . They have a unique perspective of the world and can often see beyond the mundane. Despite him receiving the message, he somehow failed to forward it to the captain. Please share some insights if the mercury in pisces gets supports with exalted venus in pisces. Mercury travels through the twelve signs of the zodiac in 88 days. Irish, Scottish, Gaelic Norse with Old Germanic, Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Moreover, they are able to produce very ingenious ideas and apply that in the material world to manifest their desired results. If Mercury is afflicted in the chart, the chart owner might have a hard time connecting with the world. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Her intuition is like a sixth sense, allowing her to see beyond what is visible to the naked eye. His ability to discern multiple levels of information and layer them within the context of the the individual is amazing. Simply put, practical details are not your thing. Use this time to tap into your inner world, listen to your intuition, and let your creativity run wild. If you are overwhelmed, you might find yourself escaping to your fantasy world. Their compassionate nature allows them to radiate love to the world around them, making strangers feel like old friends. In other words, they can support religious views but never follow them in the first place. Hence, the debilitation of Mercury results in loss of courage and the ability to speak out when needed. The Sanskrit name for Mercury is Budha, meaning one who is clever or intelligent. Mercury in Pisces has the tendency to soak in the entire world's subconscious ideas, and has a strong lack of discernment when it comes to to deciding what thought belongs to us, and what belongs to someone else. Mercury's day of the week is Wednesday, known in Latin as "Mercurii.". Mercury can be in this sign when the Sun is in Aquarius, Pisces, or in Aries. It was probably one of the most therapeutic self-care things I have. The best expression of this energy is letting the wisdom of the unconscious pour into your words and thoughts. Patrick is an excellent astrologer and will provide you guidance and insight. Similarly, the popular name for Wednesday in Indian cultures is Budhavar, or the day of Budha. I walked away from our session with a better sense of who I am as well as my direction in life. Even if they are prompted to support their statements, they often tell that they just felt that way or they thought it to be right according to faith. Positively, it set up a new trend of technological innovation, but negatively initiated the development of destructive weapons. So, embrace this time and let it guide you toward personal growth and enlightenment. 6 Zodiac Sign Most Likely to Get Rich in 2023, The Luckiest Months of 2023, Based on Your Zodiac sign, What Sports to Try Out in 2023 Based On Sun Sign, What Car Should You Drive in 2023, Based On Your Zodiac Sign, Lucky Color Of The Year 2023 Based On Feng Shui, Horoscope 2024 Predictions for Your Sign, Aries 2024 Horoscope Work Towards Your Goals, Gemini Horoscope 2024: Embrace the Adventure of Life, Cancer 2024 Horoscope An Infusion of Fresh Energy and Ideas, Virgo 2024 Horoscope: Discovering New Horizons, Scorpio Horoscope 2024: Taking Charge of Your Destiny, Pisces 2024 Horoscope Many Opportunities Ahead. Hi , its a superb and detailed article on debiliated mercury I came across. I find it still quite difficult to to connect the physical and non-physical worlds and it takes much effort to put my thinking into words, and creating overall structure, but there has been progress. Mercury in Pisces men are the wittiest and most charming among other astrology signs. Am clear with my thoughts , however i normally dont present in large group Thanks for great article .. You enjoy self-reflection. This is why they are often drawn to poetry, art, and psychology as the professions of choice for them. It is not said in vain that the one who makes mistakes and learns is wiser than those who do not make any mistakes. In the birth chart, Mercury signs describe how a person communicates and how they think. However, a strong Jupiter endows them with faith which means that they have the capacity to trust their imagination by following spiritual or religious principles instead of wasting their vital energy on analysis. Pisces, which is the 12th sign in Vedic astrology, represents foreign lands. I have Sun (which is also Atmakaraka) and Mars conjunct with Mercury. Additionally, it indicates being unable to achieve high success, recognition, and reputation due to fraudulent and wicked mentality. In fact, they can become very famous and renowned in the world with their original and unique creations. It helped me a lot. The mentioned effects manifest in specific periods and the intensity of them depends on planetary strength level and many other factors. It felt like my chart wasnt looked at. Asteroids and comets added, well chk. All the articles are based on the information given by Ancient Sages as seen from various classical sources which are addressed to Vedic enthusiasts. I accept the possibility that Patrick Watsons analysis may be inaccurate and assume full responsibility for any actions I independently undertake in response to the analysis of my horary. She is a gentle and compassionate soul who profoundly understands the human experience. However, people with this placement can have . The 7th house in Vedic astrology stands for partnerships, balance, and harmony. All the content of this site is legally published only on this domain. The grand trine creates a super career and super charisma energy, around which Mercury, Neptune and Pluto are symmetrically arranged. However, people with this placement can have difficulties distinguishing fact from fiction, reality from imagination. I am new to astrology and the accuracy of what he was able to predict about me and events in my past was astounding. Mercury is curious and agile. That is the reason why Mercury becomes debilitated in Pisces. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. by Ryan Hart | Updated on July 1, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Mercury signifies intelligence, merchant wisdom, and knowledge of various topics. Meditation is very helpful to harmonize and strengthen a healthy connection between mind, body, and spirit. They have a deep appreciation for the arts, and enjoy creative hobbies such as painting or writing. In addition to that, Pisces is the 12th zodiac sign which represents spirituality and a highly active subconscious mind which provides these people thoughts that are hard to understand to most other people. As a result, these natives with Mercury in Pisces find it hard to manifest their ideas materially in this world. They like to think about profound issues and are very progressive thinkers. Pisces is the sign of the divine, unconditional love, the unconscious, fantasies and daydreams. Mercury in Pisces people like to take their time when asked a question. Those with Mercury in Pisces are capable of really getting into the mindset of others, sensing intuitively what it is others need or are thinking One example of such a situation happened on an unfortunate night on the deck of Titanic where Jack Phillips was responsible for transferring telegraphs (messages). Jupiter rules over our higher knowledge and spiritual knowledge. Instead, it merely gives impulses that inspire to gain from the significances of Mercury through immature tactics. This placement can produce people who are extremely sensitive and intuitive to others emotions. You may need more time alone so you can understand the psychology of your being. You have a Full Moon which is already a very good sign as it is considered a very strong natural benefic. Anything artistic, especially music and poetry, are wonderful mediums for the Mercury in Pisces to use in communication. Read your horoscope for Mercury in Pisces Flexible Communication From March 2nd to March 18th, Mercury, the planet of communication, will pass through the sign of Pisces.Mercury in Pisces feels like one giant free-write. So buckle up and prepare for an exciting journey through Mercury in Pisces. Like synching up your analytic mind with the fantasies, dreams, and far-flung ideas that constellate when you're drifting off to sleep. They are polite and compassionate towards others. Youll discover what makes this placement unique and how you can use your strengths to make your mark on the world. She has a rich inner world where she can escape and explore the unknown. These people are excellent communicators and have a vivid imagination. The God Almighty said: By My might and majesty, I will continue to forgive them, as long as they seek My forgiveness. In a situation where Patrick Watson agrees a refund is warranted, refunds for purchases made in crypto will only be provided in USD at the original USD price. If you have this placement, you might often feel that you are misunderstood. However, if Jupiter, the planet of faith and higher wisdom support it, there is more energy left for the creative part of the brain to function. She is careful and considerate of feelings, and takes all emotions involved into account before she makes any action. Learn how your comment data is processed. Patrick is not just skilled at chart interpretation; he thinks like a scientist, continually working out techniques that emerged from recent translations, which, in my opinion, always contain an interpretive dimension, particularly 2,000 years beyond the writing of the text and the culture within which the text was produced.