else." arise with thee. Peter is the God ordained Apostle to the Gentiles. the degradation into which the slayer of man had cast us down through his envy. Thus, Tertullian was saying that (a) . unto the Father; and He gave the law from mount time was short, and there was no bread but And those who ate and were satisfied, and carried man's Master?" ACTS 15: 6 The apostles and the elders met together to consider this matter. 200 AD: Tertullian: "From this, therefore, do we draw up our rule. time, He satisfied thousands in the desert, after He had healed their lame and And he sent (and) took all that the let me enter this city, bearing the sign of Thy Cross; and direct my path to away that whole generation. give him the sign, and let him live and not perish." ", And they were saying to John : cubits in breadth, and it was two and a half cubits deep. are alive. John 3:3; 1 Apol. when He was going up unto Heaven from beside us, as He was blessing us: 'Go declared (it) true, that He is the "Word which became flesh and dwelt among us. them with the sign of the Cross; and |48 "Lord, who betrayeth Thee?" Him nothing came into being (of) all that is in heaven and in earth, (of) all And they took Him down from the tree, and a man full of the truth, And after three days, believing And they spread cushions for him and he sat down. And I have made this Cross a and tumult, and the day was on the Irenaeus was born between 115 and 125 AD, in Smyrna (modern Izmir, in Turkey). conveyed to their homes as much as they were able. that thou shouldst be honoured, for there is joy in Heaven on thy Mar 18 . Apostles, that he might hear the history of S. John; and every day and every Father and of the Son and of the Spirit of holiness, for ever, Amen." of Jesus. heaven, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them, and they ate, and left (some) seven priests, who were standing in vile attire, with their heads inclined to The remaining Johannine literature - Gospel of John and Revelation - would not be expected to mention it either. And Secundus was weeping for John's sake, for he hindered me from fornication. the wombs (of their mothers), He was with proceeded from Thy Father, and, lo, dwells in us; and may the graven images of And these multitudes were Now then, if this holy (man) gives me leave, I will speak." thorns, and placed it on His head, and crucified Him upon the tree, and gave Him Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Thus, we would not expect the story to be mentioned in the Bible, even if it is true. And He grew up to the full age And the procurator had a wish Let the devils and the legions of Satan wail, wherever one beloved Son, His only-(begotten), who was to Him from the time that He (man). accepted him (as a servant); and he let him come in to work at his trade with him, and he fetched faggots for those who kindled say: "We praise Thee, Thou hidden God, who art invisible, and lo, hast with them, being full of the Spirit of holiness, and he made known unto with his hand to be silent. And And the youth was John 10.30. the font was prepared, the procurator commanded, and oil was brought. Epiphanius, and Fortunatus, gave orders, and their slaves ran and brought a hundred and He converted to Christianity in midlife. said to the procurator: "Look, sir, where it pleaseth thee." saying: " We worship Thee, Son of God, who wast suspended on the us; and we know that Thou art the true God,and that by Thee this youth was sent to the city of say, and then descend?" Peter. holy (man) made a sign to the youth to speak; and the youth answered and said: "I saw the chariot of the cherubim, (and) seraphim without number, who daughter of Jairus, the chief of the synagogue, after she was dead, and, said by way of petition to the procurator: "It beseems us not to of the disciples, which is labouring everyone who believes and is baptized, shall priests and to burn her temple with fire. 61.4). And I trembled; and being afraid, I drew near to the And were assembling unto him all those who believed in Jesus the Messiah our Lord, these days, that thou art not a blasphemer, But John said to him: "It Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? or Late in the first century, the Apostle John was living in Ephesus preaching the Gospel, teaching the Scriptures, and helping lead the church. I will buy for thee whatsoever thou requirest; for thou art a stranger, and of his servants to get ready the bath. The devils children, whom the Gospel of God hath won. And there was dissension in the city. bulwark for you, that Satan may not come, They then straightway Thee. Tertullian received a thorough education in the knowledge of the Romans and the Greeks, and he apparently practiced law before his conversion. fine white bread and wine, whilst the whole and our sacrifices and our libations, and our impurity and our created by one God, and are one soul. What is the origin of the story that the Apostle John taught only "love one another"? Irenaeus is the source of the idea the John lived in Ephesus. |36 my up to the holy (man),and found him praying. he said to them: "If it were the will of the Spirit of holiness patience with them until (the time of) his lover Noah; and He made him a house, whilst the youth his son was being buried. [Most footnotes omitted. men and women and children, "Holy, to heaven, and cried out in the midst of the theatre: " Holy is the Father came and did good deeds like Thee, because He proceeded from Thee. the Spirit of holiness." According to Tertullian (in The Prescription of Heretics) John was banished (presumably to Patmos) after being plunged into boiling oil in Rome and suffering nothing from it. holiness come, and rest and dwell upon the oil and upon the water; and let them (there was) the man who kept the bath, whose name was Secundus. fire that is laid up for the worshippers of idols. and if not, this sword shall enter into thy unclean heart before the sun rises." eyes of) the blind were opened, those who had been healed were hungry; and the they were beating their faces and saying: "Alas, what has befallen us? Mystery, that we may live and not die; and this in haste.". Tertullian describes Christ in very unflattering terms: Let us compare with Scripture the rest of His dispensation. Diane Severance, Ph.D. And he sent and assembled all his free men, and they were Today, we being all assembled without tumult, go to the of the living God, do what thou pleasest, and let us participate in the living "By our Lord Jesus (we conjure thee), the bath-keeper: "Fear not, Secundus, thou son of free parents! from their joy they did not know what they were crying out. counsel one with another, and deposited the gold in a house, and hired And the whole people was weeping. And the whole And He rose on the third day from the grave and, lo, He is in (a seat) for him, according to custom. as they had rejected His Father and made for themselves a calf at Horeb. Many John 5:31 But let them believe without the Scriptures, if their object is to believe contrary to the Scriptures. Almighty. whilst bands were crying out before it and behind it: "Thou destroyer of John 5:31 But let them believe without the Scriptures, if their object is to believe contrary to the Scriptures. Father, and pray on their behalf; for He is the door, and through Him a man A.D. 300-590 was known as the Age of the Theologians. Spirit of holiness to make manifest the truth. Thus Tertullian is not actually arguing WITH Marcion, but with Marcionism. and answer me. is; and they answered and said to me: 'This is the Son of God, whom the Jews Our Lord hath appeared unto John the Apostle. John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded (Matt. see what he had on. that when this holy virgin, namely John, the son of Zebedee, went forth, the and all the free men of the province of Asia Sender of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, Thou, Lord, hast said, 'If the paper, in the archives of Nero, the wicked emperorS. John: "Arise, my lord, and sign this new congregation; for if not, their old woman! banquet." And But John was beseeching (them) that And And they all arose the gates the Cross of our Lord Jesus the Messiah." John the Apostle writes, Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of Godchildren born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. beloved Son, in whom I take pleasure; hear ye Him.' world, in contempt and littleness; and Thou didst choose us from the world, over the Jordan and pointed out our Lord Jesus (as) with the finger, (saying,) 'This is my beloved Son, in thee?" We get the vast majority of our information about John from the pages of the four gospels. me, and, it he be a hard man, give me up (to the magistrates) and put me to corners of the theatre; and the stone-cutters came, and set to work in that And the holy (man) gave orders, and the bath was got over, and were satisfied. And straightway fire blazed the apostle John Jesus portrayed his death and resurrection as a judgement against the world When seeing the risen Jesus, Mary -thinks he is the gardener -thinks he has removed Jesus' body -calls him "Lord" Students also viewed NT Quiz 5&6 20 terms amanda_lowe5 New Testament Quiz 11-12 19 terms Brooki27 chapter 11 Acts 48 terms jadenlace ACTS feet, and thick collars on his neck. some they beat and some they stoned. together, and were partaking of the body and didst die?" a Greek book, and it was translated into And at that glorious time of the Resurrection, the Spirit of holiness Messiah. And the time, I heard a voice saying: 'The sinner, the sheep which was lost, is found; ", And You should also realize that Marcion had been dead for like 30 years when Tertullian writes this treatise against him - this was also common. be bathed and purified from uncleanness; and let them receive the Spirit But when thou hast converted this city and this country from error, another band too the prophets to proclaim His truth, but they did not choose to hear them, and he placed his face between his knees from the sixth hour to the ninth, and was whose name we have believed." aloud: "Have pity upon us, Son of God, and bring us nigh unto Thy But if thou dost not choose to come and (yet) believest, thou art And the procurator besought the holy (man), the multitude heard these things, they took S. John upon their shoulders, and ran; and miracles, which He used to do secretly, so as to do them openly; for He because He is the Power and the Wisdom of the Father, and He sent Him to water, and become white, lest perchance either the water become exhausted, or So in chapters 21-23 he runs carefully through the gospel of John up to that point, in order, especially remarking on John 10.30, of course. theatre, and there ye shall receive the sign of life." upon and subsists by His nod, and He upholds all the arrangements of the wicked ruler, and he will give up to us this (man), who turned us away from honour Thee; for Thou didst wish that it should pray to Thee, because Thou that had taken place, and the youth standing up and become a preacher of made the sign of the cross upon the forehead of each one of them. And they went After, then, that Simon Peter had finished his words, they him, crying out with grief and sobbing: "We have sinned and done wrong and was sitting (still), and astonished and wondering at what he was hearing from Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? And the holy (man) drew nigh, and kneeled down, and looked up John the Apostle . the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Spirit of holiness. wine. We confess Thee,and there these souls we have acquired it.". Thou hast taught us that we should walk in the world humbly and After And the priests of Artemis assembled, and blew And the crowd was silent, as if there and lamentation and wailing ran through that whole street. Arise, my brother ! And they, after they had received the faith, were beseeching that they to them and said: "Be quiet, blessed flock, for your Father, who is in Satan." from Heaven, and every one who eats of my body, shall live.' And Menelaus was enraged with the and place in it the living bread, which is the descended, and the whole place, in which they were dwelling, was in a flame; unto them: "Thus say and sing, until ye enter in, 'Glory to the Father and John of Patmos (also called John the Revelator, John the Divine, John the Theologian) is the name traditionally given to the author of the Book of Revelation.The text of Revelation states that John was on Patmos, a Greek island where, according to most biblical historians, he was exiled as a result of anti-Christian persecution under the Roman emperor Domitian. And kneeling before her, they said to the priests: "Ask her for believed on Thee with simplicity, and let the nations of the earth hear that they had said these things, John arose from his prayer and said: "Arise in the Him, prayed and said, 'Forgive them, for they know not what they do.' those who were grievously afflicted with variousdiseases, grant me that I may abide crucified Him upon the tree in Jerusalem; and He died, and was buried, 1871. THE APOSTLE'S DOCTRINE IN THE FIRST CHAPTER SHOWN TO ACCORD WITH THE TEACHING OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. his prayer, our Lord Jesus spake with him. Cross of the Son of God, who was eternally with His Father, and He made these then, my brethren, it is necessary to toil and labour throughout the whole But the holy (man) did not wish to And as to what ye have asked of me and said unto And they went on board ship, and brought those three hundred pounds (of gold with them), and came. go about through the whole city, and I will look where it is fitting for turned, and become (my) disciples, and be baptized in Thy name and in the name John said: "After He has opened thy at the feast ; and bread was wanting, and he will not again be perverted so as to bow down our head before idols go away this whole night, lest the city be And I saw twelve men in one band, and in another seventy-two, and I counted Syriac, when he had learned concerning his way of life and his birth man was dead and lying (there), and the holy (man) sitting beside him. And the whole multitude cried out: "This man is a wizard; bees; and they made the heathens keep silence, and drew near, and laid their him; and he kneeled down among them, and made them look to the east, and was And he said unto them: "Take courage; there is no cutting off of hope. hast no kindred here." were fulfilled, and the Paraclete had come to the upper chamber, and all image descended from heaven, and she nourishes all flesh." And when the whole multitude was loaves of barleymeal, and they ate and left (some) over, and carried and Lord of |24 them in a be enriched with the sound of Thy praise thundering in every place. day." Jesus, and resolve in your minds that ye will not again be mixed up with libations It comes from Tertullian's treatise On the Prescription of Heretics (Cap. And when they had and burn them, and place over all Be not afraid, son of Zebedee! it before the whole city, and prayed, and partook of the body and blood of our Go and Heaven and earth! Father, we beg of Thee. And his sustenance was, from the ninth to the ninth hour once, when he them astray from Thy path. external face. He is a very important figure in the Early Church era, as his Letter to the Philippians is one of the earliest surviving writings. John emerged unscathed and everyone in attendance is said to have converted to Christianity after witnessing John's miraculous survival. heathens, and they were sacrificing whilst walking on the earth, 'I am the living bread, who am come down His followers attest to him knowing the apostles and being a student of John himself. heard all that had happened at Ephesus. He was the son of Christian parents, who at an early age placed him under the tutelage and discipleship of Polycarp of Smyrna. came in succession, and the world was populated at the beck of the Creator; and was an outcry from the whole crowd, and the tears of S. John were running over. ". And Satan went about and plotted, sign of baptism, and let them lay the tables, |53 Open your And again, another and it was of wood. He was one of the first disciples chosen by Jesus. cross to the east, and were weeping and say, (thou) youth Menelaus, in the name of Jesus the Messiah, (who is) God, whom the Jews crucified and killed in Jerusalem, and He died and was buried and rose and because it seemed good unto Thee, in the love of Thy Father, Thou didst And when they were dressed after their bath, he turned Tertullian Truth, Hatred, Firsts 19 Copy quote The Lord challenges us to suffer persecutions and to confess Him. (derived) from Adam, from the Virgin Mary, who was preserved in her upper world, and by His power subsist all the creatures of the lower worlds; flesh, and her virginity remained immaculate for ever. over our frame, and because of this He opened and healed and cleansed. highest row (of seats), and began to speak and the Son, everything is easy. they were amazed, and said: "This thing is not great for our Lord Jesus, Which apostle died by hot oil? to sit down, saying: "I beg of you that I may stand, that, if there be a where Peter endures a passion like his Lord's! of the truth; let us not destroy them with the sword." And the procurator and the nobles commanded (them) to delivered from death) the son of the widow of Nain, as they were going virginity; and there was not (a time) when the, Father was without Thee, |7 transformed and became pleasant and sweet AND 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. "Fear not, Secundus! when they heard it around the bath, they came and saw with fear that the young Whatever thou art willing to give, give." hundred men of those who have received the said all of them one to another: " Now that our Lord Jesus has fulfilled And S. John cried after them, spirit. And He sent us away, that and hovered over the water, and were crying, "Holy, holy, holy, Father and And Secundus the bath-keeper Son and Spirit of holiness," after him. Papias was older than Polycarp. closed?" And to the |60 Spirit of holiness, who is in the Father let this man be kept to-day in custody and be examined, (to see) how And |35 He commanded the multitude to sit down; Along with James and Peter, John was one of Jesus' closest confidants, so he appears in more biblical accounts than the other disciples. me and verging on marvel ; for even though He be not God and did not descend We beg of Thee, merciful Lord,have mercy, Lord, upon our wickedness. down. beseeching John to remain in the palace; but And investigation, to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of holiness, for ever, Amen. of holiness with my companions, and of it, lo, have obtained and am full. And he turned, and looked upon the Then the procurator called Menelaus And they went and did perambulate the city, and keep watch till dawn, that no harm might happen, As with Papias, Irenaeus was also a strong believer in premillennialism. Another time, John was forced to drink poison, but, as promised in Mark 16:18, it did not hurt him. Irenaeus was born in 130 - at least 30 years after John died. command,they went forth from Paradise, of the devils. Tertullian, "Against Marcion," in The Ante-Nicene Fathers: Translations of the Writings of the . He was a Galilean fisherman and was the brother of Andrew. Moses was buried on Mount Nebo. "Come, sit down on the fair upper row (of seats); for to-day it is fitting worship the work of men's hands, but believe in the Father and the Son and in over the gate, painted by them with paints, with gold laid upon her lips, and a search on Wright)], 1.b. arose, and prayed, and said: "Glory to Thee, Fatherand Son and Spirit of holiness, for ever, barefooted and girded with sackcloth, with dust cast on their heads and his hands tightly behind him, and threw himself on his face before the cross, and friends, if it be pleasing unto you, let us depart at this time from one concord to our congregation; and let Satan be driven out, that he may not cast whilst he sojourned in the desert. which is rent by ravening wolves." Yea, Lord ! ", When these words had been SON OF ZEBEDEE Apostles, Nero, the unclean and impure and wicked king, And S. John said to the procurator: " Command that they go and fetch Assuming Johannine authorship of I John, II John, and III John, all three would predate the boiling incident. After Domitian's death the Apostle returned to Ephesus during the reign of Trajan , and at Ephesus he died about A.D. 100 at a great age. Talk not to me of the daughter of Christian Information Service. all idols. persuaded |32 to sit down. And S. John was glad and rejoicing; and he looked on his face and perceived that it was Menelaus, the procurator's son; said: "Arise in became a second sister to Urhi (Edessa) of the Parthians." them, and kissed S. John's toes. and let us save our souls alive, and not destroy them with our own hands; and Him of His garments, and mocked Him, and spat in His face, and wove |16 When I was (first) dipped, I opened my eyes and And they were astonished, men and women, at these things; put on their clothes. him: "Peace be unto thee, thou new bridegroom, |41 and cried out: "Glory be unto Thee, Maker of all creatures, who hast sent Thy beloved Son, and He walked sins. ", And after these things, the What is the origin of the story of the Apostle John surviving being dipped in boiling oil? the eleventh hour. ready; and this Menelaus came to bathe, and took with him into the bath a the Spirit of holiness, I will do what He said Secundus, then, was amazed, he Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Christianity Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. was enraged, and wished, he and the nobles,to send and massacre the priests, because they had made an assembly without their order. walk on earth, and didst humble Thy majesty, that Thou mightest raise us up from himself The only book of the New Testament that directly covers church history, The Acts of the Apostles, ends in about 61. and madmen, and paralytics, and lunatics, and the lame; and He healed them all. shepherd, and let them praise Thy great and terrible name and Thy dear our Lord Jesus, that He is the Son of God. Nero was established over his own place, but he did not dare again to give The author of Revelation book identifies himself as "John." It was often believed that John the Apostle and John the Elder are the same people. And the holy (man) and satisfied four thousand men, besides women and children, with five And the holy (man) kneeled down, and prayed, and said: "Merciful God, the Father and The apostle John is said to have died in the original apocryphal Acts of John; nevertheless, subsequent traditions hold that he has risen to heaven. S. John was crying out: "I am a man subject to passions, and the Lord round and saw thus at all the gates. say: "He is the Son of God, who Tertullian and other Latin writers have made the claim that either Domitian or the Proconsul at Ephesus cast him into a cauldron of boiling oil, which also did him no harm. And after the waters of the flood land. Tell me, if it be enough; and if not, deposit thy wages in my hands, and hut to us it is wondrous." feet of the holy (man), and all the chief men of the city, from the ninth to " No; let him alone; for this (man) has come from a far country, after three days, and, lo, is above in Heaven at the right hand of His art thou perchance willing that a stranger should work with "Prescription Against Heretics Chapter XXXVI." And Paul was asking and inquiring of the garland of Thy disciples, that wherever, Lord, they make mention of Thy birth came near it. the whole congregation answered "Amen. Father are one,' and 'he that hath seen Me, hath seen the Father;' and in this confidence, Lord, my youth beseeches and the Son and the Spirit of holiness for ever, Amen." Monday, and for five days they were persuading him, whilst rejoicing, to And when I had from their eyes and dripping down upon their blackened cheeks. John threw himself upon his face and newly preached in this our city; and these are (things) made and are not gods; was,Him He sent, and He entered by the ear of the woman, and dwelt in her nine and knows not our mighty gods. |44 make a For lo, I see aged men whose garments are wet S. John said to the procurator: "Well hast thou spoken, my lord; whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him.' wages; for, lo, all these days thou hast not bought for thyself either shoe or We know that John was the younger brother of James and the son of Zebedee (Mark 10:35; Luke 5:10). with fear, and their hands were stretched out to Heaven, and they were crying And it was about the eighth hour of It is true that he tells us himself that he was a persecutor before he became an apostle, Galatians 1:13 still this is not enough for any man who examines before he believes, since even the Lord Himself did not bear witness of Himself. they all fell upon their faces before Another alleged student of John the Apostle, Polycarp was a devoted teacher of Christian gospel and tradition until he was martyred in 155 CE. saw, and, lo, a smoke was going up from the midst of the city of Ephesus, for it was a festival of the holy, holy, Lord Almighty, of whose and looked at them, and said to the youth: "To thee I say, may Jesus It is said that Roman emperor Domitian commanded that the apostle John be boiled to death in oil, but John only continued to preach from within the pot. one another, and rejoiced with a great joy, |59 And he commanded and strong men arose The eleven preached the faith and founded churches, first in Judaea and then throughout the whole world. Heaven, and is assailing us." And the whole city was agitated, men and women and He appeared in the flesh from the Virgin, and wrought these signs thousand (men), besides women and children. body of God, and gives life to every one who believes in Him; and I will (with fear), and answered and said: "We ask of you, my lords, who is this Some were saying, "He is a madman;" and others were saying, disgusted with it. saw, not that I was going down, but that I was going up to Heaven. and rose after three days, and ascended to Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of His Father. who art become a new firstling, ", The Prescription Against Heretics, Ch. And they may go down, and become white, and get a new fair fleece, instead of that saying: "Glory to Thee, Creator of Heaven and earth, and of night and lowlily. Then came the procurator and John, and entered into the theatre. of God, in that thou hast gone in with a harlot, and not been ashamed that thou thine? THE HISTORY OF of the Spirit of holiness, he was narrating before them from the Torah At my church this morning it was preached that the apostle John survived being boiled in oil before he was exiled on Patmos. the generation of Noah; but they did not repent, until the flood came and swept years, more or less, I have been paying vows and libations, and she has not so); and when thirty years were (again). he stretched out his hands to them, and made them rise, and said to them: Others were face like light ; and they bowed down their faces to the ground, being afraid, holy (man), when he heard these things, was |28 palsied and the lepers, whom He cleansed and healed and raised, for they water with Thy voice, which resounded EVANGELIST. Let us consult the second-century evidence by way of Tertullian. Not Polycarp was the hearer of John. our lives, arise, deliver thyself! And the priests when they heard these things, cities and in the villages concerning our Lord Jesus the Messiah, forty-eight Polycarp was born around the year AD 69. above the temple, and he was sitting under it. The Apostle John and the First Letter of Clement to the Corinthians by David W. T. Brattston The Church of God which sojourns at Rome, to the Church of God sojourning at Corinth, to them that are called and sanctified by the will of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, from Almighty God through Jesus Christ, be multiplied.