accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery

WebBut the lack of difference in the right foot is concerning. Mine is still pretty stiff(can only move the joint 30 maybe 40% of the way back) but should clear up with enough therapudic methoods every day such as moving it geny on the groud out of the boot & bending it back & forth with an elastic band at least 10 minutes a day. Might be that youre testing your Achilles more than i am though. For more severe cases, the soft tissue must be further disturbed. We all heal at our own pace. Bunion surgery is an outpatient procedure, meaning you can return home the same day. First of all, dont force yourself into activities that can harm you, especially for the first 2-3 weeks after the surgery. I took off my boot and checked my incision point which was now covered in Seri strips since the sutures were out. Ive been in a mental whirlwind since it happened, and hoping Im ok. I go to dr Tuesday to get staples out and get a hard cast..hopefully, mine will turn out as well as most of the others! It happened to me as well getting on my scooter 8 days post surgery. Of course I put my non weight bearing foot down to catch my self as I was falling to the ground. I was crutching from bathroom to bed and fell. It is mostly noticeable when I've been up a bit and it swells. Theyre inevitable. Which was kinda frustrating and surprising. I am 11 days post op (tore Achilles playing soccer), and have an appointment with my Doc tomorrow to assess healing of stitches so that I can be moved into a moon boot with heel lifts. At my follow up to get my sutures removed, the doc checked everything out and all was fine. I didnt notice anything there. Im a little worried I did some damage or worse re-tore the Achilles. It was a really weird feeling putting a shoe on that foot today. Hoping I didnt re-rupture, but it didnt feel like it. i did have lots of pain , but immediately iced and elevated. (I know. what kind of a foot specialist hasn't got a backup plan if machine breaks?) 14 users are following. In order to avoid possible problems, there are a few rules you should follow. And I too had a little scare with my scooter. I appreciate everyone sharing however as it makes me feel a little better to read that I was not the only one pressing a little to much and took the plunge not LOL. In more advanced stages, some patients also develop osteoarthritis The longer the joint is crooked and the longer the joint is mal-aligned, the greater the chance for the person to develop arthritis. Does anyone of you had the same experience or do you you know whether just using the heel with full extended leg to plant would make it worse or better? Why destroy a joint if you can save it? I reached out again via their messaging system and they wrote back that again if I didnt have severe pain I should be okay but I wanted to get checked out personally so I made an appointment to see the Doc on Monday. The surgeon will then correct the big toe joint using screws or pins. each week feels better and better! How are you? I experienced a little pain higher than my repair, near the bottom part of my calf. At least each experience helps us learn and grow! Instinctively, my right foot came down (the injured achilles foot) and bore most of my weight (170 lbs). Injuries after injuries, Hi Im so pleased to find this. I see my doc on Monday and believe he will let me take one of the two heel lifts out of the boot then. It happens so fast Im honestly not sure if I landed flat footed or stepped Forwards. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. I was hoping that being PWB would increase my mobility a bit but it turns out that trying to walk in a cast is hard! I was in my walking boot when it happened. I was in a splint for 2 weeks, then a hard cast. Im 3 weeks post surgery today - had my stitches out yesterday. Conventional foot surgery can be extremely debilitating. Time to get your own blog page setup BMan. However at the evening and this morning I felt a throbbing at my heel and I have the feeling the my foot is also throbbing more than usual. A few weeks after ankle surgery its usually the joint stiffness that is the main roadblock to recovery. im definitely worried about this, i dont know how much time ill spend off of work at this point im just waiting it out. Paul, Im in the same boat as you. Im praying I did not re-tear my Achilles. Successful bunion surgery recovery is largely down to how well you follow your surgeons advice. Today my surgical cast and stitches were removed, x-rays were taken, and I was put in a removable boot. Surgery usually takes up to an hour and afterwards, you will be taken to the recovery room and monitored until your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing as well as the sensation and circulation in your foot are back to normal. The twitching might have been caused by my anxiousness. Add me as a statistic. Im glad that I found this blog though. God speed to everyone else going through this journey. She hasnt had any of the types of fall or dramatic slips described by many on this blog. No swelling unless Im on my feet for a long period of time. Moral of the story for me, no matter what Im wearing my boot even if its a pain in the butt. Also, avoid shoes that pressure the top of your foot. It felt sounded like tearing. Been doing ok managing on one leg for a month now, but today I lost balance when getting from car to knee scooter and put weight on my recovering leg, talk about SHOCK to the system! That day, my foot really hurt; it had actually almost stopped hurting before the fall. i run a small fast casual restaurant and am on my feet most of my 10 hour days. Just cant lay down like an invalid. She opted to wear a pair of open-toe sliders, which likely provided a bit more comfort than alternative footwear would have done. he mentioned to me that if something had moved or been fractured id have to go into surgery asap to fix it. Over time, this causes problems in other areas of the foot and may also affect the ankles, knees, and lower back. I'm hoping I'm not moving forward to fast. Hey Meg and Michael, lots of us have had little scares like that - I remember mine very well. Anyway, this group was a big help in keeping me from getting to down about my accident yesterday. Good luck! Still very tight. I stepped down (in order to avoid slipping and falling) on my post-surgical foot when I still had the soft splint on. This thread has been very helpful. Hes 2 hours away. My gut says that I would know if I ruptured it and I dont think I did but based off of what I have read here its probably 75 plus percent fine, I however often times find myself as many of us do on the wrong end of the percentages Happy holidays to all reading this, I pray that each of you has a fast and complete recovery! My wife is about 20 hours post Achilles bone spur surgery and I am terrified. I too can say I fall into this category. Im one week post op and while I was at work, I attempted to sit down and the chair slipped and I naturally placed my injured foot down and boy was I in a lot of pain. I was sure I re-tore it, and was so angry at myself. In the split second before my foot hit the ground, I remembered the surgery and tried to tuck it under me but my toes caught the ground and I just knew that I re-ruptured my achilles. Should I worry? I was 5 weeks post op after achilles debridement and reattachment - also had the gastrocnemius lengthening procedure. Instinctively put my bad foot down to stop a fall, then fell back in the chair. Going to see doc on Monday to check and make sure. My concern is my cast is very loose already, and for some reason the ball of my foot near the toe is not and was not covered to prevent my toes from pushing up during an accidental slip. I did put some weight on my surgery foot but the hard cast (well not a total cast but hard nevertheless) kept it from flexing. The doctor does not open till tomorrow so I have to just wait it out. I have my follow up in two days Im hoping I didnt do anything to ruin my progress. Im 3.5 weeks post op in hard cast and was doing well. I have a little throbbing at the incision site right now, but I assume the pain will be less in the morning. About 10 days in - been in a splint since surgery. Webaccidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery. I just got the walking boot on September 21. I was wearing boot but it felt like a bur i g sensation from mid Achilles on up. This morning I woke up and forgot that the splint was of and put weight on the ankle. At this point in the game for us, any little good news and steps forward are a victory. The casts and boots provided are designed to be very protective of your healing Achilles and they do work. You will get through this like so many others before you. Either recurrence or overcorrection may require a second operation . Were you OK when you went to the doctor? I fell off my knee scooter tonight and put all my 220lbs to catch myself and felt some good pain at the time but now an hour or two later I dont feel any pain just wondering some symptoms of a re-rupture. It hurt really bad for the rest of the night but I took some pain killers and managed to get some sleep. !Also nice to know im not traveling through this shit storm alone. Thanks again, wish me luck. Do you know majorsite ? speedy recovery. I had archilles tendon and calcanel exostectomy 2 weeks ago. Gonna follow through with my Dr. in a few days just to be safe. A mild bunion recurrence is well-tolerated by most patients. Shes said to be awaiting more treatment on the other foot. Lol. TaraH, I rolled my ankle at day 43 while in a protective boot, felt sharp pain, went back to my surgeon to get checked out. My calf is really atrophied. I talked to another friend who did the same thing a few years ago and he was walking and back to work during the 7-8 week marK. Anyone else have that feeling? New bleeding occured. for being 2.5 months post op are you able to walk again with no problem? slight burn and throb. I am only 10 days post op and still in my splint. This blog has kept me sane as I keep freaking out that I re-tore the tendon. I also have a wonderful husband who actually remembered the 20+ years I took care of him (house wife, a damn good one lol! ) Going faster than I should have, tripped, landed HARD on the air cast. Ive been walking in a boot for the past 4 weeks and have gotten pretty good at it. For background, I fully ruptured my Achilles tendon in the first week of August and had surgery roughly a week later. I can definitely second that this site is really helpful. Finally starting to gain strength and am I put about 80% weight on injured leg while doing leg raises. THANK YOU SO MUCH for these posts. WebI'm sure the numbness will go away in time. I cant pull my foot too far back towards my body which makes me think that I still have everything is tact from my surgery? I appreciate all the stories on this page. I know its my fault and I aaa being stupid, just wondering if anyone else had similar surgery and experience. Apparently it wasnt even holding my Achilles together anymore, my body was trying to get rid of it. I am going in tomorrow to have my sutures removed. they hurt all the time, even when i have no shoes on. I cant believe so many people has fallen off their scooter and on their no weight bearing leg such as myself. Rick, The doc removed one of the two heel lifts in my boot today so im getting a bit of a stretch now. I had my first PT session today and went from 0% weight bearing on a scooter to walking on one crutch with 60% weight on the foot! Im a few days short of 6 weeks post op and 3 days ago I planted on my bad foot. People will turn to every possible alternative before arriving at the last resort of conventional foot surgery. Surgery two weeks ago, currently in a soft cast. Now flash forward to 3 weeks post op I am out of the cast and now in the big boot. I'm 3 months post surgery and because it's revision surgery from a fusion in 2016, I'm so afraid of anyweight on the new surgery I use the wheelchair most of the time. I fell off my scooter this morning and am in so much pain! This x-ray on the left shows a foot with severe arthritis of the bunion joint , and less arthritis of the smaller toe joints. I was in immense pain and agony and it felt like a ripping and tingling sensation, and the paranoid side of me was thinking I pray to god I didnt just re-tear my achilles after all my progress! I had to wait 2 days to see my doctor as I was getting ready to be placed in a boot and the anxiety ate me alive lol. Roost Read Also: The Paley Orthopedic & Spine Institute. I immediately went inside and iced it down. After surgery, the patient can walk and engage in other weight-bearing activities because of the use of screws. He said depending on how much weight went down through foot and how much time, would affect how much pain/symptoms youd have. What an absolute scare. Just praying nothing I havent re-ruptured it, I would be devastated if this was the case. How was it the first time you stepped on it? With a collective experience of over thirty years of helping patients with lower leg, foot and ankle problems, the Foot and Ankle Service of the Rubin Institute is one of the leading treatment centers for foot and ankle conditions in the United States. Im 2 weeks in to this and accidentally put weight on the wrong foot in a near fall from my knee scooter. Right now my achilles is in no pain. Finding this blog gave me a sense of relief! Have a 2 wk follow up in 2 days/ hopefully everything will be ok. OF course i was very careful in the beginning, but now im walking pretty well in it (Im almost at 6 weeks post op now). Better Choices For Hip Surgery - And Faster Healing And Recovery, Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones: Review Of Orthopedic Surgery Android Apps. Like you all, I had instant shock, but its since went away. I hope ALL OF YOU have the best recovery possible, and thanks so much for sharing!! If I felt any severe pain then he would want me to come in. Had a similar incedent myself after a few weeks from my surgery for a trimollear fracture(mans it was fractured in 3 places) Slipped slighgly grtting off my knee scooter transferimg to bed & bent the joint prematurely a little while the joint was still stiff from I think the scar tissue. 2 weeks from that i will be BOOT FREE. Felt like a shock in the area of the injury and I have a a lot of tightness in the bottom of my foot. I am 20 weeks post op on a full Achilles tear as well. Understandably, people cringe at the thought of having their feet cut open. That said, definitely worth seeing your orthopedist to get a clear picture. Ill report back next Wed at my post-op appointment on if there were any ramifications to my scooter incident today. I am still able to move my foot and toes, but it is limited like it was before I fell. After about 2 hrs I got up to use knee scooter and there was definitely more pain at incision as well as tingling in my foot. It scared me quite a bit but reading these calmed me a little. It was only for a split second but it hurt a lot. I do a couple miles a day around a nearby park, and generally live my life normally through the day except for no biking/hiking/motorcycle stuff. Im still in a cast (4 weeks tomorrow) not equinus anymore but still not flat. Im 4.5 weeks post op and slipped on my crutches tonite. I had my hard cast taken off about a week, but it had an extreme sharp edge on it that went against my calf and had to come off, so i was put in a boot. Knee scooter slipped on uneven pavement and put my nwb foot down hard to catch myself. dont stress. Mine was a full rupture of 2 inches (10cm) I went to work on it for 2 weeks. I remember thinking I was prepared for my first and how wrong I was. Again the surgery is like 36 Hours ago. thankfully, I did not. The doctor said I stretched my tendon, and that I must make sure to keep my foot pronated in the boot, no PT of any sort for the next week. Its always best to talk to your doc to know for sure, but the surgery definitely ties that tendon together tightly. As the bump increases in size, often the great toe pushes laterally toward the second toe. over a year ago. If your injury is slightly above the ankle & is held together with titanium hardware after a few weeks(Id say at least 5 to 6 weeks) its proabably Ok. You May Like: Mens Pants With Zipper At Ankle. Hi, my name is Denis and Im 27 years old. Hi Everyone - jumping on to share my experience. it seems like, from my read through of the comments above, the main people that thad re-rupture were ones who fell getting out of the shower or bed and didnt have any type of protection. Not an expert on crutches yet obviously. We are elderly and a little overweight. Worried I reruptured now and am debating moving my check up to Monday to give me peace of mind. Ive also heard that if you re-rupture, you would hear and feel that snap again just like what happened during your original rupture. Several bones or bone pieces are intended to be held together with screws. Wish me the best! Taking everything slow and steady to make sure I dont hurt myself again. Hoping for the best for you, Im 8 days post op and fell off my knee scooter today. I breathed a sigh of relief, thanked the Lord Jesus, and decided to come post in hopes that my incident can bring a bit of comfort to the next person going through the same thing. I havent seen many stories exactly like mine on here so Im hoping you guys can make me feel better about what happened. Notes on Any one else fall on their foot after having a bunionectomy 5 days ago? Freaking out thinking I re re-reptured or harmed it in anyway. Shooting pains, and I definitely felt something tear as my foot was absorbing the shock. Itll come - keep the faith! Currently have my leg propped up and ice being applied. I was happy my wife found this website. It would be a nightmare if I re-ruptured the Achilles tendon and needed surgery again. They affect about a third of all women over the age of 65, but younger people, including men, can also get them. The same thing happened to me but I wanted to post here to ease somebodys fears hopefully. It will dramatically decrease your pain and swelling. I was recommended to only put 25% of my weight on it and to not to walk on it yet , as my physical therapy should begin next week . not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in For me the tingling in my big toe, heel and middle front pad of foot has subsided. Stay positive everyone. I have pretty good range of motion. Oh Mark, Im sorry to hear that! Let us know how you are doing! Torn my Achilles and I was exactly 1 week of surgery and still in my soft cast and was at the movie theater watching Avengers The End Game when it got to the last part with all the action were going on and I was in need to use the rest room, I was sitting up two levels as i was a bit hasty as I was crunching down I trip over the stairs and landed on my bad foot I felt pain admittedly through my foot almost as when I first injured it and felt pain on my Achille, muscle was tweaking a bit, felt pinch all around my bad leg like I took pre-workout C4, that night I went to bed and I felt as my leg was burning and muscle tweaking leg tinkling all night. Id have to think youre good that far out. Trying to make myself feel better. I think that reading the experiences of others helps give you the mental strength required to continue after this injury. As long as you have that boot on your good to go. Im so glad to have found these replies! He said he tried the suture kit to start, but it didnt hold, so he made another incision and sewed it up old school, whatever that means. These are nice and wide so there is no pressure through the foot, and often have a special wedge under the heel to help you not to put any weight through the front of your foot during the initial phase of bunion surgery recovery. Im now onto dealing with my surgical wound, and making sure it heals correctly, so wish me luck on that! No pain, just the tingling and twitching. Dont Miss: Pain In Front Of Ankle And Top Of Foot. WebThe recovery process for bunion surgery can be slightly longer than hammertoe surgery recovery, but differences are in about two weeks maximum. In a couple of days I will go back to the doctor to get another hard cast. What Is It Like to Have Cataract Surgery? Its just a really weird feeling. Interesting how it differs. But I tried over and over to register and was not allowed (I gave myself the name "brokenbones"). LoL. When I massage that bump it seems to go away but appears after a while again. I retired 2 years ago and have been remodeling our house so looking forward to the day I can continue. I had Lapidus/Akin surgery on September 21, was in a splint for 1 week, then a cast for 3 weeks. Its not constant. Thanks, amethyst , for your concern. WebIn 2010, a study in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery was the first to demonstrate that How is your foot feeling now, and your wrist and your hip? It is essential to keep the surgical wound dry and clean after bunion surgery. My healing was going well and I managed to not put any pressure on the affected leg until today. not sure if it's related. I was hopping from my scooter to a chair when I tripped and instintively put down my NWB foot to catch myself. The doctor's office said to watch it and see how the pain is after the weekend. UPDATE: Called the Drs. Should I buy a night splint or something? 3rd patient in my surgeons 16 year career that this happened to. Today waking up pain is a little worse.I feel like I have less strength in foot than I did prior to the fall and very concerned Ive re-torn or lengthened the repair. Also I may be losing my insurance soon. 13 days post-op, sutures removed yesterday and fiberglass cast applied. I'm nervous because my right leg looks like a twig due to inactivity and I can't walk yet. Still NWB and using a knee scooter. Four days ago, I lost my balance off my scooter and touched down on my toes. I was able to see my surgeon at noon, after many nervous minutes and concern on his part, he was able to confirm that the Achilles was still continuous, and attached. So sorry you had to have a 2nd surgery Heather! Glad to hear youre good Peyton. Im really thankful I found this blog. I have been running my fingers up and down the tendon and it feels fine. Outcomes studies shoe 95-97% of patients have a good to excellent outcome. Im much more slower in my movements now and am limiting myself a lot more. Patients are in a cast for two weeks and then must return to have their sutures removed. The recurrence rate is about 20% over a patients lifetime. For those going through this ordeal, remember that everything after the surgery is positive progress. The doc just wants me to walk in the boot. Thanks. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. I am 8 days out of surgery (follow up appointment in t-minus 6 days) for a full thickness achilles tear. May God grant you a swift recovery. Glad you are doing better! Pain better now have appt tomorrow so hoping for no This seems to be the little oasis we all find after googling accidentally put weight on foot after achilles surgery..ha! Sat down and the feeling went away after a few minutes, now just feels a bit tight. Had Kidner procedure 2 plus weeks ago to remove accessory navicular bone and reattach tendon. Last night one of my crutches slipped out from under me and I naturally landed on the injured leg, putting weight on the front of the boot under the toes. Hi all, Im 14 days post op and in a cast and just about an hour ago I lost balance on my scooter and fell on my nwb leg. I see the doctor in 2 days to get stitches removed and so for now I am just waiting it out until then. Just gonna take it one day at a time, but I cant wait to start walking again lol. It comes just days after she is believed to have undergone the procedure to remove metal work from her foot. You may be givencrutches or a stick to help you get around your physical therapistwill teach you how to use these and how to safely get up and down thestairs before you are discharged. He describes the procedure in greater detail in an article in Podiatry Today. Its has been a month since my peroneol surgery and i got my stitches out today. Martin, did you have a follow up visit? A very bad sharp pain shot through my leg, I kind of threw my body down onto the ground. It was pretty quick but still left me feeling traumatized. I ended up putting all my weight on my ankle. Now, of course, accidents so happen and people here have had them. Our number one complication is irritation from the retained hardware or screw. Hopefully i didnt damage my tendon or wound. Should I be worried? Saw the doc today and all was well after the mishap. When I checked out my ankle, I noticed that my incision point was bleeding quite a bit, and that is where I felt pain. I can still point my toes with minimal pain and no additional swelling or sensitivity after I had my accident. I felt what felt like tearing at my ankle and I was in tremendous pain. my dr did say that i am not as swollen as someone would be for being 6 days post op (even with that fall wow! 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