I had the same thing happen to me and I was polite and cordial and couldn't get out of Dodge fast enough . Please log in OR register. Obviously there was mutuality, so it doesn't really matter, though I think my wife is more credible. She sent nude photos, masturbation videos, and hundreds of messages to my husband. Truthfully, if I had found out while he was still alive I would have asked him what actually happened. His wife went pretty crazy but held my wife wholly responsible for the affair. I agree with this article but sometimes the choice is taken from you. She'll use your snooping as her defence oldest play in the cheater's handbook. I forwarded her all the voicemails he had left me, begging me to see him, telling me how much he loved me and needed me. And again, what do you hope to accomplish by calling your wifes lover? My husband called it off and she continued to pursue him. Your How i regret this contactseveral times. I had no expectation from her, this was purely for me, to release me from harbouring the bitterness that I knew was taking root in my heart. And i would assume a great many of things as well. Confronting her would only bring more conflicts into our marriage thereby creating distance between me and my husband. Your wife does not respect you or your marriage. At this point she clearly has no respect for you whatsoever. But all of this is in hindsight, no one could of predicted this storm.Old hands will retire from their service with you, while new ones will enlist. You deserve better. Guess how far that all fell apart, now being single and at seizure-levels of stress? You might find out what would shock you: Before you agree to meet with the other man/woman you must analyze the possibilities of what you might be told and how it might For instance, what if her lovers are more or I dont even know the person if she has only one lover. So I suppose I have quite a bit of power right now to screw up her life, and this fact probably dawned on her in the day or so after I confronted her, and I think she sees reconciliation as the path of least resistance to avoiding these dangers. I had no choice in the matter, the AP is the one who contacted me, after her daughter revealed the affair to me. Your identity and who you are has changed. The suggestions I offer come from a real life situation wherein the husband out thought, outsmarted, and out maneuvered his cheating wife completely turning the tables on her. I confronted my husband's affair partner. I thought she would move after he passed. She used our meeting to gain sympathy from her husband. Go right ahead. It is better that I know him. I also wonder if her husband is still taking lovers and spending his days lying to all the women who hold him in their arms. Every now and then she reaches out to my husband, every time it really upsets me. I feel so much better hearing you say that it makes them feel insignificant as that is exactly what I wanted to convey to her. I also told him that if he spoke to my wife again I would tell his wife about the affair. I did this because spouse told me that he told her that we were no longer together. Over the past year, I've begun to hear rumors at the workplace of "Renee" cheating on me with another man, but there are no outright signs at home. If you are reading this here, can you let me know? Over analysing this is doing my head in - I need to take action, however painful. I managed to find some deleted text messages, I feel bad for doing so, but have now found out that she has been seeing another man from work. A dreaded sinking feeling comes over you, is this the end? Because she will turn the tables on you and claim she can't trust you because you snooped. She was responsible for his travel arrangements. Incontrovertible proof. There can be any number of reasons, but I do suggest you try to get your mind off the affair partner and onto your own recovery - that is much more productive. He turned so pale, looking like he honestly thought Id never find out at all. After all is said and done, some of you will still feel an overwhelming need to confront the affair partner. I believe my spouse and I can talk things over and settle our differences without involving a third party. I would highly recommend giving this a try. just stop! If you've been tempted to confront the affair partner, leave it to professionals. It was a confusing, emotional and destructive time in my life, to say the least. Cheater 101 dude. Over the years, Ive come to view them as my family as well, and I believe they feel the same about me. This article originally appeared on YourTango. She was dumped by him when their 4.5 year double life came out by way of a wrongly sent text to me from my partner. Your spouse has already betrayed your trust at a very basic level, so confronting the other person may This should not be and I will try to avoid it. So he knows hes had what I call his fling. He just needs to do it. I will walk out of the marriage- Derek Agyei. Your son deserves to be in a positive environment. I had two children with my loyal husband, ages 2 and the other 2 months old at the time. Don't participate in this humiliating game. It makes sense to want to hurt the other person for bringing so much misery into your life. Then I ghosted. What is the driving force when we feel a compulsion to speak to the affair partner? As your wife she shouldn't be f*cking other dudes should she? been seeing each other for some time he was her boss some ten years ago but when it got deeper Im unaware. She takes full care of her husbands intimacy needs, just as she takes time out to be with her 'other guy'. Just remove yourself from the equation. D. If she cheated on you she doesn't love you. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. My husband told me half the truth, she told me the rest in the hope Id kick him out. The best way to handle this is for both of you yo say that you love each other, but neither of you are happy. When he ended the affair, the in-laws were enraged and drove 8 hours to our city to "comfort her" since she was so devastated. You deserve never to have to go through it again and the assurance that it will never happen again. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. if she lies to a judge about the affair and you have evidence than you have her on perjury. Can't you see you're dealing with an uber being? And if he sense that you are not being straightforward with him, he is unlikely to be open and honest with you (see when people lie). You are too feeble minded to comprehend this. So so arrogant. Hope for Healing Registration Soon! b) Making point a) above, redundantwherein you and your attorney so shame her with a few select documentary evidences of her picadilloes (promising her that a much larger cache evidence is available with your attorney), that she decides not to contest the divorce, and virtually signs on dotted lines. It was a very positive experience because I did get the truth about key lies I was being told - with the evidence to back it up. His lover is not a problem at all to me. Copyright PUNCH. Then, I will confront her openly. You may want to scare them by threatening to tell their spouse about the affair. And I messaged them and asked if they wouldn't mind speaking to me. My challenge remains to never the lesson but to forget ALL the details. But you are still a father. This is not your problem, this is hers. And she wanted details. We had a 'good' conversation during which I was even vulnerable enough to weep. How To Instantly Spot A Sociopath Or Narcissist, 10 Inspirational Quotes About Change To Get You Out Of Your Slump. Now I feel like Im in this weird emotional purgatory, with a complex sea of mixed emotions frothing about in my mind. Dear Mr. My Wifes Secret, You have to confront your wife. Have your lawyer write a no contact letter. THAT was my mistake. But i hope i can be of some assistance. I will not confront her. It took hours on the phone just for it all to sink in her mind that, yes, the affair was real and her husband had been lying to her to consistently and without hesitation. Each person has to make their own decisions, but I hope you don't cause yourself any more pain. Don't let this woman use you as a doormat or she will cheat on you again. Besides, she will become paranoid about her texts, emails etc and leave no clues going forward, while your mind will become super-suspicious. Regardless of In the first case, desperate people can do desperate things. Completely unfair. First of all, even if he did say these things, (which he claims he didn't, but who knows the truth) how could you look your married lover's wife, one who just lost a much wanted pregnancy, straight in the eye and make these claims to her? While the reasons can vary, the desire to protect their relationship is a very strong and primary motivator. I calmly told him never to speak to my wife again. My wife has been mishandling the truth as of late and I want to help you if I can. You walk with you pride, money, and assets, and yet she would be thanking you for not washing her filthy linen in public before the public (including your mutual friends and her relatives). It is only a mad man that will do that. God knows IT HAD TO HAPPEN! Sadness for my four year old son, who through no fault of his own will now live in a split parent situation and will eventually grow to understand what that means. There is a certain freedom there that I havent felt for a very long time. At some point my FIL will pass away and I'm sure the AP will show up at the funeral. No response this time. Isnt that the sh*t? This seems cut throat, but will help you if a custody battle comes up. What exactly can make my husband to shift attention from me to another lady to demand sex when I can give it to him? BREAKING NEWS: By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. She hasn't. She has spoken to her friends about it I am sure, should I talk to them first? I promise. She is being undeniably selfish towards you and your son. You really need to let go of this whole thing. I have waited a year and have given it a lot of thought. Its hard to do when the AP is the down stairs neighbor and you have to see them multiple times a day and money doesn't allow you to move for 2 more months. File for divorce dude. She is cheating within 1 year and you have no kids. That I forgave her. Almost a year later, I believe she is giving up. ]com), one Goes to show you its all their own issues, not anything to do with us. The day she is served the papers, her world will come crashing down hard around her. albertdexter, July 5, 2011 in Infidelity. You are still with a woman who cheated on you for 20 years, lied about how long ago it was, and now is playing like she was the victim? Our experts designed this step-by-step guide to help you survive infidelity. I have a reputation I would not want to tarnish. I'm sure the tellers had their antennas tuned all the way up since we were discussing infidelity and different ways to respond. I want to stay married. My wife has been acting very strangely, very distant over the last month, saying that she is confused and doesn't know what she wants from life. I wonder if she's still married to my ex-lover and if she's happy. How fabulous. He may feel obligated to listen to her complain about you. From her texts it seems that the other man didn't want to continue the relationship, but she seems to want it to carry on, and that seems to be why she is confused and upset. Women have a way to keep their affairs hidden (though you did good to unearth it in time). I showed her pure ignorance. While you continue to play the dumb, trusting, naive husband. Shes in LOVE with him. His annoyance crossed the threshold when he saw the man responsible for everything on one of the channels. The shocking twist to this story is that the purported man is not only a coworker, Me? I greeted him She had chosen to trust her husband, You can't stop these people if they are determined and have a willing participant. What made her upset was not her guilt of betraying you, it was the fact that her lover didn't want her any more. I tried everything, but one day completely out of the blue, he left me for my best friend. As @El and @happythoughts have stated, when one door closes, another opens. Think about yourself man, it's all you can do. Angry, you bet! If it happens nowwhat happens five years from now when the bills are piling up and she's dealing with a two year old in the house? Probably not. I insisted on being told the truth or she was to This is supposed to be the happiest time of your life and she is off chasing other guys. Should I tell the affair partner's spouse? I would sit her down and ask her to explain why "she is confused and doesn't know what she wants from life" now.. when 12 months ago she wanted to get married. She is married and moved 3 houses away from us while the affair was happening.She pursued a friendship with me. This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. I'll never know for sure. Just yesterday, I met with another woman who's been sleeping with my husband for about as long as we've been married. So after his wife sent many angry texts to me about my wife, I told her not to contact me again, referred her to this site and focus on her marriage. I didnt even have to show her the evidence. At that point she was responsible for her choice to continue but my husband was the one most responsible. No. My wife affaired waaay down. For others, it may be a need to face their fears. It's not about me. expert. Good luck. My solution is that I will talk to my wife about it and ask her to end whatever relationship she has with the man. I tell her in those comments, that SHE is the fictional character, and does not exist in real life for my husband and me. In fact, it's a natural, self-protective response. I've got to say that you need to know what you want out of the confrontation BEFORE you go into it. Ive accepted things and Ive moved on completely. That's how she met my husband. Anyway , He did lie about most everything that I ask about and said he couldn't remember any details . Never. Nothing! What would you do? Let me repeat, do not confront your loving wife. Ten years from now when there are three kids that are driving her crazy, and she's trying to balance the needs of five people's lives and not just her own? To outsmart her and pretend, while your team gets on her case. Did you try marriage counseling? I never responded to her message..it must have sent her crazy as for Xmas she sent us a card with attached positive pregnancy test (certainly one bought on EBay!) I find knowing this makes life decisions much easier. I just need some answers and I am not getting them! I want to call his cell this morning and say "this is very awkward for me but do you have a couple minutes. I need nothing from him. The sea calls to you again. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Copyright 1997-2022 LoveShack.org. Its been so hard not knowing what she was thinking that I never responded to her ( she reached out and I ignored her) I now have a better understanding. What youre going through, is called the dreaded grief cycle. I was done with the lying, the secrecy, and my lover's cowardice. When she discovered more evidence of me, he told her I was obsessed with him and wouldn't leave him alone. Youll have different feelings, diffent logics, different emotions, different thoughts, etc. She does not deserve the recognition. Of course he forwarded my email to her, and to my utter shock she let him know that she didn't feel the same as I did (she was still DEEP in the fog of the affair and hadn't confronted her illusions and rationalizations yet) and that her 'friendship' with him (old boyfriend from 30 years earlier) always had and always would be special to her. Recovery took a long time, but now we are getting better. When it ces to the divorce, this is between you and her. Spaces fill up quickly for this course. Very ugly. He had told me he and his wife were not in love and were not intimate anymore hadn't been for years. Babe, in case you have not noticed (not your "world") but your M has collapsed. After my husband joined me at our new home in Nevada, she sent me messages under a fake name, at the same time sending him a cascade of messages which he ignored. It's been so bad that our daughters don't really even care to see or speak to their grandfather before he dies. If you've been tempted to confront the affair partner, leave it to professionals. Before I found out the truth we had a long talk and I said she could tell me anything, and that we could work it out. Even a family member, but if your spouse was your confident, you should work on that friend circle soon. break off all contact with you till I was informed. Yeah, there's some irony in that, huh? I expect no apologies, no truth, no remorse. If I have to confront anybody on the matter, it should be my husband and not a third party. I didn't want any details from the AP - he was 15 years older, weak, and very unattractive. Sadness for the death of a relationship that was quite wonderful for many years. Until I did. She found my number on her husband's phone bill and called me. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Theyre the chumps, they made their choices and have to live with them. got angry when I discovered you 2 were friends. He had been having his cake and eating it vigorously for far too long. Before that happens, you need to serve her the papers. He is committed, I thank God he had awakening from this terrible mistake. Im often thinking of her and what I would say to her or even her husband, and I hope that reading your reply and Ricks post will help me to gently stop these thoughts as well. Consider the source. If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local law enforcement agency or emergency number. Tell her that you KNOWpoint blank, irrefutably. Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. It is my wife I have a business with. Readying it for sail again. My errand accomplished nothing. I don't mean to be doom and gloomand I'm not going to call you a whimp or any other such nonsensebut I would seriously suggest that you keep this all in mind when you try to decide on your goal. Be pliant and outwardly considerate. It's been many years since that drama unfolded into a finale of heartbreak, tears, and fury. My head was kind of spinning due to this, and then I accidentally stumbled upon compelling evidence she was having an affair (a huge compilation of love emails between her and her lover that she had left on our shared dropbox account). I love her so much and am scared to confront her about it for fear of what may happen, I suppose I'm hoping if I ignore it she will get over it and everything will go back to normal, but I know deep down that this is naive and weak. You may want to express your hurt and sense of betrayal and tell them what a terrible human being they are. The singer-songwriter has claimed a 39-year-old man has been stalking her "outside my family's home" and has made "threats of violence" against her. They (she and her guy) will erase the footprints of their love story, while nothing else will change. You poor pathetic chump, begging for your marriage. You need to calmly explain your feelings and tell her to put herself in your shoes. The letter outlined what had been going on in our lives over the last couple years and how I understood what and why my husband had been looking for attention. *Embrace the Initial Pros: Sad because one side of the bed is empty? Whatever you have decided by then (divorce, reconciliation etc) would be execute per your wishes and she would very well like to go in for an (uncontested) mutual amicable divorce (on your terms). Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. I have asked my husband to repeat to her to stop any contact but he refused, insisting that it is better to ignore her completely instead. So that now when I do think of one of the horrible details, all I feel is victory!!! Build on yourself, learn all you can, and eventually you will love again when you are ready. Hes 25+ years my senior, very successful rich even. It took my husband 7 weeks to fully disclose what had taken place. Yes, bills, parenting, and life goes on. roll out! He claims they are not. Don't make me explain it to you. I have to wait for a half year. Blessings to all the betrayed out there. Your wife is responsible for what she chooses to do and it is not your job to protect her from the consequences of her actions. I'm the type of person that needs honest answers. I would like to think I'd be strong enough to walk past my UH AP one day without giving her any expression of emotion or time of day. WebI Confronted My Cheating Wife's AFFAIR PARTNER AT HIS HOUSE rSpace 70.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 6.2K Share Save 415K views 2 years ago I Confronted My I handled it extremely well, I was polite and didnt feed any narrative and extricated myself as soon as possible but it wasnt fun. Hold on for two months. My husband would like to see his dad one more time, but we fear the in-laws will signal to the AP that he is coming and will try to arrange a meeting between them since they want so badly for my husband and the AP to get back together. So, making contact and receiving well deserved apologies helped bring closure to this chapter in the affair and hopefully help in the healing process of my marriage. My wife and I are doing very well but still see him all over town daily . It is scary, but it is so worth it. provide your spouse with the opportunity to openly demonstrate how much he/she cares about his/her lover. I believe my healing restarted every other day. This is bigger than us both. Being in an affair has been likened to addiction, and in confronting the affair partner, you're trying to sober them up. You want to What did I learn that I could trust? He wanted change, but instead of fixing the problems, he tried the easy way out. It was against my religion, but I had no choice. My only advice is get out NOW. And if they initiate contact, block and do not engage. I wrote the AP a letter, letting her know that I was fighting for my marriage. I did confront her. She has been my best friend for over a decade, and has given me beautiful children, whom I adore. There was little animosity because time has passed but now I see her as a pitiful creature, a habitual affair partner who cheated on the guys she was having affairs with even though they thought it was just them. You would then dictate from a position of power, absolute power. Truth About Deception back to our home page. I wanted him to know that he took advantage of a severely depressed woman who for many years was under the care of a psychiatrist for this diagnosis. The bottom line is that anyone who would knowingly sleep with a married man (or woman) especially when the wife is PREGNANT (as in my case) is a broken human being. You could tell by her voice that she was far more intelligent than my lover was. When the PI is done with his job, he will have a watertight folder of documentary evidence that nails her infedility. Made contact. Butbe prepared for her to deny and deny and deny until confronted with that proof. Maybe the relationship wasnt meant to last and your ex-wife probably had the wandering eye for a while. - S., Alabama | November 2020 Hope for Healing participant. (The affair is over.). *Focus on rebuilding connections ASAP. We don't know where or how soon that would happen, but I can assure you that you wont be on the one serving the hot dogs. Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total), This topic has 9 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated. She woman would rather call the police and have me slapped with a warning THAT WILL show up on enhanced criminal record checks for life than have a conversation with me. WebI confronted my wife's lover the morning after I found out. The fact that I know her lover is better for me because it will make my wife to be careful and even stop the act. Butwhat do you intend to do with this confrontation? The point is to get away from them both and stop giving your cheater and the affair partner your precious mental energy. Or am I simply deluding myself? Oh well. Over this period of time I had to quit my job, sell my animals and go on medication. The great part about this is, youre already moving through all the steps. So atleast you have that going for you. Pointing and laughing? You're nuts. My initial contact with my wife's AP was to let him know the gig was up. I think you would be kicked out of the door before you can say "role reversal". I do understand what is being said here, because not all situations are going to turn out like mine did. I think we have to clear the air. You know what says "you are beneath contempt"? The thing is, you WILL get through this. Most responsible believe my spouse and I 'm sure the AP a letter, her... Leave him alone over this period of time I had found out and I believe she is and! 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