You know like I it's real like, find by so many things, and one of them is my love for Selina and so, was learning not to separate sort of mexican maria from american maria. Right? La teora, por supuesto, tiene que ver con Selena Quintanilla, pero tambin con la pelcula Selena, protagonizada por Jennifer Lopez, y la subsiguiente explosin latina. So these are really sensitive, emotional topics that you're tackling here. And when I was reporting it, I couldn't not think about my own father, who died in a tragic accident a year before I started this project, and I had just sort of drowned myself in work after his passing. She also explores the indelible mark she left on Latino identity and belonging, whether it's fatherhood, big-butt politics, and the fraught relationship with . Pero cuando Selena falleci, la msica tejana pas de la gloria a la decadencia. Lionel Messi is known as the best soccer player of his generation, but there's one dream he's never achieved: winning a World Cup for Argentina, the country he left decades ago. For many people, the kitchen is the heart of the home and it's essential to have a space that really inspires good, cooking and memories in the making. Maria has a theory about how big butts went from taboo to obsession--and it involves Selena and Jennifer Lopez. Louis Virtel and Ira Madison III, co-hosts of Keep It chat with Sam about who's being selected and who's being overlooked, and whether the pandemic further exposes awards' irrelevance or not. This is every kid while, an idea is fit in your leg. in a very lucky, no community, but this was in the nine days when assimilation was very, very, very praised, so, even though it was largely let tee no community, the assimilated, kids and the white kids were sort of at the top of the school hierarchy and there was a sort of shame in being exe. U sausage, loving genius, for without you. And I talk about this in the episode, this was particularly difficult for me because it made me think so much of the women in Jurez, being from the border, the women in Ciudad Jurez in Mexico, who disappeared, many of them who worked for American corporations, in factories of American corporations across the border in Mexico, and how the world just did not seem to care about their deaths. But I'm here, it's a gift. And then when she died, that was amplified astronomically. He attends Baruch College where he is working towards a journalism degree. Listen to The Mel Robbins Podcast every Monday and Thursday wherever you listen to podcasts. You know, it felt like these old wounds. Antonia Cereijido is an Award-winning Senior Producer at Futuro Studios, working on developing new narrative podcasts. Selena is often called the "Queen of Tejano music." I could see her, watching the teleprompter just waiting for me to stop talking ass. So I don't think that would be controlling. Tras el debut de la serieSelenaen Netflix, algunos fans sealaron que la cantante haba sido blanqueada en ese show. Mexican-American music icon Selena Quintanilla has been gone for 26 years, but she's living life to the fullest online. And Latin women are the same way! So I knew that I wanted it to be rooted in the personal, that the only way I could tell the story authentically is if I told it from my lens in the world. Sin embargo, la historia de su declive no es tan sencilla. There. lead project is supported by a case of life can feel expensive, but with a key, you can rest easy, knowing your making smart choices while creating your dream home on a budget with new benefits. She was on the cusp of mainstream success, ass. Her bio pick. Maria Garcia was 9 years old and living on the U.S.-Mexico border when Selena was murdered. and experiences that led her into telling stories shining lights in championing ideas and ideals that matter to her and her community maria opens up about all of the above, as well as the intimate process of the unique story telling that took place in the creation of this pot guessers and takes me through the before and aftermath of, creating and launching anything for selina assessing the ways at it really transformed her and hopefully, whoever is turning it so excited to share this conversation with you, I'm gonna. Kristin Torrescomes toAnything for Selenaafter a decade split between radio and academia. Descubri a Selena Quintanilla, la cono que demostr que Mara no tena que elegir. See for more information. I think a lot of people saw their own story in mine. immediate family and fans, it's also it's your personal style. I love that you know because, of the story that you can see from the position in the, of that. You know that I could build a career out of that and look growing up in a border city, and just being like a casual consumer, both mexican news and american use, I knew that the border was deeply misrepresented and bad it, eyes portrayed as just the sort of like dangerous law, less place that had been extra, did of culture that it was sort of like narco land, and I grew up here, I know that there is way more to this community than the blue, to show like the full spectrum of humanity from this like vibrant place that I'm from my wanted to show that it was more than, really good. You know I had to. And then here comes Selena just flipping that narrative around. About The Show: On March 31, 1995, nine-year-old Maria Garcia came home to find her mother glued to the TV, tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. Twenty five years later, Maria is on a quest to understand what it means to love, mourn and remember Selena. On the 26th anniversary of Selena's tragic death, Maria heads to Joshua Tree, California for an intimate interview with Selena's widower, Chris Perez. But a forgotten culture war following her death painted a different picture. I was writing the episode. And it's like all of these feelings among Mexican immigrants, and Mexican-Americans, and the white mainstream, can pretty much be be unpacked in that conversation. And Selena helped change that. feeling around how much a journalist inserts themselves are not had a really evolved from coming from you know. You know when it's this debate over objectivity. She graduated from Northwesterns Medill School of Journalism. listen lee mexican, and I remember internalizing this shame. Is someone who also left behind a high stakes law career for something new? Maria Garcia has a distinct memory of when her connection to Selena Quintanilla-Prez began. Though she sees the show as a personal journey to make meaning of Selena's life and legacy, Garca felt it was important to make sense of how she profoundly touched the hearts and minds of many. That's right. Maria heads to Joshua Tree, California for an intimate interview with Selenas widower, Chris Perez. In the premiere episode of Anything for Selena, host Maria Garcia explores how Selena helped Maria find her own place in the world. yeah I mean I think the episode ear alluding to is episode for which is called big, but politics. how little maria that was deep inside of me, ok like it's ok to be yourself. was desirable in the main stream and then, of course, her spend this huge evolution since then. But then, something changed her life. I've never seen anything like that. Now, it's completely save to be mexican now in certain in all settings that you want to be in you don't have to, camouflage yourself anymore, to stay, save and its. It's interesting. Selena is often called the "Queen of Tejano music." In the 1990s, she brought this underdog genre to international heights. In this episode, Maria explores how the internet has become a place where fans celebrate and remember Selena, as well as grapple with the void she left behind. That I saw somebody like that ascend in American society, and ascend in a way that was still connected to her roots, ascend without compromise, and that was incredibly moving for me, and it stayed with me. More in a minute. At Marketplace, Bens reporting was regularly heard onMarketplacewith Kai Ryssdal,The Marketplace Morning Reportwith David Brancaccio,The BBC, and published inThe New York Times. happening. With your own father and then you walk through you like this. in california and northern mexico in arizona sushi. En lnea, la imagen y la msica de Selena han adquirido nueva vida en redes sociales y plataformas que eran inimaginables cuando ella an viva. He co-produces and co-hostsRacist Sandwich, a James Beard Foundation nominated podcast on food, class, race, and gender across the globe. Selena was on the other side of the border, Selena had been afforded a whole new life, but at the end of the day, there was this disregard--the same disregard--for her life, too. Selena Quintanilla may have built her career singing Spanish songs, but she didnt grow up speaking Spanish at home. Chris shares a side of Selena we rarely get to see, and Maria learns about how love was one of the ways Selena charted her own path. Whatever side of the border I was on, it felt like the other half of me was missing. I want you to know where I'm coming from Sweden, framing these things are why I'm asking these questions, but, It was also used you effectively say like I'm a character in this story, and, That was the original intention, not that's what. You know this is a really nice in true, but I think people are gonna start wondering like where's, the spartacus going. Es tan grande Es que ella es tan negra! Tres dcadas despus, la obsesin con los traseros grandes en la cultura del hip-hop se mantiene slida gracias a dolos como Cardi B y Beyonc, pero tambin se ha impregnado en la cultura blanca. sent one him over, but also how it brought it brings up you're really. to write a love letter to her through serialized storytelling, So have you ever been so deeply affected by another person that their story literally gives your life context and meaning, and even a cent, the person was someone you never actually met and what, if they ve been gone from the planet for more than two, five years, but still it was like they were present in your life, guiding and inspiring you every day, while the. In particular, you know I've evolved a bet, I've come to realise that it's not it's, not that I am not, along a little bit and both but growing up. In this episode, Maria analyzes why Selenas brownness is an essential part of her legacy and reflects on how the exploration of Selenas race led Maria to revelations about her own identity. Thank you so much for taking time talk to me. Selena es usualmente descrita como la reina de la msica tejana. En la dcada de 1990, fue ella quien elev este gnero del pueblo a niveles internacionales. Why do you think that Selena broke through the way that she did? The first. Previously Ben was the host of the national daily programMarketplace Techfrom American Public Media and Marketplace, reaching two million listeners around the country. So I know we're talking to a podcast audience, so let me [Laughter] Let me put it in terms of let me put it in podcast language. Maria confronts the complicated legacy of Abraham Quintanilla, Selena's father, and reflects on fatherhood in Latinx cultures. how telling you the lands that I'm looking at it through, and that is completely shaped by growing up in this. The 10-episode podcast had over half a million downloads and was an intimate journey about belonging in America for podcast host and creator Maria Garcia, a journalist and first-generation Mexican immigrant.The podcast received a nomination for Best Spanish . And it's the other side saying--to me, at least, what I hear when I hear that tape--is them saying, "But you're not human." Anything for Selena is a 10-episode podcast produced in partnership with WBUR. I had grown up with and sort of my working class home. Um, I think I'm going to go like, hide somewhere. But what I am saying is that I do think, here was this brown woman who celebrated her, nerves. She was somebody who I think, the, first form of authentic representation. The "Anything for Selena" podcast explores the cultural influence and legacy of Selena Quintanilla and how she still impacts the Latino culture decades after her death. ", It's Boston local news in one concise, fun and informative email. So this show is really like a part memoir, part reported story. She discovered Selena Quintanilla the Mexican-American pop icon who proved she didnt have to choose. This was a cultural phenomenon. But there were moments, for example, that were, there were some some folks who thought we, too much time on the clear. She uncovers that booty politics is ultimately about race and brings us to a long overdue conversation about anti-blackness within the Latinx community. new that was the first step and getting it right is just being. an incredibly vulnerable position to be in that when you have a group of people, you know work shopping, your work in real time. But, yeah. Maria Garcia was 9 years old and living on the U.S.-Mexico border when Selena was murdered. And it may sound trivial, but what that episode showed me is that butt politics, body politics, is ultimately a story of fetishizing Black features, obsessing over Black features, while dehumanizing Black people. I thought I was really, was moving and powerful and any other I really. I was still very much holding on to my parents, culture. I'm just so grateful that I get this opportunity to tell her story, to write her this ode, and to explore myself in the process. ", It's Boston local news in one concise, fun and informative email. The lyrics playfully poked fun at white beauty standards, including a skit at the top of the song in which a seemingly white woman famously says, Oh, my, God Becky, look at her butt. In the 1990s, she brought this underdog genre to international heights. bottom," you just have a bottom that's in proportion. En este episodio, Maria explora por qu el spanglish de Selena pareca tan revolucionario para su poca y, a la misma vez, tan familiar para sus fans, quienes tambin padecan con el idioma de sus padres o antepasados. Take me there, you know it had been my dream to do a podcast about selina for years. The exploration takes us to an unexpected place. Sus seguidores de todas las edades han recurrido a Instagram, TikTok y YouTube para restaurar y presentar de nuevas formas la memoria de Selena. I am not saying that selina wizard of this bastion of body positivity big, hers. And so it is a story, it does have sort of a beginning, middle and an end, but each episode really takes a deep dive into different topics, different stories, that are all connected together throughout the series. Tejano award shows were glitzy affairs and Tejano radio DJs were like rock stars in Texas and the Southwest. imagining the series. Do you feel anxious about any of it? En este episodio, Maria analiza por qu la tez morena de Selena es parte crucial del legado de la reina del tex-mex y reflexiona sobre cmo su exploracin de la raza de Selena la condujo a revelaciones acerca de su propia identidad. It is so big shes just so, Black! Fast forward to today, the obsession with large rear ends in hip-hop culture is still strong with idols like Cardi B and Beyonce, but it has also permeated white culture. Poverty is often disguised. [Laughter] I've been wanting to go to Joshua Tree--Selena recorded one of her last videos there, "Amor Prohibido"--and I think I'm just gonna disconnect a little bit, and look inward, and take a rest. You know how much of themselves do they bring? This person who was like, you don't really have to compromise that much. This is such a safe place in part because, the place of immigrants. You know, I think, so important to have this folks around you, yes, to help reflect back and, and then is also examining what is their lands like? I get this sort of lake anger, deep, the sight of me, you know when I dislike wanna, take off my hopes. And then when I was reporting on the story and spending time with Abraham, and talking to Abraham, I couldn't not deal with my own personal pain because I was thinking a lot and writing about Latino fatherhood, and about the relationship of Latino daughters and Latino fathers, and about the stereotypes and the narratives we tell ourselves about those relationships. But then, something changed her life. You know, but really that was sort of the spark that led to this, wider change in the mainstream culture and. We're gonna try. out outdoor sit down at happens with you and him and charge tree, Where are you really, sir, like dive into his life and like? Originally from Fresno, California, Kristin is an NPRNext Generation Radioalum who cut her teeth on the NPR Arts Desk, KQED, St. Louis Public Radio, and as an arts journalist in Russia. After her death, Tejano went from boom to bust. From LAist Studios, this is Servant of Pod. was caught stealing money from salina salinas, is your father. You can walk the bordering and be in downtown see that what is and be in mexico in a major mexican city. where'd it to me to stay with the land and connect with that. Ultimately, this journey into U.S. booty politics is about race and brings us to a conversation thats long been overdue about anti-blackness within the Latinx community. And, in todays conversation with award-winning journalist, writer, and producer, Maria Garcia, we dive deep into these topics in a very cool and unusual way. I really appreciate it. Las ceremonias de premiacin de la msica tejana eran eventos glamorosos y los DJ de estaciones de radio dedicadas al gnero eran vistos como estrellas de rock en Texas y el resto del sudoeste de Estados Unidos. How would we know that a great smoked sausage can be even thrice in one day and that you can take your lunch break before noon, Here's to you agreed smoked sausage. And episode 2, for example, is about meeting Selena's father and really going deep into their relationship, and their dynamic, and, you know, he's been portrayed as a sort of exacting, controlling, demanding, short-fuse machista guy, and her as a playful, but nonetheless docile, daughter. you had that realisation said the little we need to shift to differ. Okay, Maria, how would you describe Anything for Selena? In "Anything For Selena," host Maria Garcia goes on an intimate, revelatory quest to understand how Selena has become a potent symbol for tensions around race, class and body politics in the United States. Let us mourn. I want to unpack that personal side a little more. Maria Garcia was 9 years old and living on the U.S.-Mexico border when Selena was murdered. And so we argue that Selena has come to represent Latinidad: what it looks like, what it sounds like to be Latino, and that's great. January 16, 2023, 3:41 AM. This is what I mean when I say my body recognises this place. Such a beautiful podcast. It was so him. So you be, the character and the story, and I'm so curious about this, because the coming, really drummed ensuing journalism like you are my story like the your job is to be as currently unbiased down the middle as you possibly can be, and then you're working in a very well established. March 10, 2021 Puede ser que Selena haya hecho una carrera cantando temas en espaol, pero no se cri hablando espaol en casa. She also explores the indelible mark she left on Latino identity and belonging, whether its fatherhood, big-butt politics, and the fraught relationship with whiteness and language. Teller, to pay homage to this woman who left such a tremendous impact on my life? No. She was finally ready to do, when english album, and so she was like on the cost of mainstream success. Ok, I think you ready for this, but I want, Through cereal eyes, storytelling for those who don't know who we're talking about when I, much of the world when you literally just use that first aim selina knows, but for those who don't, Maybe a little bit more about this person was, Eight, the handle singer from corpus christie, taxes the hanno is like. I'm curious whether there were moments where you, folks say like this is what really needs to be, but there was something in your god that was saying now, to all just to give you some some context. Your new and improved kitchen can be completed in weeks, not months. And, not because Maria or, for that matter, any of those millions, knew Selena, personally, but because what she embodied profoundly affected and informed the way Maria, and those millions, saw themselves, their sense of wholeness, heritage, community, and the call to celebrate uniqueness, and embrace life through a lens of possibility and joy. Why did I choose this? perfection, don't stop yourself from doing something, because it's not gonna be perfect, embrace the wrinkled. You know. "I'm a little bit big right now because I enjoyed . Un cuarto de siglo despus de su muerte, Selena est arrasando en internet. You neeeeddddd to listen. I grew up. You know, why am I? As an undocumented immigrant for over 20 years, Juan Diego decided to focus his works on communities that reflect him. In this intimate journey, Maria explores what Selena's legacy shows us about belonging in America. She wants a grammy for best mexican american art is she was traveling internationally filling stadiums and latin america, and. And then when I heard the tape, as a grown woman, when I heard him talk about this woman whom I have been loving, who has become a sort of cultural deity, who has become this way home for so many of us, this sacred symbol, when I heard him talk about her the way he did, it was so cutting. Or at least, "You don't deserve the right to mourn," the right to be, as humans do. It's terrifying. as a journalist I had to disclose where I was coming. Twenty five years later, Maria is on a quest to understand what it means to love, mourn and remember Selena. In the premiere episode of "Anything for Selena," host Maria Garcia explores how Selena helped Maria find her own place in the world. Get the New Yorker. In this intimate journey, Maria explores what Selena's legacy shows us about belonging in America. ", "Let's burn our [indecipherable] with these peppers.". The link in the show notes, the good life project is supported by a script so between the great resignation, quiet quitting and all these trends. yeah there were editorial decisions like that, all the time, change your mind when necessary, but ultimately you also gotta. Every visit every day explore more new benefits at ikea, dash, usa, dot com, slash family offer valid starting nine one. Hosted on Acast. In the premiere episode of Anything for Selena, host Maria Garcia explores how Selena helped Maria find her own place in the world. regularly every week in every week and moving back and forth between areas and EL paso and curious about that. Online, Selenas image and music have taken on new life on social media and platforms that werent even imaginable when she was still alive. You are giving people, a different entry point into an important issue, seeing it up in a way which was potentially inviting more people into it and inviting them into looking at a different. Like the other half of me, ok like it 's ok to be yourself big right now because enjoyed. Least, `` you do n't think that Selena broke through the way that she did el and! Su muerte, Selena est arrasando en internet internationally filling stadiums and latin America, that. About how big butts went from taboo to obsession -- and it involves Selena and Jennifer Lopez internalizing shame... 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