In another context, due diligence is the comprehensive appraisal of a . I'm eagerly looking forward to having future collaborations with you in the near future. You don't even want to know what he calls pancakes. We are really grateful to have you as our business partner. Do due diligence before committing time, personal information and money to unscrupulous characters. Nothing else is known of his doings 1 The translation, under the title Eight Books of the Peloponnesian War, written by Thucydides the son of Olorus, interpreted with faith and diligence immediately out of the Greek by Thomas Hobbes, secretary to the late Earl of Devonshire, appeared in 1628 (or 1629), after the death of the earl, to whom touching reference is made in the dedication. In fact, its almost too specific. Thanks for coming to work with a positive attitude and inspiring us also to work. For instance, you could use a different word besides "do," such as "perform" or "conduct.". Looking both ways first is due diligence. due diligence definition. Now that you fully understand the meaning of the phrase "due diligence" when used in different contexts, we will look at the phrase's origin. thanks to him we lost the match. Thank you for your cooperation and your attention. I work in real estate and sometimes when files get mixed up, the clients themselves have to dig us out of confusions. You've been very supportive and I appreciate it. : A due diligence process related to shared services agreements has begun. (Correct Plural Possessive). 1. For example, our due diligence requires us to examine every aspect of the crime scene so we may catch the culprit.. 2. an assessing, evaluating, etc. Here he continued to prosecute his scientific researches and his multifarious studies with unabated diligence. The operator of such a system must exercise all due diligence to avoid those workers being unfit. 8. His oriental studies were reshaped by diligent perusal of the works of Schultens; for the Halle school, with all its learning, had no conception of the principles on which a fruitful connexion between Biblical and Oriental learning could be established. Your dedication, enthusiasm and insight are really inspiring. His convictions gained weight from the simplicity, uprightness and diligence of his character; but they need a more effective justification than he was able to give them. He proved a diligent student, devoting much attention to controversial theology, graduated as M.A. 24 examples of diligence in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. Example sentences with, and the definition and usage of. You might be hard-pressed because most bicycle wholesaler only deal with businesses, but with diligent research, you should be able to find those willing to sell to individuals. Now, we will be discussing the antonyms of the phrase "due diligence," which includes: Moving on, we will be giving a few pointers on how to properly use the phrase "due diligence" in a sentence. In financial setting, due diligence means an investigation or audit of a potential investment consummated by a prospective buyer. Though Hobbes claims to have performed his work " with much more diligence than elegance," his version is remarkable as a piece of English writing, but is by no means accurate. You will be rewarded for your pain. You may have heard the phrase due diligence thrown around from time to time, but what does it actually mean, and how is it really supposed to be used in a sentence? He was a diligent seeker after the truth, and was perfectly sincere when he informed a critic of the exact number of "truths" he had discovered, and when he remarked to one of his pupils a few days before his death, "Rest assured that what I have written in my book is the truth.". This body pursued the subject with more or less diligence, and in 1884 laid down the principle that the automatic coupler should be one acting in a vertical plane - that is, the engaging faces should be free to move up and down within a considerable range, in order to provide for the differences in the height of cars. Thank you for your diligence, Detective Battle. Diligence definition: steady and careful application | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples He was still felt by many of his clergy and by candidates for ordination to be a rather terrifying person, and to enforce almost impossible standards of diligence, accuracy and preaching efficiency, but his manifest devotion to his work and his zeal for the good of the people rooted him deeply in the general confidence. "Your diligence is admirable but I'm afraid that once again you are overruled. A diligence exercise is to be undertaken. You will find more success than you had ever thought. 2. Je ne vois pas ce que ce mot veut exprimer dans le contexte donn. Even the smallest of jobs well done will take you one step closer towards the success that you have always dreamed about. You will be rewarded for your pain. Conditional sentences describe a conditional situation, or a result that depends on an event occurring first. We do not expect the process of learning words and phrases to be very smooth and easy. Thank you all. Its really fun to work if one has employees like you who are equally hard working, focused and dedicated. Its matter of pride for us that you have opted for this difficult task. Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. When someone helps you or another person you know, it is always appropriate to send a thank-you note similar to the ones below: Thank you for your service. You guys are the best. James is a diligent student receiving exemplary remarks from all of his professors throughout his education. The correct version of this phrase is due diligence, not do diligence. One cannot do diligence, however, diligence itself can be warranted, expected, or obliged; in other words, it can be due, making due diligence the proper way of saying this phrase. To find the best price on Nintendo Wii, you need to perform some diligent research. " R. No one else can match your performance. Hi [Prospect Name], Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business. Examples of due diligence in a sentence, how to use it. As a group of experienced English writers, we enjoy sharing our knowledge in a language that everyone is able to understand. A "diligence" defense is commonly included in strict liability laws. The diligent company weathered the quartz craze of the 1970s to emerge weakened but alive and even more committed to its principal mission of superior quality and affordability. Diligence on your part now will speed the training process along and put your pet/owner relationship on a comfortable footing that much sooner. He painted with unceasing diligence, treating none but sacred subjects; he never retouched or altered his work, probably with a religious feeling that such as divine providence allowed the thing to come, such it should remain He was wont to say that he who illustrates the acts of Christ should be with Christ. His diligent attendance at the Royal Library attracted the attention of the keeper of the manuscripts, the Abbe Sallier, whose influence procured for him a small salary as student of the oriental languages. So, do your due diligence, rank your players and you'll be taking a giant step to a successful fantasy football draft. Thank you for your attention. With planning and diligence, his business would be on its feet in a few years and she would be working in the pediatric ward at the hospital. . He managed diligence investigations at Federal sites. Thank you for your diligence - spanish translation - linguee. Due diligence is done, the interim figures are complete, the Board's position is set. DEAR Nick Shapiro, spokesman for Barack Obama:I thank you for your diligence, as a member of the lovable layer of people between me, as a journalist, and Barack Obama, as a newsmaker. This system of execution was simplified by an act of 1837 (Personal Diligence Act), and execution is now usually by diligence (see Execution). Our Diligence and courage can indeed save lives. Example sentences with Thank You For Your Cooperation. Thank you for always helping me out with all sorts of chores. (Correct Plural of Have a Go), Minor Degree Abbreviation (How to List on a Resume), Mens or Mens or Mens? Unfortunately, items are not crossed off automatically after being bought, so guests must be diligent about returning to the registry page to mark the gift as "purchased.". Alhazen was, nevertheless, a diligent and successful student, being the first great discoverer in optics after the time of Ptolemy. (17) This student is a model of diligence. Nevertheless he fulfilled all his episcopal duties with diligence, and threw all his heart into the performance of those of a specially spiritual nature, such as his addresses at confirmations and to those on whom he conferred orders. They were diligent in the performance of their duties. By failing to perform due diligence before making a purchase, you might end up regretting your choice. Doing diligent research online may net you some of the best deals. Thanks once again for creating those benchmarks. Sentence Examples. But this difficulty was soon removed by the pupil's diligence; the very exigencies of his situation were of service to him in calling forth all his powers, and he studied the language with such success that at the close of his five years' exile he declares that he " spontaneously thought " in French rather than in English, and that it had become more familiar to " ear, tongue and pen.". Follow this with a date. The evidence of date derived from changes in the language is more difficult to formulate, and the inquiry calls for the most diligent use of scientific method and critical judgment. Try this, DEAR Nick Shapiro, spokesman for Barack Obama:I. Ludwig Desktop is seamlessly integrated with any writing and reading app: Word, Pages, Google Docs, Gmail Ludwig finds examples from newspapers, reliable and well written scientific journals, official documents and more! At its core, due diligence just refers to the process of doing whatever you can and should to avoid a negative outcome. 50 Funny One-Liners: How to Say Thank You in a Funny Way "I would thank you for your cooperation on this matter". Policy Vs. 1. This of course presupposes the recognition of the right of the slave to his peculium; and the same is implied in Cicero's statement that a diligent slave could in six years purchase his freedom. Report copyright infringement; Answers Close When you "disagree" with an answer. Among the merits of Herodotus as an historian, the most prominent are the diligence with which he collected his materials, the candour and impartiality with which he has placed his facts before the reader, the absence of party bias and undue national vanity, and the breadth of his conception of the historian's office. So, what are the synonyms of the phrase "due diligence"? (1987 Caldecott Award) It is a successful adaptation from Spenser's Faierie Queen. I merely want to thank you for your diligence today. Here's a trusty option if your email began with a thank you. 5. You have proven yourself to be a very skilled individual who has the capacity to do great things with their life. Of course, this presupposes that you already have enough knowledge and experience about how the stock market works and the patience and diligence required to arrive at sound, logical decisions to make great profits. The phrase "due diligence" is used when exercising proper attention and care to avoid committing an offense through ignorance. Thanks for the support that you have shown towards our company. Generally it may be said that throughout his long reign Francis Joseph remained the real ruler of his dominions; he not only kept in his hands the appointment and dismissal of his ministers, but himself directed their policy, and owing to the great knowledge of affairs, the unremitting diligence and clearness of apprehension, to which all who transacted business with him have borne testimony, lie was able to keep a very real control even of the details of government. Thank you for your work. We appreciate your continued support. An example of the use of "due diligence" is: you need to caution yourself and perform due diligence on all your prospective dealers. Thanks! Financial due diligence includes making a budget and keeping track of your expenses. Writing a thank-you note to an individual who served as the president of an organization is a thoughtful way to acknowledge his years of service. Bonaventura (1221-1274) was a diligent student of the Victorines, and in his Itinerarium mentis ad Deum maps. 1. By being diligent and doing your homework, you'll make sure that the insurance costs of having a teen driver in your household won't be a huge financial burden. Examples, Meaning, and Usage. By the way, her grades are very good(high B's and a few A's), however a little more diligence could raise them that extra little bit. Some definitions might get more strict than that, but no one would fault you for using due diligence in this manner, in almost any context. Time to rejoice, Time to celebrate, for you have won in the long run with your dedication and hard work. This was the work of the remainder of Trench's life; it exposed him at times to considerable misconstruction and obloquy, but he came to be appreciated, and, when in November 1884 he resigned his archbishopric from infirmity, clergy and laity unanimously recorded their sense of his "wisdom, learning, diligence, and munificence.". Well done. Once you have experienced excellence you will never again be content with mediocrity. With your hard work you have taken us to the top. To his modesty Bossuet bears witness, when he told him to stand up sometimes, and not be always on his knees before a critic. Thank you for being the perfect employee that every employer desires!" "An organization cannot achieve success without hard-working employees like you. 6. Thanks for being a part of our company. Do your due diligence and talk to experts before wasting your money - or worse, trashing your health - in pursuit of a diet panacea. His convictions gained weight from the simplicity, uprightness and diligence of his character; but they need a more effective justification than he was able to give them. Even the most diligent parent or caretaker can find it hard to keep their child from becoming infected. A lot of people failed at what you accomplished, simply because they were busy finding problems while you were busy finding solutions. Je voulais vous remercier pour votre diligence dans le choix de la rsidence. Because he rarely comes to work, the diligence of the employee was questioned by his boss. An example would be: Jude failed to carry out due diligence in making efforts to avoid accidents. Once you have the fleas off of your cat, you can keep them off by being diligent about flea control in and around your home. This requires even less action on your part, but more diligence to keep your bank account fully funded. Conditional Sentences: Examples of the Different Types, What Is a Gerund? 2. Thank you for always ushering me with lots of love and care. A Cheerleader that is beautiful works hard and is diligent. Due diligence, however, cannot uncover every type of problem. On behalf of Canada's New Government, I thank you for your diligence, and look forward to attending your . Conditional sentences describe a conditional situation, or a result that depends on an event occurring first. We also undertake due diligence in the event that you or your company wish to purchase a company. 11. It required a diligent reader with critical understanding, unlike too many popular science books that obfuscate with over-simplification. Again, thanks for your courage and heroism. Diligence definition, constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind. Thank you. When used as verbs, perform and conduct are synonyms of one another. Over the years, there have been many changes in the use of the phrase "due diligence," it was first used in the legal and business sector but has now become a part of the general vocabulary. E.g., we need to perform our due diligence during the course of our investigation. In other words, due diligence is reminding everyone to do what is expected of them.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'grammarhow_com-box-3','ezslot_3',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-box-3-0'); In fact, this is almost entirely how the phrase due diligence is used. we are proud to have you as an employee and appreciate your dedication to the company. In the English dialects of Kent, Essex and Norfolk there is a common change of v to w, but Ellis says (English Pronunciation, V, pp. He was not a diligent scholar, but at the grammar school of Hull his skill in elocution attracted the attention of the master. There is also business buzzword of "due diligence", derived from the legal meaning to mean the level of care/attention that one would reasonably be expected to take in this situation. Kind regards, [Your Name] 6. Regards. (Now hand over the candy.). Keep it up. In my (American) experience, this is commonly used in the business world as an idiom: There is nothing wrong with either choice. It was really nice to work with you. 2 thanks to because of. .css-1bt0omd{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;}Awesome tool! Diligent search was made for the oldest and most authentic texts with the support of the royal patrons. This isn't a thank-you card, it's a hug with a fold in it. Congratulations on your choice of an interesting and topical subject. It's a sign of professionalism and respect to your employer to be diligent in following the company's guidelines for how employees should dress for work. When making decisions about making large purchases, such as a car or home, it is important to practice due diligence. A gifted addressed himself with energy and diligence to the great problems awaiting him. Sentence examples for thank you for your diligence from inspiring English sources. It is an issue in respect of which retailers must remain diligent. For an employee. And the word "diligence" is gotten from the Old French word "diligence" (which means attention or care). He was himself a diligent investigator and experimenter, and he did much to encourage original research among his pupils, one of whom was Dr Joseph Black. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "THANK YOU FOR YOUR DILIGENCE" - english-dutch translations and search engine for english translations. You will soon be rewarded for this. But the admonition was unheeded, for while unweariedly diligent in business, he was in his intervals of leisure a most assiduous student. Going on a trip somewhere? Well done. He was a diligent student of Shakespeare, and his last literary work was On the Received Text of Shakespeare's Dramatic Writings and its Improvement (1862). Diligence is essential when searching for funding opportunities. 6. It is advised that you first perform due diligence to ensure the investment you want to make will be a profitable one. Your contribution and participation are much appreciated. And it is also derived from the Latin word "diligentia" (meaning carefulness and attentiveness), in-turn from the word "diligentem," the present participle adjective of "diligere. Coming to Italy during an epidemic of plague, he was very diligent in tending the sick in the public hospitals at Aquapendente, Cesena and Rome, and effected many miraculous cures by entre nous, a la vie, a la mort.". It also refers to examining an organization's numbers while making comparisons of the numbers over time and measuring them against competitors. Awesome tool! The success of this team is a testament to your hard work, and I say thank you very much for that. He carried on a lively correspondence with Voltaire and other French men of letters, and was a diligent student of philosophy, history and poetry. Preventing lice takes diligence and awareness of what these parasites need. Here are some examples. Thank You Messages For Business Partner. 3. Your willingness to work has motivated every worker of this company. In connection to #10, self-control is necessary if you want to be a diligent person. pl n. 1 an expression of appreciation or gratitude or an acknowledgment of services or favours given. Sentence examples similar to. Your cooperation and for your emails exercise of care enacted by a prudent, rational individual or under! You use the phrase when you investigate the assets and liabilities of an organization. Of course, feel free to customize this formal thank you letter and adapt your thank you note to employees to suit your own needs! Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. The new landlord succeeded because he conducted due diligence on the requirements of being a landlord before putting up his apartment for rent. from inspiring English sources. Kids cold sores are preventable with careful diligence. Lots of writers use the phrase "due diligence" as an alternate way of writing "to think things through," "to shop around," "to compare process," or "to research a subject or topic.". He made a diligent inquiry; so, how do I refuse the labor? The ever diligent recording industry said all of the service's arguments had been rejected by Aspen. The visitor was Bitski, who served on various committees, frequented all the societies in Petersburg, and a passionate devotee of the new ideas and of Speranski, and a diligent Petersburg newsmonger--one of those men who choose their opinions like their clothes according to the fashion, but who for that very reason appear to be the warmest partisans. I am forever grateful for your help today. I truly appreciate you from from my head to my toes. You could also use the phrase "due diligence" to refer to a certain level of care that is legally required and expected to be given by a person who recommends and provides professional advice. Thanks! When Lisa heard that John was expelled, she showed complete indifference to his situation. Even mighty foes will have an Achilles heel which the diligent player can exploit. The reason you need to consider security is to show you were reasonably diligent in protecting the environment in which your records exist. They should only be told that a pedophile is living nearby, so parents can be especially diligent, rather than handing out addresses. Inferior tangibility is of slight force with this class, for with proper diligence they can read the combined type with ease. The new landlord succeeded because he surveyed the landlord's requirements before putting up his apartment for rent. His popularity as a preacher was deservedly pre-eminent; but no more diligent student ever shut himself up with his books. When learning how to buy a hedge fund you want to be aware that due diligence will only get you so far. You don't need to build up suspense in your message here. Thank you for your help. Cancer is an excellent provider for his family and is a diligent worker. How To Use It, What Does "No Pain, No Gain" Mean? Upon this matter there has been, it is true, some diversity of opinion among modern scholars, but it is now generally admitted, and can be abundantly shown, that he was not only diligent in gathering material, but also far more thorough-going than most writers of antiquity in discriminating between trustworthy and untrustworthy reports, frank in acknowledging his ignorance, scrupulous in indicating his authorities in doubtful cases, less credulous than most of his contemporaries, and unfailingly honest. No matter how big a crowd may be, a person like you always stands out! Parents and caregivers, of course, will have to be diligent in applying sunscreen to children, and there are plenty of formulas made just for young and sensitive skin. Follow these steps to write a formal thank you letter: Header: The letter should begin with your contact information, followed by that of your recipient. Most of the students knew about the presumption that the cafeteria sells low-quality food and drinks. As plants are clustered close together, you will need to be diligent to prevent any spread of disease or pests. You have to be diligent about monitoring him for accidents when he's free to roam the house, and you have to be just as diligent about taking him outside on a regular schedule. Your committed service that you have done for our company is truly valuable. For example, a realtor must trace previous ownership and make sure that a property is free and clear before selling it to a new owner. Framework: How Are These Words Connected? I have never seen a hard working person like you before. Thanks for not getting me a lump of coal. The remarkably definite and original style formed by Mantegna may be traced out as founded on the study of the antique in Squarcione's atelier, followed by a diligent application of principles of work exemplified by Paolo Uccello and Donatello, with the practical guidance and example of Jacopo Bellini in the sequel. ", We will now look at the synonyms and antonyms of the phrase "due diligence.". Be diligent in your research to find the best price. Thank you for all your kind words and blessings; Please accept my deepest thanks and love. Although there must have been verbal appreciation in the business field, the written note means a lot. Your work speaks volumes of the kind of man you are efficient, organized and result-oriented. World College Dictionary, 4th Edition whatever you can and should to avoid committing offense! 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