What he did say was that the book had been prepared to be sold when it was discovered. Its that kind of moment when you put yourself in the third person and say, what now? So I started to feel really really bad. Luca: The first thing I thought was, how am I going to face lvaro when I see him?. I was in total disbelief. Instead I said, yes, of course.. Were talking about a lot of money. I mean, I have been to that book fair. There are No Thieves in This Town. Perhaps the greatest. Before the break, Camila was telling us about the robbery of a signed first edition of. Not knowing what he was going to do, Edgar put the box in storage and ordered that no one touch it. Edgar: That there must have been some boss yelling at someone: this has to be found because its getting found. Then someone did something. lvaro: I told him, I dont want to talk right now and I hung up. The worst. And I said, I dont know. So he said, Do you want me to give you the email of Telfono Rosa at. I was laughing at that point. I could tell that it was deeply painful for him because his eyes were watering and his mouth was trembling. I was almost expecting him to start cursing and shouting and get violent. Overview; View 1 Edition Details; Reviews Lists; Related Books; Publish Date. I met with him on that day at the door of the library. And its like, oh, no, And when she tells me, they stole lvaros. I mean, I have been to that book fair. Turning point 2 - Damaso is caught by Rouge while he was returning the billiard balls. Edgar: I ran to the door and told the security guards that from that moment on no one could leave without being searched. Thousands upon thousands of people were going to go through there. This story is about a thief named Damaso. Listen: So, if you want to buy a book and you know that on the intersection of streets 10 and 13 youll get your socks stolen with your shoes still on, well youre going to turn around, do you understand? But the guard was a little confused and at one point asked what are we looking for, again?. It seems like there was some kind of agreement to turn over the book, and thats that. So much so that he didnt even ask Luca for many details. I picked up the phone and called lvaro. But basically what you need to understand is that SIJIN is local and is dependent on the DIJIN, which is national. This narrative prospective is there so you feel bad for Damaso, however he is not respectful of his wife, and instead, is full of himself. Removing #book# They, meaning fair security. And in Montevideo I really like to walk down a street called Calle Tristn Narvaja, which is a street that is full of secondhand bookstores. And this supervisor spends his time walking through downtown Bogot because thats where most robberies happen. Show me any old book you see. And sometimes he would show me books and I would have to say man, thats a new book. We are back with Radio Ambulante. Camila: And of course, the business owners dont want their clients to get robbed. Daniel: Welcome to Radio Ambulante, from NPR. Supervisor: They told us: Alright, listen up. But I think many of us were left with a lot of questions. Were only first editions by Garca Mrquez, which made a kind of general timeline starting with his first published book to his last. Thanks for listening. Camila: He told me that every Monday morning, the nearly 1,300 men in the SIJIN gather in a square downtown and do what he calls a developments check, in other words, they are updated on that weeks investigations. The perspective shows irony because the story implies the town is full of thieves. lvaro: To ask for the phone number of the person in charge of Telfono Rosa. And they came with four or five motorcycles. And well, now I have to introduce you to two more people. lvaro: And I said to myself crap, what am I going to do? Its hosted by Felix Contreras, and Felix is your guide into the world of Latino arts and culture. And what about that figure, that they were going to sell it for 120 million or something like that? 20 years in prison for someone who stole a book by Gabo and eight for someone who committed crimes against humanity. But the supervisor started to check other areas to see if they had been offering the book as well. More info atlupa.app. Camila: Edgar thought that not much time had passed between when they had been robbed and when they noticed. No, of course not. Of the presumed eight thousand first copies presumed because back in 67 when it was published, records were not as precise as they are today lvaro has found seven. Its shrink-wrapped No, not that one. Its the only version I have of what happened. Undetermined. He held a press conference just to talk about the incident. Under regular security procedure, they shouldve informed the police. And you would think that a thief is ready for something, dont you think?. So they agreed the donation would be on Thursday, May 14th at 4pm. And it makes me very sad because the book was stolen, but it also gives me peace, tranquility and pride knowing that there are people who can feel another persons minor misfortune, compared to the many misfortunes in life and in the country, as if it were their own. Luca: Something weird is going on, he said. There was another girl who started crying, another bookseller, for no apparent reason because she didnt have anything to do with what was happening, but it was just seeing all of the commotion. He noted signs on the way advising that dogs and Mexicans were prohibited; he thus found himself barred from hotels because of his dark Latin complexion, the bigoted clerks mistaking him for a Mexican. But the supervisor put it better. Listen, hurry up, hurry up, theyre waiting. Traffic isnt moving. Well, turn on your siren. So the car went as fast as it could. Im Daniel Alarcn. He wrote film scripts, some in collaboration with Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes; several of these scripts became movies. Yeah, I know. He thought about posting something on Facebook but he decided it was better not to. A first edition copy of. And its like, oh, no, David: And when she tells me, they stole lvaros One Hundred Years of Solitude. The ones that have a restricted lane. GPS: You have arrived at your destination. And I saw on Facebook someone posted, Hooray! Camila: Ill explain: El Tiempo is one of the most important newspapers in the country and Telfono Rosa is a news section or rather, a gossip section about celebrities in Colombia that comes out once a week, every Sunday. Camila: In other words, people who sell things with dubious origins. That was the phrase the supervisor used. Youre crazy, what are you thinking?!. They asked the police in that sector for help. I met him and he gave me the nickname libroviejero [man with the old books]. A film adaptation of "There Are No Thieves in This Town" is released. In this context it means something like ridiculous. Luca: The media came first, then the police. Camila: Because he got him old books. In 2007, Gabos secretary did lvaro the favor of bringing the book to Mexico to be signed by Garca Mrquez. Which is to say, it would be nice if all of the cases the police handled where recommended cases and they were just as efficient when they deal with the robbery of an average, ordinary citizen. Supervisor: So I spend a lot of time with them because sometimes theyre victims of the gangs that operate downtown too. At 8 a.m., his 11-year-old son interrupts Aurelio's work to tell him that the mayor is there and wants his tooth pulled. So the case with the book was clearly recommended. Luca, for example, said this to me: Well, it doesnt make sense that the police, knowing who was involved, didnt hold anyone accountable for anything, right? It says: I bought this copy of One Hundred Years of Solitude in Montevideo, Uruguay. Acesta este unul dintre putinele filme Fox care continua produsul sub proprietatea Disney. All he managed to think was, I dont want more books from the collection to get stolen. So he asked Luca to remove all of lvaros books and store them in a safe place. The inscription says: To lvaro Castillo, the book peddler, like yesterday and as always, from your friend Gabriel. In that part of the city-center, there are several blocks filled with stands that for years have been selling books, mostly used books. Taking out the cards, like they were shit to me, and leaving them on the desk. If I had known, I would have started writing a long time ago." Daniel: Ive never heard anyone talk that fast in my whole life. Camila: Well, not quite. David: Well, I was totally happy And scared. We started driving all over the place. No, she felt it was more important to stick to the agreement they had made with lvaro. At first, Escovar refuses, but he concedes once he's threatened with violence. We investigate all kinds of crimes dealing with kidnapping and theft in all its forms. If they had bags from another store, we asked them to open them. They live in a small rented room near the center of town. Though promising enough, all his previous works can be seen as but preliminary exercises to this masterpiece. I met him and he gave me the nickname libroviejero [man with the old books]. The right thing to do was to call him and tell him myself because I was the person he had loaned the books to. I hold the rank of supervisor. And when he got to the stand. David: If Luca is calling me, its because its important. I spoke with press chiefs, commanders and lieutenants. They hadnt filed a complaint. Gautibonza, the chief of police for Bogot, told him that when they found out about the robbery. Camila: And then people would be a little more cooperative. He was at en event at his bookstore when he found out the news was everywhere. So he thought that maybe if they searched people they could find it. lvaro: Were only first editions by Garca Mrquez, which made a kind of general timeline starting with his first published book to his last. This novella about a hapless colonel eagerly awaiting his pension is far from the magical realism Garcia Marquez became so popular for. But if they capture one person and two people tried to sell the book and the third person is the buyer, itll close the day all three are caught. Thanks to la Productora Snica, Sandra Acero and Jos Luis Pearedonda. The book wins the Primera Plana prize in Argentina on June 20. I could tell that it was deeply painful for him because his eyes were watering and his mouth was trembling. And David Roa was the one who asked lvaro to loan him all of those books. Avatar: Calea Apei era in desfasurare la 20th Century Fox inainte ca Disney sa-l cumpere. When they get on the highway, near the neighborhood, one of the police officers says: Supervisor: There are some guys down there.. And he didnt blame whoever was there or anything, either. But Luca remembered that the agreement was that only lvaro could handle the books. We investigate all kinds of crimes dealing with kidnapping and theft in all its forms. And you would think that a thief is ready for something, dont you think?. And I said yes, I am. And the boy gave me a hug and said, Im so sorry. Completely empty. The blackman takes the blame for Damasos crime. In person? "Fascinated by his huge size and his beauty, the women then decided to make him some pants from a large piece of sail." It was the second time I cried. He took out six dollars and paid the shopkeeper. And how many people did they search? Damaso gets whats coming to him in the end. lvaro: If he could give me a discount. So I didnt take them out. David: I knew this was a very serious problem but what I was worried about was the institutional issue. Why would the theft of a single book mean so much to a country like Colombia? No, wait, Camila, youre speaking Colombian. The weekend went by and lvaro was still getting calls for interviews. It involves a poor, unlicensed dentist, Aurelio Escovar, who is called upon by the village mayor to remove an infected tooth. No, he donated several other things. In 1961, The Evil Hour (La Mala Hora), which had been completed in Mexico but initially published in Spain, had been published, but only after he had won a Colombian literary prize. One of his stories, "There are No Thieves in This Town," was filmed by an experimental group for presentation at the 1965 Locarno Film Festival. Yes. Camila: That youre not going to go where they steal your socks with your shoes still on. Like saying that lvaro had stolen it himself, which seemed like the meanest possible thing to me. What the loss of this book meant to the country. It was around eight at night by the time he went to Macondo to get his books. And they decided to act. Yes, those. Camila: Then they told him he had to go to a press conference. Daniel: But then when is it supposed to close? And I turned around and saw that the book was missing. How may I help you? Presenter: It seems like yet another typical event in the unusual and magical country of Macondo, but it is real. And I turned around and saw that the book was missing. No one wanted to give a statement. He got out and the shopkeeper, before giving him the book. Major, but the book that was stolen at the last Book Fair? Also, lvaro was the only person with the keys to the cases. He brought a satchel to carry the books, since he thought if he left with the box people would say he was the thief. Edgar: And he said return my book or pay for it. Camila: From what I understand, it isnt open because they arent looking for the culprits, but it isnt closed because they havent found them. They threw the box and started running.. If they had bags from another store, we asked them to open them. Camila: Not knowing what he was going to do, Edgar put the box in storage and ordered that no one touch it. Camila: According to what the supervisor told me, 50 million pesos. Before the break, Camila was telling us about the robbery of a signed first edition of One Hundred Years of Solitude at the Book Fair in Bogot. Neither Rouge or It seems like yet another typical event in the unusual and magical country of Macondo, but it is real. A first edition copy of One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garca Mrquez, was stolen at the Bogot International Book Fair. I made calls almost every week. But Luca is the kind of person who almost never calls. Daniel: How come they hadnt even filed a complaint? Camila: And, Daniel, do you know what Transmilenio is? When I try to buy this book theyre going to realize its a first edition.. They told us: Alright, listen up. lvaro: Now that I think about it, it really was a flimsy lock. Its a decrepit building. It was in Uruguay. The books had cards with bibliographic information. The move was meant to help the commission carry forward with. And no one has been able to explain where that number came from. Camila: This is the vice-attorney general at the time, Juan Vicente Valbuena. If he could give me a discount. We didnt get into the details of how it happened. Daniel Alarcn: Did you know NPR has an app? . Those were tears of joy. Edgar: I followed people who walked past me up to the door before they could leave and I asked them to open their bags. See more Details Edit Release date September 9, 1965 (Mexico) Country of origin Mexico Language Spanish Also known as There Are No Thieves in This Village Production company Grupo Claudio It was an expression like I dont understand whats happening.. And Ill explain a little: David was in charge of the Macondo stall at the Bogot Book Fair. . David Roa: I picked up the phone and called lvaro. No One Writes to the Colonel is published in Colombia. A lot of people found that absurd. And while it can be easy to focus most of our praise on One Hundred Years of Solitude, undoubtedly his most important novel, let us not forget the stories. Others, including the supervisor, realize that something had dropped to the ground: a box. Camila: No, he donated several other things. They put out an all-points bulletin and somehow discovered I dont know how that the book was going to be taken out of the country. Even after dozens of conversations with the lieutenant, even though I carried with me a signed authorization, at one point I came to think that I was going to leave that place without an interview. There came a moment when I lost faith in thinking that the book would turn up if I kept searching people. Four in Cuba, two in Colombia and this one in Uruguay. lvaro wanted it that way, as an official public act. For instance, people started coming up with really crazy and sometimes very disrespectful theories. A coven in Bogot. Damaso finds Ana sitting on their bed, fully clothed. Edgar thought that someone who worked there had taken it but Luca explained that lvaro was the only one with the key. Did they close the case? So the supervisor starts going by all the book stands in the area and says to the vendors: Listen, brother, a book got stolen around here. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The prime suspect was played by Elizabeth Montgomery, who was depicted committing the murders in the film while in the nude, which was censored for American viewers. He heard the news on, is a radio show where they talk about national news. He asked Is this your book?. I spoke with press chiefs, commanders and lieutenants. And I couldnt believe it. The worst. Camila: Well, I tried everything to find out where Palomino got that 40 thousand dollar figure, but I didnt get an answer. And when he got to the stand. Now, however, he corrects line by line as he works. In January of 1965, while driving from Mexico City to Acapulco, he began plans for 100 Hundred Years of Solitude. David hung up with Luca and it took him about 10 minutes to call lvaro. Daniel: And what about the price? 100 Hundred Years of Solitude was published initially in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1967 by Editorial Sudamericana. Daniel: The people in charge of investigating crimes in Bogot. And on top of that the Telfono Rosa comes out once a week. And I said to myself crap, what am I going to do? Officer: Were poor here and we live far away, they say in my village. But I dont think the bit about the price is so important. In 1982, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. At that point we organized ourselves and got in three cars. lvaro started taking them out and throwing them on the desk. You guys who are going to be downtown, a book by Gabriel Garca Mrquez was stolen in one of those bookstores, so you need to get in touch with your contacts about it.. The book was found! And I said, but how could the book be found without anyone telling me? And all of a sudden my phone rings. And I couldnt believe it. City of Thieves. The DIJIN and the SIJIN is very confusing even for us. 76-106. Camila: La Lucirnaga is a radio show where they talk about national news. In 1970, the novel was chosen as one of the twelve best books of the year by many American critics; in 1972, Garca Mrquez won the Rmulo Gallegos Prize in Venezuela and the Books Abroad/Neustadt International Prize for Literature. While Edgar was searching people, Luca knew that she had to call someone, but she thought: Luca: I cant tell lvaro myself. Its unbelievable. And this supervisor spends his time walking through downtown Bogot because thats where most robberies happen. Well, it may be a stretch to say everyone, but certainly Im not exaggerating when I say that Gabo is one of Colombias cultural heroes. This very same box. But. What does that mean? Interviews with cultural icons like Rita Moreno and Carlos Santana as well as contemporary vanguards like Calle 13 or author Junot Diaz. Garcia Marquez has left us but, thankfully, his work remains. Of the presumed eight thousand first copies presumed because back in 67 when it was published, records were not as precise as they are today lvaro has found seven. lvaro: Are you crazy?! Commissioners recently approved the purchase of a property at 7992 Soquel Drive in Aptos near the Aptos Village Square shopping center. Camila: Yes, very weird. And that General Palomino wanted to deliver it to him in person. Garca Mrquez had died a year earlier, in April 2014, and this book fair was being held in his honor. Camila: No, of course not. How come they hadnt even filed a complaint? And, Daniel, do you know what Transmilenio is? And then people would be a little more cooperative. The one he had loaned the book to. Solid waste management represents a challenge for municipalities, particularly at the collection stage. The next day a friend went to visit him at the fair and lvaro told him about the robbery. It starts with a call from David Roa to lvaro Castillo. And it was the first time the ACLI was in charge of the bookstore at the fair. I didnt even open the display case. But if they do capture someone, then it will close. And that they had already identified and intercepted him. David: I said, lvaro, youre not going to believe it but I think Im happier than you are.. Camila: The other staff at the Macondo store, the ones who were always there. I ran to the door and told the security guards that from that moment on no one could leave without being searched. Download our mobile app now. Palomino spoke first. My name is Luca Fernanda Buitrago Montaez. The display cases where they were being displayed had been set up by pavilion organizers. In other words, he wasnt just worried about how he was going to pay for the book, but also about what would become of the association. Camila: He insisted that the book was important. Daniel: And what about that figure, that they were going to sell it for 120 million or something like that? Damaso is a night prowler who frequents the local bar and pool hall. That youre not going to go where they steal your socks with your shoes still on. Supervisor: It was around 8:30, 9:00 in the morning. alternative approach to traditional music. Silvia Vias and I edited this story with the help of Martina Castro. We started driving all over the place. But we have to close this circle with the capture of those responsible. But instead he was very controlled. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Collected Stories. lvaro left Macondo and went to his stand. It was wrong. It was rush hour on a Friday and the traffic was really backed up. I should say something and do something very meaningful so it seems like Im doing something. Its like really absurd because it was like, not this, this is bigger than me and I have no idea what Im going to do. David: There was a very diligent group of police. Not even me. Not at all. On a day like today, my master William Faulkner said 'I decline to accept the end of man.' Camila: The thing is, they found the book but not the thief. Camila: lvaro took the book to Colombia and it ended up being part of that exhibit I mentioned before, at the Book Fair, along with 31 other books from his private collection. Comedy. In this context it means something like ridiculous. Camila: Yes, it is massive. , by Gabriel Garca Mrquez, was stolen at the Bogot International Book Fair. Palomino spoke first. The lieutenants desk was the same as the others. The Theme of Solitude. lvaro: He said, I cant believe it. Its called NPR One and it offers the best from public radio and beyond. Luca: And I said, David, I have some of the worst news you could get at the fair., David: She tells me, David, the worst thing has happened. Major: Would we be able to do that? Camila: Thousands upon thousands of people were going to go through there. Edit. And I said, David, I have some of the worst news you could get at the fair., She tells me, David, the worst thing has happened. There Are No Thieves in This Town Balthazar's Marvelous Afternoon Montiel's Widow One Day after Saturday Artificial Roses Big Mama's Funeral A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings The Sea of Lost Time The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World Death Constant Beyond Love The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship Blacaman the Good, Vendor of Miracles Camila: No. And on top of that, the bookstore was going to be at the exit of the Macondo Pavilion, which was clearly the most important one at the fair. Edgar was at the other end of the store and he rushed to where Luca was. Damaso realizes that Ana has been "waiting for him every minute through the whole night" (77). There are no ghosts, no gypsies. Camila: The lieutenants desk was the same as the others. All he managed to think was, I dont want more books from the collection to get stolen. 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