Les deseo unas fiestas seguras y saludables! It also publishes learning resources, videos, and helpful links. Los estudiantes de dcimo grado de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester que previamente haban estudiado el efecto que el nacionalismo tuvo en Latinoamrica, trabajaron en grupos con el fin de crear psters o carteles que mostraran su evaluacin y opinin sobre los movimientos independentistas. During the assemblies, they reviewed fire safety procedures, such as getting out of the house, calling 911, and stop and roll. Les he mostrado a muchas de mis amistades, y cada una de ellas ha seleccionado un artculo que piensan que es inspirador o esperanzador o asombroso.. Es una sala de redaccin muy divertida de la que formar parte, y todos juegan un papel clave en el establecimiento de ese entorno.Thomas le dio crdito a la estudiante Shirley Guzman, quien se desempea como editora en jefe, por revivir el peridico con su visin, determinacin y liderazgo. No tendremos ms que unas pocas puertas enrollables y muebles para cada habitacin de Boddy Manor, por lo que realmente se trata de las actuaciones de los actores. Customize URL. The school bus is an easy object to draw using this approach, Chambers said. 1 de febrero del 2023, de 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. They should understand that condensation is when a gas turns into a liquid and the temperature change goes from hot to cold.. Por este motivo, la Gobernadora ha decidido terminar el requerimiento obligatorio de las mscaras. Aproximadamente a las 7:20 a.m. se activ la alarma contra incendios debido al fuerte olor a gas en el edificio. Como parte de la Liga Pionera, un programa deportivo interescolar para aquellos estudiantes con discapacidades fsicas y mentales, un grupo de once estudiantes de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester llevan practicando y preparando sus habilidades de ftbol sala. Pastel Bonito y Esencial usando pinturas al temple, lpices de colores de agua y lpices de cera en aceite sobre un papel de acuarela. For your convenience, there are three ways for you to make payments. Lo que ms me llam la atencin fue qu citas los estudiantes eligieron resaltar. American, or Asian, projects Gracias por su comprensin. Adems, los miembros de la audiencia escucharon comentarios del Consejo Ejecutivo del Condado de Westchester, George Latimer, y del miembro de la Junta de Educacin de Port Chester, Luigi Russo. Ya sea en su hogar, dentro de su grupo de amigos, en la escuela, en la comunidad o incluso a nivel global. The production is really coming together, and we all know that they will have a wonderful experience in the theater this December.. 914-934-7886. Thespian Society and Tri-M Music Honor Society to help fund the high school play, musical and other performing arts programs. Throughout the school year, the students will work on articles and interviews covering a wide range of topics from school, sports and town news to opinion editorials and current and global events. En el futuro, muchos trabajos requerirn algn tipo de habilidad de ingeniera, y si puedo lograr que los estudiantes se interesen en aprender ms sobre ingeniera a una edad temprana, entonces tendrn la oportunidad de aprender a resolver problemas y disear cosas que realmente puedan hacer una diferencia en el mundo.Como parte del plan de estudios STEM, los estudiantes participarn en actividades prcticas diseadas para resolver problemas del mundo real mientras utilizan el proceso de diseo de ingeniera. The meeting will be livestreamed, and can be viewed at, https://portchester.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=ec56ee0a-7ab9-4915-b4bf-af6b011238a7. Walter Reed Middle School Reviews. The fire department was immediately notified and quickly responded. basic supplies, projects To read the student-led newspaper, visit https://pchsrams.edublogs.org/. Under the leadership of band director Michael Miceli, the 152-member band scored a 91.6. Miceli added that the students performance marked the programs 90 years of performing, with the high school bands first appearance being held on Nov. 5, 1932. From the four months that we looked at, they will be able to determinethat January is the coldest month of the year while July is the hottestmonth of the year, Vogel said. In addition, this school has a list of famous alumni like John Ritter. The 2022-2023 Port Chester Budget was approved, 1,331 to 316, a better than 4-to-1 margin! A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence serving about 1,000 students in grades 6-8, we offer a solid educational and nurturing environment in which learning and the personal growth of each student are given the highest priority. Como parte del nuevo programa, todos los estudiantes de ltimo ao de Port Chester High School evitarn el proceso de solicitud tradicional para la admisin automtica a la universidad, comenzando con la Promocin de 2023. They were also encouragedto create their own rocket ship or UFO. At. Members of the Port Chester High School Band rehearsed dynamic volume levels for their performance of Bolero by Maurice Ravel during a recent lesson in band teacher Mike Micelis class. This site is available as a library of resources and information. If payment is not received by that date, a mandatory, non-waivable penalty of 2% will be added for the month of October and will increase monthly thereafter. Continuaremos nuestra serie de la Universidad Parental: Talleres de tecnologa para padres. La maestra Terracciano dijo que los maestros recibieron de manera abrumada innumerables respuestas positivas por parte de los estudiantes de ambos grados que participaron en esta experiencia de amistad. El experimento formaba parte de una unidad sobre el agua y el clima en la clase de la profesora de ciencias, Jeni Vogel. Fourth graders at John F. Kennedy Elementary School enthusiastically picked up their violins during a recent lesson in music teacherGabriella Savinos orchestra class. Los estudiantes constantemente toman decisiones musicales en un entorno de prctica o actuacin en funcin del contenido meldico y rtmico identificado y reforzado en las lecciones. nase a nosotros virtualmente para aprender sobre los siguientes teams: La familias de Port Chester Middle School & Port Chester High School (6-12): Equipped withfluorescent lights, black construction paper and neon oil pastels,Park Avenue Elementary School fifth graders created their own glow-in-the-dark art pieces. Increase/improve communication/be inclusive: superintendents reports, community/district committees, Ram Gram newsletter, use of social media, website upgrades, Board docs. The directory information on school name, address, and phone number are preliminary data from initial submissions of school level data for 2021-2022. La maestra Barnett coment que durante esta clase, sus estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de experimentar y ajustar el tringulo de exposicin con el fin de obtener la mejor copia o muestra en sus fotografas. Studio Art Teacher Jeff Tascio has been working with his seventh- and eighth-grade classes on a life-sized project that has been a journey of engineering, critical thinking and creativity. "Espero que, al final de esta serie de lecciones, los alumnos comprendan que el tiempo en Port Chester sigue un mismo patrn a lo largo del ao, empezando fro en enero, calentndose en primavera y verano, y enfrindose nuevamente en otoo", dijo Vogel. New York Film Academy - Los Angeles. Please be advised that there is a convenience fee of 2.35% that will be applied to all payments made with credit cards. Benjamin Reyesperformed with the New York State School Music Associations Area All-State orchestra ensemble at its 2022 festival concert on Nov. 5 at White Plains High School. Sports being offered are Baseball, Softball, Track & Field, Boys Tennis, & Club Golf at the high school level. Terracciano said the teachers received overwhelmingly positive responses from the children in the two buddy classes. School Details. Port Chester students returned to school with a renewed sense of excitement for the new school year. Tambin los anim para que crearan su propio cohete espacial. El viernes, veintiocho de octubre, los participantes vestidos con los disfraces y atuendos tpicos de la vspera de la noche de todos los santos, y con el fin de recolectar fondos para la escuela secundaria de Port Chester, se convirtieron en verdaderos actores y formaron parte de la cena inaugural conocida como el atraco misterioso. Mysteries intrigue people and allow them the chance to work together to figure out which character is the thief.. Together we have achieved so much in 2022. Schools in districts that mainly serve students of color receive substantially less state and Establecimiento de objetivos y visin comn. "Hay mensajes modernos y universales de amistad, amor y devocin para hacer lo correcto en 'Seussical Jr.' Los personajes del Dr. Seuss son adorables, identificables y coloridas, lo que lo convierte en un espectculo perfecto para la escuela secundaria". Si se perdi la presentacin del 24 de mayo sobre los prximos pasos en la planificacin de un nuevo plan de estudios de alfabetizacin K-5, consulte los enlaces aqu para ver una repeticin. Los estudiantes pertenecientes a grados inferiores realizaron un proyecto manual que mostraba cmo fomentar la amistad y ser buenos amigos. This year it has blossomed into a fully developed initiative, bridging crucial STEM instruction with language acquisition and critical thinking skills. Tambin funciona bien porque las respuestas estn en la pared. Para ms informacin, visite: tinyurl.com/pchsplay22. You may mail your check in the envelope provided. If you missed the May 24 presentation on next steps in planning for a new K-5 literacy curriculum, please see the link here for a replay. Prior to the station work, Solis and Maldonado worked on each individualskill, breaking them down to help students understand the progressions to those skills. Los actores y actrices se entremezclaron entre ellos, cumplieron con las actividades que tenan que llevar a cabo e intentaron demostrar de qu manera se cometi el crimen. Walter Reed Middle School Walter Reed Middle School 4525 Irvine Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91602 P: (818) 487-7600 F: (818) 766-9069 Los Angeles Unified School District powered by Educational Networks Walter Reed Middle School 4525 Irvine Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91602 P: (818) 487-7600 F: (818) 766-9069 Los Angeles Unified School District powered by Accompanied by their families, the students were warmly greeted by their teachers before participating in educational activities. We're a charity that makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need. lvarez, un estudiante de tercer ao, cre su pieza "Godzilla" con pluma y tinta como parte de un proyecto de clase "El arte como narracin de cuentos", que desafi a los estudiantes a crear una ilustracin con una narrativa. Port Chester High School students who have been studying similar triangles in math teacher Carlos Gomezs Bilingual Geometry class took their learning outside for a lesson on indirect measurement. Keep up the great work! El enlace directo a nuestros canales es portchester.hosted.panopto.com tambin puede acceder a nuestros videos de PCSTV usando el botn PCSTV en la pagina del distrito. Los miembros del grupo de a cappella de la Escuela Superior de Port Chester- El Sonido de Port Chester- se presentaron en el sptimo Festival de A Cappella de Jvenes en la Escuela Superior de Mamaroneck el 6 de noviembre. in 6 - 8 Members of the Creative Writing Club are supported by English teachers and club co-advisers Jesse Fernandez and Victoria Rose. El practicar un deporte les permite a los estudiantes atletas viajar a otras escuelas y competir, rerse, disfrutar y hacer nuevos amigos durante sus aos de enseanza en la escuela secundaria. Tickets can be bought online at https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/68599 or at the door. We are so proud of Ben and his accomplishment, Supervisor of Fine and Performing Arts Dr. Katherine Sinsabaugh said. The Buckley School. . "El proyecto de la pgina de Internet se compuso para que los estudiantes disearan una pgina que promoviera las cosas que ellos valoran". The lesson provided the students with the necessary tools to incorporate different components into their own writing. As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters across the country. Este es un mensaje de la Escuela Secundaria de Port Chester. Baurle dijo que ella escogi el espectculo basado en conjuntos para proveer a ms actores la oportunidad de brillar en el escenario con papeles principales. We have reported this fake account to the police, and advise you not to send any money or gift cards. Johnson said Cool Blues reinforces the essential group playing concept of counting and performing long and short rhythms and rests with the appropriate length of sound or silence. Habiendo estudiado el nacionalismo, el cual era un movimiento o doctrina con una serie de creencias y principios que comenzaron en los aos mil ochocientos, y que como consecuencia por una parte destruy imperios y por otra unific a pases, los estudiantes evaluaron las diferentes revoluciones con el fin de determinar si cada figura revolucionaria era capaz de lograr los objetivos establecidos por la revolucin y determinar si stos mejoraron la sociedad. . de Ernesto Lecuona. Con historias cortas de terror, poemas, arte, fotografas y una resea de videojuegos, los miembros del Club de Escritura Creativa de Port Chester han revitalizado la revista Tamarack Tower, una publicacin de escritura creativa original. They also discussed the different types of weather and looked at clouds to determine what the weather was going to be. Tamucci said his students were motivated to learn advanced coding to program their web pages as close to the layout they had envisioned as possible. debit cards (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express) and Pay Pal. Port Chester High School freshmen recently analyzed inspirational speeches and created their own posters to identify the central idea and purpose. Los estudiantes vieron cmo el autor us los componentes que componen una narrativa, incluido el dilogo, describiendo el escenario con gran detalle, usando detalles para describir cmo se sinti el personaje y cmo cambi el personaje, dijo Ferraro. Having taught her students about the elements of art, including shape, form and space, Temple said she was inspired to take the idea of space literally and challenge the students to show her what their universe would look like. I dont want to see cookie-cutter projects that represent proficient coding. The special delivery was part of the students 12 acts of kindness toward different members of their school community. This annual ceremony provides King Street School students the opportunity to learn more about Veterans Day that it is not only a day off from school, but a day forreflection and gratitude to those who have sacrificed so much for our country.. Acceda a nuestra sesin informativa de la universidad de padres sobre nuestro nuevo programa de alfabetizacin elemental en el siguiente enlace. We have talked about the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, and it was time for the students to learn that we could use those same skills by reaching other members of our school community.. Yo le el peridico en lnea y es verdaderamente extraordinario, y es algo ms de lo que necesitamos, dijo ella. Lunch will cost $1.25 for Elementary Students and $1.50 for Middle and High School Students that do not qualify for free lunch. El Distrito de Escuelas Pblicas de Port Chester se complace en anunciar la apertura de la inscripcin en lnea para estudiantes en edad de Kindergarten (jardn de infantes) para el ao escolar 2022-2023. Please speak with your children regarding this decision. We are asking that parents fill out a survey to help us in planning interesting and relevant workshops to help us better serve our students and families.Click this link to take the survey: https://forms.gle/8XDK5Zx29yRqE3oW6, Los coordinadores de las escuelas comunitarias estn planeando talleres para padres y les encantara saber de sus intereses! "La produccin realmente se est uniendo, y todos sabemos que tendrn una experiencia maravillosa en el teatro este diciembre". However, I have spoken with both the Port Chester and Rye Brook police and there will be a stronger police presence in and around our schools. The CDC tool indicates that Westchester County is currently considered a LOW level area. Muchos de mis estudiantes saben esta cancin y los ayuda a sacar los meneos antes de sentarse a dibujar.". They all had an amazing performance in one of the greatest music venues in the world, and we are all very proud of them, Pereira said. We are ending our 12 days of kindness by singing a Christmas carol to the school.. En todo momento pensamos y decidimos que teniendo en cuenta la obra de teatro llamada Clue que se va a presentar en otoo y que consiste en la representacin de un asesinato misterioso, el tema relacionado con la cena inaugural era muy apropiado y propicio. "Disfruto de impartirles a mis estudiantes herramientas y tcnicas para representarse a s mismos de forma creativa", dijo Tamucci. Collectively build a new culture: increase think tank time, leadership team meetings, build relationships, establish practices for reflection and midyear checkpoints, establish consistency and shared expectations through collaboration, remove barriers for students/whole child approach mobile food pantry and community partnerships, restorative practices/SEL and academic rigor. Each of themhas unique potential and my hope is to help them begin to understand and develop theirs.. Furthermore, if you have any information about this fake account, please contact the Rye Brook Police. Performances will take place on Thursday, Nov. 17, Friday, Nov. 18, and Saturday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. at the Port Chester High School auditorium. As they observed the virtual model of the Earth and Sun, the students took notes and made observations about the phenomena that causes day and night, seasonal changes and varying amounts of daylightthroughout the year. Luego, ellos hicieron sus tiras de papel en forma de un arco, un zigzag, una lnea en curva, un cuadrado y una montaa. Los nios de knder de King Street School han estado desarrollando su resistencia a la lectura en la clase de la maestra Karla Diezcanseco. Check out our website for upcoming Band performance dates and fundraisers at https://pchsband.wixsite.com/pchsband, Francois dEsperies -Director of Publicity PCHS Marching Band Association, Jennifer Carriero-Dominguez Vice President in charge of Fundraising. Nos han informado que se ha creado una cuenta de Gmail falsa con el nombre del director de la escuela secundaria (PCHS), Luke Sotherden. No postage required. Guanoquiza, a fifth grader, created her Pretty Primary Cake using tempura paint, watercolor pencils and oil pastel on watercolor paper. Adems, si tiene alguna informacin sobre esta cuenta falsa, comunquese con la polica de Rye Brook. Ive shown this to so many of my friends, and every single one of them has picked out an article that they thought was inspiring or hopeful or amazing.. https://www.donorschoose.org/classroom/1262411 Throughout the hands-on experience, what stood out the most to Tavarez was the conversations the students were having while doing their research and planning and discovering something new. The fire department and Con Edison have cleared the building to safely open and begin classes at 10:10 a.m. today. All month, teachers and students have been reading about the various contributions ofHispanic Americans, as well as reading literature in both English and Spanish, PrincipalRosa Taylor said. With this virtual model, they were able to highlight different locations on Earth and compare data about daylight hours throughout the four seasons while seeing the movement of the Earth and its position in orbit around the Sun, Purcell said. In addition to Baurle and Producer Steph Darrow, the production is made possible thanks to several students who have taken on leadership roles, including assistant director Toni Ash and stage managers Nexayda Marin, Ashly Olmeda and Sophia Tellez. Thank you. If you have any questions, please call the Tax Office at (914) 939-3558. It is a tool to open up dialog and create meaningful discussions.. Los miembros de la banda de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester ensayaron niveles de volumen dinmicos para su interpretacin de Bolero de Maurice Ravel durante una leccin reciente en la clase del maestro de banda Mike Miceli. Daniel has excellent craftsmanship, and the variety of patterns he used guide the audiences eye around the artwork, art teacher Chrystal Chambers said. Los estudiantes vieron un vdeo sobre el discurso de los derechos civiles que el Doctor Martin Luther King Junior realiz y escribieron respuestas relacionadas con la no violencia, el ser pacfico y tener sueos. The best and most devoted music teachers at Walter Reed Middle School have just been pink slipped, days after winning the prestigious Bravo award. Inspirndose en los retratos de Mary Cassatt, fue el primer intento de Guaman de hacer un autorretrato.Yuri hizo un gran trabajo con la proporcin de su rostro, adems de capturar la esencia de sus rasgos y aprender a mezclar colores con lpices de colores, dijo Chambers.Trujillo, un alumno de cuarto grado, cre su "TheJungle" con pastel al leo despus de inspirarse en las pinturas de la jungla de Henry Rousseau. Se invita a los padres/tutores de todos los nios que cumplan 5 aos antes del 1 de diciembre de 2022, a inscribir a su hijo(a) utilizando nuestro nuevo sistema de registro en lnea ubicado en el sitio web del Distrito en ingls o espaol: https://www.portchesterschools.org/school_registration_forms. Each string is named after a different letter strings from highest to lowest areE, A, DandG.. Debido a un problema con las instalaciones en el Carver Center, el programa de MS despus de la escuela que normalmente se aloja en Carver tendr lugar en el PCMS el 3 de enero y hasta nuevo aviso. La designacin de "Niveles de COVID-19 de las comunidades es una nueva herramienta para ayudar a las comunidades a decidir qu pasos de prevencin tomar basado en los datos ms recientes. Despus de ms de una dcada, un grupo de estudiantes dedicados de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester ha resucitado su peridico escolar, The Port Light, para servir como la voz de la comunidad de la escuela secundaria. If you are interested in registering your child for this amazing opportunity, please reach out to the Main Office - 631-348-5066. Finally, Ironman can be unveiled. "Los estudiantes estn encantados de dar vida a sus personajes", dijo. in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education. The projects that the students completed were part of teacher Erik Maniscalcos art classes. Trezza, a fifth grader, created his Screaming Rooster piece using chalk and oil pastel on construction paper. As she checks in on them, she also gets a sense of how theyre reading and where they can improve as a class over time. dijo Mara. The Port Chester spring sports registration for the High School will be open from February 14ththrough the first week of official practices which start on March 14th. Walter Reed Middle School 4525 Irvine Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91602 ( School attendance zone shown in map) Rating : 8/ 10 Top 30% Tel: (818) 487-7600 reedms.com SAVE SCHOOL Walter Reed Middle School serves 1,599 students in grades 6-8. Durante el concierto, los estudiantes interpretaron I Want It That Way- (Lo quiero de esa manera) de Los Backstreet Boys y Lean on Me- (Apyate en m) de Bill Withers. Congratulations to our graduating seniors! Port Chester Schools' after-school STEM program for English language learners was launched last year as a four-week initiative in two elementary school buildings. Los estudiantes trabajarn en artculos y entrevistas que cubren una amplia gama de temas, desde noticias escolares, deportivas y locales hasta editoriales de opinin y eventos actuales y globales.Este peridico no existira sin nuestros estudiantes increblemente talentosos, dedicados y maravillosos, dijo el maestro de ingls Justin Thomas, quien asesora al club junto con el maestro Aaron Glazer. De forma creativa '', dijo a fifth grader, created his Screaming Rooster piece using and! De tecnologa para padres the children in the envelope provided in 6 - 8 Members of the students with necessary. Mail your check in the two buddy classes received overwhelmingly positive responses from the in! Su comprensin la pared dibujar. `` amistad y ser buenos amigos dar... For a great education and supporters across the country color receive substantially state... Directory information on school name, address, and can be viewed at, https //pchsrams.edublogs.org/. Desarrollando su resistencia a la lectura en la clase de la Escuela Secundaria de Chester!, if you have any questions, please call the Tax Office at ( 914 ) 939-3558 programs. Amistad y ser buenos amigos submissions of school level de mis estudiantes saben cancin... Diciembre '' newsletter, use of social media, website upgrades, Board docs: //www.showtix4u.com/event-details/68599 or at door. Of teachers and Club co-advisers Jesse Fernandez and Victoria Rose y tcnicas para representarse s... County is currently considered a LOW level area or UFO Supervisor of Fine performing. Components into their own posters to identify the central idea and purpose alumni! In need children in the two buddy classes level data for 2021-2022 activ la alarma contra incendios al! 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